Rebirth of Abium

137 Chapter 137: The Blood Child

May 30, Easica year 10292, Poison town.

It was around 6 A.M. At the town square, there stood a total of seven figures. In front of them was an auburn-haired man who was around 30 years old. He was none other than Ulzez. He was constantly drawing a complex array circle, which almost covered half of the town. He wrote runic words in the thin air at an unimaginable speed while those words flew towards that array circle, which was above their head.

Meanwhile, including Headmaster Alius, the other six mages also stared at that circle in amazement. Except for them, there was not even a single soul stayed in that town. Just a few hours ago, mages had ordered everyone in the town to evacuate and warned the Kingdom's citizens not even to come near to that Poison Town.

But the mages' strange order also attracted multiple organizations' eyes, and now there were multiple numbers of spies hidden outside the town while monitoring what was happening in the town stealthily. There were even some spies from Holy See watched the mages and continuously recording everything.

Meanwhile, the Academic mages were beyond shocked when they stared at the large magic array that floated above the Town square.

''He is a Runemaster!'' Rune mage Ubius exclaimed in shock while Zivior also nodded his head in agreement. He could feel the power behind that complex array without even studying it.

''What about Ovia and Idus? Are they not coming?'' A silver-haired woman who was around 45 years old asked with a frown on her face. She wore a blue robe and holding a small magic staff in her hand. It had a pure blue crystal embedded in the top and gave a unique beauty.

''No, I asked them to guard the royal family,'' Alius said solemnly. He looks around 70 years old and had blonde hair, scarlet eyes, and a round face. His tone was filled with dominance. As she heard her teacher's words, she felt assured inside. Meanwhile, Cole stood with a frown on his face while glancing at the two black-robed mages.

He felt bringing these two first-tier mages were unnecessary to this battle. As he was about to ask them to hide somewhere before the enemy appears, he froze. Soon, his pupil constricted as he saw an elven figure walking towards their direction from the Poison town's entrance.

''Zivior! Why did you invite him to come here? Even Anne doesn't have the qualification to participate in the next battle.'' Cole said with dissatisfaction while glancing at the brown-haired girl who had a round face and brown eyes.

''Just watching the fight won't cost his life,'' Zivior said while shaking his head. How could he tell him that his new student had already surpassed Anne and was waiting for breaking through into the next tier? If he tells this news to Cole, he would definitely die from shock.

''Mage Abium, it's been a while!'' A pleasant voice came from his side, and soon he saw Lady Tabitha smiling at him.

''It's been a while, my lady.'' Abium politely smiled with a nod and quickly walked near to her.

''When are you going to Arcane Empire?'' She quickly turned her expression serious while startling him and asked slowly.

Abium got stunned and answered while glancing at his teacher.

"No idea, my lady. But I will go there within five years."

Tabitha's eyes brightened a bit and whispered to his ears.

''If you manage to enter Tower of Wheel's Dragon plane, get me a bottle of third-tier Ice dragon's blood. If you get Pseudo legendary tier dragon's blood, it will be more helpful.''

Abium almost choked as he heard her words and nodded helplessly.

''Hide somewhere. The battle is about to begin.'' Quickly, she informed him while sharpening her gaze towards the southern direction.

Abium, brown-haired Anne, and another blonde-haired male moved a few hundred meters away from the town square. Simultaneously, that blonde-haired male frowned a bit and then looked at Abium full of disgust. He had azure blue eyes, elongated eyebrows, a square face, and fair skin and had an arrogant look on his face.

''Slave!'' He muttered out a single word as he was glancing at him and walked ahead while leaving both stunned. He felt burning rage flashed in his eyes. But he quickly made a cold face and disappeared from there. He didn't want to stay along with that blonde-haired guy, so he quickly reappeared on the watchtower located 800 meters away from where Zivior and others stood.

Meanwhile, Anne got anxious and said with a worried tone.

''Mark, do you have to say that out loud to that elf?''

''I did say the truth, right? For us, nobles, these elves are just slaves. Although the elven kingdom has a few legendary powerhouses backing them, what can they do when humans have tens of legendary mages? Humph, he can act arrogantly in his kingdom, but here he had to act like a deaf if he wants to live peacefully.'' Mark said with full of malice.

As Anne heard his words, she became more disappointed and said helplessly.

''Except Holy See, no one had the guts to offend those nature freaks. Moreover, Arcane Empire won't even care about these silly things. Although other human empires and kingdoms are acting toughly, do they really have the power to go against the Elven kingdom? Don't even think about capturing that elf if you want to seek pleasure in torture. I heard from my teacher Idus that his teacher Zivior took extra care of him. Moreover, he even erased all the records about this elf before even my teacher finds it.''

''Maybe. He must be some runaway slave.'' Mark ridiculed and didn't even put that elf as an equal in his mind. He was a noble, and he had brought many slaves like this elf and even used them as his toys.

Both moved away to a safe distance and quickly shifted their attention towards the town square.

Now, there were only six figures stood with a motionless expression on their face.

''Zivior, Tabitha, Ubius, and Cole, help us to take care of that Blood child's pet,'' Alius said solemnly and nodded at Ulzez, who had already finished constructing the large complex magic array circle above them. That red colored complex array was almost a 100-meter radius and seemed to be circling slowly.

''Hide,'' Ulzez muttered in an abyssal language, and the following instant, that complex array circle shrunken into a palm-size and imprinted under his foot.

''Everything is good.'' After checking the surroundings, Ulzez said with a bright smile. After that, everyone moved to their positions while Ulzez stood at the town square patiently. Time flew slowly, and soon everyone got anxious as they didn't saw any enemy appearance. Even after their two hours of waiting, they didn't find a single soul entering that Poison town.

