Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 413

The director reported by the female conductor was reporting to the immediate superior in the general manager\'s office. Suddenly, she was surprised by the feedback from her subordinates and immediately informed the general manager.

The general manager in charge of managing the amusement park, surnamed Yu and named Yu Zhengguang, was in his forties. He worked in Mo\'s group for more than 20 or 30 years and has been very conscientious. His achievements are not very fruitful, but there have been no major mistakes. Therefore, when preparing for the amusement Park, Mo Tianxing transferred him from the headquarters to serve as the general manager.

In recent years, Yu Zhengguang has managed the amusement park fairly well. Even if Mo Tianxing is particularly depressed and wants to be scolded, he has not found too much trouble for Zhengguang. It can be seen that Yu Zhengguang is not a great talent, and his ability to defend the city can not be underestimated.

Yu Guangzheng heard that the supreme VIP card appeared in the amusement park. In an instant, the whole person was like a great enemy. Others didn\'t know the context of the one and only one supreme VIP card. As the top management of the company, he couldn\'t know.

It was because he was too clear that he felt cold on his back. Especially after the security department reported the situation on the scene to him, he was like a great enemy in an instant

It has been five years since the opening of this large amusement park, but in addition to paying attention to the progress at the beginning of preparation and coming to cut the color in person on the day of official opening, Mr. Mo can say that he has basically not asked about the operation of the amusement park.

I didn\'t expect that Mr. Mo\'s character is either just asking without paying attention, or directly taking the matter seriously. There is no perfect person, no company that doesn\'t make mistakes at all, and no perfect manager.

Generally, when the company\'s senior management inspects the enterprise, they will inform the subsidiary in advance. All the travel arrangements of pick-up, reception, food, drink, housing and transportation will be arranged in advance, and there will be a special responsible department to take care of it. The president will never be alone, but will be followed by a big battle. No matter where he goes, someone will report to him in advance, which is like this moment, The big boss suddenly made a private visit in micro clothes. Surprise inspection is really terrible!

Especially after listening to the security captain\'s report on the situation at the ticket office, Yu Zhengguang was in a cold sweat, and the whole person was in a bad moment.

He didn\'t dare to stay for a moment. He trotted all the way to the direction of the accident with the director of the security department, and called several senior executives of the company to let them put down everything and hurry to him. The big boss came for a surprise inspection!

A supreme VIP card suddenly caused chaos in the amusement park, and the whole management was terrified for fear that the anger of the big boss would burn on themselves.

Mo Tianxing, the party who caused this mess, has no intention to deal with those subordinates at the moment. He came here today not to work, but to take his baby daughter to have a good time and enjoy the family of three. Hehe, unexpectedly, he encountered the bad worry of being cut in and threatened before the game officially began, The good mood was instantly affected by these messy people.

The two bodyguards dragged the disheartened bald man out of the crowd. The bodyguard captain a Wang and another brother in charge of Mo Tianxing\'s safety were always protecting the boss. Mo Tianxing paid and went out with the ticket in the curious and respectful eyes of the ticket selling beauty.

With bodyguards, the security guards of the amusement park did not dare to do anything about Mo Tianxing. What\'s more strange is that they suddenly received a call from their immediate boss, ordering them not to neglect the customer with the supreme VIP card.

VIP card?

It\'s said that the top management of the company gave it to a mysterious rich businessman five years ago, and it is said that that kind of card is the highest level VIP card. There is only one card in the whole amusement park, which enjoys great power. Even the employees of the company can be appointed and dismissed with this card. Ordinary employees and senior employees have to listen to his orders.

Wow, this power is not ordinary. Do you have it.

All the leaders gave orders directly. How dare they neglect the noble lord? Such a great noble Lord, they only had to offer him as a Bodhisattva.

The staff of the security department smiled, "Sir, you can tell us anything. I\'m very glad to be of service to you!"

Mo Tianxing didn\'t think these guys were in the way. He came here today to play with his daughter. If he didn\'t meet the upstart who cut in the queue, he wouldn\'t take out the supreme VIP card.

"Daddy has been gone for so long, and all the Tangtang ice cream has been eaten!" as soon as Mo Tianxing appeared, the little guy rushed over and pouted, a little unhappy.

