Rebirth of Abium

13 Chapter 13: stone pillar

Abium headed towards the east stealthily for a whole day without even resting and finally reached the borderlands.

On his way, he avoided many monsters utilizing scan function, and by some luck, he didn't encounter any intermediate or high tier monsters.

Borderlands! Abium read in some books that there was some mystical force created these borderlands. It separated the mainland from the forgotten lands and made it difficult for two areas to communicate. One wouldn't be able to walk into this land by using any reasonable means.

A desert-like land spread approximately 3 kilometers between the mainland and forgotten lands.

These borderlands continued all the surrounding of the forgotten lands and separated forgotten lands from the mainland.

In the heart of these borderlands stood a large upright stone pillar. There exist only three stone pillars across the border of the Peral kingdom.

This land resembled more like a desert, and if you walk in there without any prior knowledge, then you would sink into this land.

In the past life, Abium and several other warriors came to this land without any knowledge. And those who advanced were all devoured by this land.

Therefore all of them gave up without any other choice. Following years of trials and errors, a reckless guy courageously went ahead; then suddenly, he jumped directly into the land.

To their amazement, he didn't sink inside the sand. Instead, he stood there grinning.

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Only then everyone noticed the shadow of that stone pillar below his feet. But, on his way towards the stone pillar, he missed a step. And fell outside of that shadow and devoured by that sand.

Following many experiments using slaves, they got the result that if one wants to move towards the opposite side, they need to walk in the shadow of that stone pillar.

Furthermore, only a single person could cross through the shadow at a time, and when he entered there, ho won't be able to use any mana.

'Mages might know the secrets about this land.' Abium suddenly thought of the possibility. In the past, he rarely met some mages during large missions, so he shrugged his shoulder.

If Abium had to go from the forgotten land to the mainland, he must follow the shadow to reach the pillar. And again, walk to the other side the next morning.

So, he thought first he should remain to wait outside the borderlands till morning for the sun to appear.

In this land, no one could be able to feel magic, and couldn't be able to use magic or qi.

Only races like humans, elves, dwarfs, dryads, fairies, etc. able to pass through this land.

Monsters, demons, devils, and other lifeforms from different planes wouldn't be able to walk inside this land.

Even if they entered this land, their magic stone, which was their heart core, would be disintegrated into pieces. Because of this, monsters won't appear near these borderlands.

Abium followed that land and finally discovered the stone tower.

Besides, he didn't know who built that secret tunnel, which he used to pass thought the forgotten lands. But Abium figured it should be at least remarkably high-level mage.

'Maybe some god?' A thought crossed inside his mind, and a sudden chill went up to his spines. He soon shook that thought and continued.

Once Abium reached the nearby area, he sighed in relief. He didn't plan on jumping directly.

He had to make some preparation beforehand.

Shortly after the nightfall, Abium glanced at his surroundings and began looking for any wild animals. Following 2 hours of search, he finally able to hunt two wild hares.

He made a small campfire and roasted those two hares. Though he didn't own any seasonings, he felt better than those dried bread.

After Abium had dinner, he took that leftover hare and stored it inside his spatial ring.

Although he could store many things inside his ring, however, if it were fruits or meats, then it would be ruined soon.

He could only store grains and water in massive amounts.

Later he made some traps nearby his surroundings and remained there waiting the whole night.

Stars filled the sky like pale corn into freshly turned ground. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold.

It was a vastness to bring humbleness and an eternal space to bring gratitude for the coziness of home. No matter the years that passed, Abium saw each night sky as a new gift given over.

It was the moment anyone that knew him would see his eyes smile, and his breathing deepens just a little.

When the time was around 4 A.M, Abium began to pick up some edible berries nearby; then, he made a backpack to carry using nearby plant vines.

Once he finished everything, he placed the hare meat, including berries, into that bag. In that land, he won't be able to use mana, so he can't open up the spatial ring.

Also, he took the runic language book and put it in that bag.

Once the darkness started to fade, the light began to appear. After some time, the sun began to rose.

The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its petals unto the world. Amid the dancing, raindrops were the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine.

He gazed toward the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow.

As the morning progresses, the stone pillar's shadow stretches towards the western direction until it reached less than a few centimeters beneath his feet.

Once he noticed the shadow without delay, Abium jumped toward the shadow then started running.

He reached the center stone pillar within a few minutes. Compared with another side, if one needed to cross from forgotten lands to the mainland, it was much more comfortable to cross from forgotten lands.

Once he entered the shadow, he had all the time to cross without any worries.

Abium soon arrived at the stone pillar, and he saw an entrance and a room which connected the other side of the gate.

The gate was open on one side, yet it was so wide anything could pass. Abium let his hand touch the ambient metal, no longer hot from the day nor cold from the soothing effect of the morning air.

It was as if it could vanish as if the atoms themselves could choose to be free, to be something new.

He opened the gate and went inside the room. Soon he found a comfortable place, then unfolded the runic language book and began to read the basics of rune languages.

Rune language was used to build spell models in mind, and additional also used to create a magic array.

For instance, in all magic artifacts, it holds many magic arrays. And once someone applied the required amount of mana, it would produce effective magic spells.

Rune language also had a total of 20000 alphabets!

If Abium wants to create a magic item that produces Orb of fire or any other magic, then he had to build a primary creation array structure.

Then he needs to inscribe runic spell model in that array individually. Once scribbled down, he had to create another two different arrays outside that main spell array, which includes mana manipulation array and mana control array.

These two arrays were the basic array applied for every magic item. Without them, if someone sends mana into that array, then the array would break. The number of arrays one had to create depends on the tier.

After he discovered how important to study the runic language was, he was shocked. He then used his extra time to read utilizing Eidetic memory.

Inside that borderland, he could use Eidetic memory without a problem because it only used a small amount of spirit power.