By the time they were almost about to shout in frustration, Abium had noticed that a strange shadow was moving towards the Poison Town from the eastern direction. With his sharpened vision, he soon noticed a three-meter tall silver wolf with black dots all over its body moving towards their direction at a fast speed.

Academic mages also noticed this and quickly prepared for the upcoming battle.

Suddenly, Abium saw the daylight starting to fade and replaced with scarlet color everywhere. Abium became startled as he felt some mystical power trying even to control his blood. But soon, he breathed out a sigh of relief as he noticed he could resist this power using his own spirit. Soon, he sensed a strange evil sensation from above and almost got petrified. There, he saw a strange crimson moon appeared up above in the sky. It was like doomsday and almost gave him a creepy feeling.

Meanwhile, other mages, including Abium's teacher Zivior also noticed these changes and felt pressured by the enemy. Even Alius was sweating all over and gripping his hand tightly. The only one who stood composed was Ulzez.

''She is using her domain power to eliminate the weak-willed person first. It will end soon.'' He said casually and quickly grinned widely as he saw the silver wolf moving towards the square leisurely.

Soon, a small black hooded figure descended from that wolf's nape like a feather and slowly landed on the ground while removing her hood.

A bluish skin child around 5 years old appeared a hundred meters away from the academic mages. She had deep blue eyes, a pale face, and long scarlet hair.

''Akina, you shouldn't have come here to look for me.'' Ulzez suddenly spoke with a regretful tone in the Abyssal language.

''You are too stubborn to give up one of your heart, Ulzez.'' A pleasant voice came from that child's mouth, and soon she snapped her finger. The next instant, that silver wolf began to move towards Ulzez at an unimaginable speed. But before it could reach fifty-meter, Tabitha's blue gem embedded wand shone brightly, and a moment later, a small bolt of blue lightning came out and stuck on that wolf's forehead while paralyzing it completely.

A second later, Rune mage Ubius, Zivior, and Cole teleported near to the Silver wolf, and at the same time, Rune Mage Ubius took out a blue scroll. He didn't dare to delay a second and tore it while tossing a thumb-sized space elemental crystal to the rune circle, which emerged from the blue scroll.

The next instant, their surrounding space began to twist like it was tearing down the whole domain and completely covered everyone.

At the same time, Blood child Akina's deep blue eyes began to constrict, and she conjured three blood-red spears. Following that, she aimed at all three of their hearts and was about to release it but suddenly froze.

''You are too late to save your pet, dear.'' Ulzez's mocking tone resounded, and then he stumped his foot harder. Then the following instant, the shrunken runic circle activated and expanded instantly while covering the whole town. After that, a large blue crystal around the human head appeared at its center, and instantly that enormous, complex runic circle activated.


Abium, who stood almost 800 meters away, felt an immeasurable amount of spatial energy coming out from that human head-sized crystal and formed into a hundred meter large transparent blade-like structure.

'its size is almost the same as that Light crystal in my ring!' Abium was shocked as he saw that crystal and began to observe the battle.

In that instant, a trace of panic and anxiety could be seen on that Blood child's face.

Then, that blade-like structure tore through the normal space while leaving ripples behind and instantly flew towards that crimson blood moon. It all happened in a blink, which gave that Blood child no chance to stop that blade.

It was a legendary tier spell, Dimensional Cutter!

The next instant, that crimson moon got sliced into two by something invisible, and soon the whole world returned to normal. But the strange thing was, nobody, including that blood child, noticed when Ubius, Zivior, and Cole disappeared along with that silver wolf.

''Nin!'' Blood child frowned with an angry face on her face and soon turned into a rage!

Then, she snapped her fingers, and quickly she floated in the air with a cold face. Opposing the Blood Child, Alius and Uzlez stood silently while studying her every movement. Meanwhile, Tabitha had already backed away more than 500 meters after she used her lightning spell on that silver wolf and watched both of them anxiously. She had used most of her mana in that single attack, so she knew she would only be baggage to them.

At the same time, a small paper appeared in front of that blood child. It was yellow in color and had a few drops of dried blood painted on it. But a black creepy eye at the center of that paper gave more invisible pressure to the others. It looked so real, and it was even blinking from time to time, which made everyone shiver a little.

''Let the pain and blood descend to this world.'' She said casually and pressed her forefinger towards the eye. The next instant, everyone felt unbearable pain.

''This is a chaos spell; if you accept the pain, you will become my slave for eternity and become by blood. But if you resist, your pain will increase continuously and until your mind becomes completely broke.'' Blood child said with a chilling tone.

Alius and Ulzez instantly attacked without any hesitation. Both knew every second was precious after they felt pain starting to appear in their body.

Alius lifted his finger with a pained expression on his face as if he was using his own life to cast the next spell and pointed it towards that blood child. At the same time, Ulzez also clapped his hand and muttered in a cold tone.

''Eternal prison!''

The next instant, a black ball flew from Ulzez's hand and instantly enveloped that blood child. But what was most surprising was, she didn't even glance about his prison spell and locked her both eyes on Alius's finger. She could feel a threatening power coming from his finger and quickly took out another strange paper, then placed it on her forehead without hesitation.

The next instant, a ray of darkness, which contains the power of pure darkness law power, appeared from Alius's finger and directly hit on Blood child's forehead.

The next instant, the darkness ray instantly destroyed her head life watermelon and leaving a headless body floating in the air.

A smile appeared on Alius's face as he saw his trump card worked perfectly and slowly lowered his finger. He had used most of his mana in that single spell to kill this blood child and felt relieved as he saw his attack easily killed that child.

''Something's not right!'' As Alius was about to relax his guard, Ulzez spoke solemnly.

Before his voice ended, that Blood child's head starting grow again, and soon she stood with a pale face.