In the past, no matter where to play, she was never allowed to wait so long. Today, daddy went to buy the ticket himself, but she waited much longer than the usual bodyguard uncles. Hum, she has a little temper.

"It could have been faster. Someone jumped in the queue and wasted some time." Mo Tianxing squatted down and explained to his little princess.

Tangtang didn\'t say anything. Tang Xinyi spoke first. She accidentally raised her eyebrows and teased him: "Oh, there are still people who dare to join your team. This is really the best anecdote in the world!"

A embarrassed expression flashed on the man\'s face, "I\'ve asked someone to repair a nouveau riche with no eyes."

Tang Xinyi shrugged, her face full of playful expressions, and lit a candle in her heart for the upstart who provoked the great president. Although Mo Tianxing is the president of one of the best groups in China, in fact, her heart is very small and not much bigger than the eye of a needle. The upstart doesn\'t know how thick Tian Gaodi dares to plug into his big president\'s team. I\'m sure he will fix it miserably.

Tang Tang is young and doesn\'t understand the complex things between adults. She only knows that her father has made her wait so long and is very unhappy. Her father has to compensate her, or she won\'t forgive her.

"Daddy, you have to ride the roller coaster with me, or I won\'t play with you!" the little guy pouted his small mouth to show that he was in a little mood.

Er... Mo Tianxing is not really interested in roller coasters, but his baby daughter asks that even if he doesn\'t want to touch that thing again, he can only obey his orders.

The man twitched his face and nodded hard.

Tang Xinyi saw that his face was suffering like constipation. She couldn\'t say it. She burst into laughter. Sure enough, one thing fell to one thing. She had no way to take Mo Tianxing, but the big devil had his own little devil to grind.

"Let\'s go, daddy will accompany you to make a roller coaster." Mo Tianxing squatted down and picked up the little guy. As he said, he walked to the roller coaster the little guy wanted to play.

This amusement park has the world\'s most complete and advanced amusement equipment. It is a super large amusement park integrating amusement, sightseeing, catering and accommodation. Countless tourists come here every day. It\'s crowded. It\'s 10 a.m. and the roller coaster is full of people.

If you line up in the normal order, you don\'t know what year you want to line up. This time, Mo Tianxing won\'t experience the fun of ordinary people on a whim. He took out the supreme VIP card and asked his personal bodyguard to arrange it.

Don\'t say he oppresses people with power. NIMA\'s sun is so big that he has been tortured once and doesn\'t want to experience it again.

Several security guards haven\'t left yet. They follow them not far away, sobbing... The leader told them to keep up with the supreme VIP, provide him with the most considerate service, and don\'t allow anyone to disturb the distinguished tourist.

Who pays the boss, of course, they only obey orders. However, the supreme VIP of others can\'t help them at all. When they are like air and don\'t even bother to give alms, they follow with such a thick skin. Is there any embarrassment.

"Ask quickly, where is that person?" Yu Zhengguang took the director of the security department to the ticket window. He didn\'t find the trace of President Mo, so he quickly asked the director of the security department to ask.

The director of the security department quickly picked up the walkie talkie, "Hey, Kobayashi and a Dong, where are you two? Where are you?"

Hang up the walkie talkie and they run to the roller coaster without stopping.

The bodyguards have quickly arranged everything. Mo Tianxing took his baby daughter to the front row of the roller coaster. The four bodyguards in charge of sugar safety also followed on the roller coaster. The remaining bodyguards protected Tang Xinyi on the ground.

To be honest, Tang Xinyi was not very interested in exciting games like roller coaster. Since the little guy was accompanied by her father, she was also happy and relaxed, so she didn\'t go up together.

"Mr. Mo, it\'s really Mr. Mo!" Yu Zhengguang took people to the roller coaster amusement area. At a glance, he saw Mo Tianxing who had already sat on the roller coaster and exclaimed excitedly.

At that time, the roller coaster had officially started, and Tangtang was very excited. President numo only had his own baby daughter in his heart. Where could he hear the cry of others? Yu Zhengguang was destined to have a hot face on his cold ass.

Yu Zhengguang looked at the chairman of the group in surprise. He took good care of the little girls around him. He was very different from the cold look when he was in the group. If he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t believe that his president would have such a gentle side in his life. It turned out that Mo always smiled and smiled so gently.