Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6002: : Victory is for a reason


From the offensive methods displayed by the Jin emperor, what can be seen is how much damage the Jin army soldiers will bring to the enemy after they appear on the battlefield.

In how many wars, it is precisely because of the bravery and skillfulness of the Jin army’s soldiers and the damage that the Jin army will bring to the enemy when the Jin army appears on the battlefield, which makes the Jin army have proud achievements on the battlefield, and even more so. Let the Jin army soldiers attack more fiercely, this kind of war situation, the Jin army soldiers to make greater achievements in the Guishuang battlefield is obviously helpful.

In fact, in such a confrontation, it is very difficult to win the confrontation. If such a confrontation is going on, the methods of one\'s own soldiers cannot be effectively used, and it cannot be achieved in the subsequent battlefield. If you do, the situation will inevitably become more complicated.

Why is the offensive of the Jin army always so fierce? This is exquisite. If the achievements of military officers and soldiers cannot be greater in such a war environment, they will encounter even more in subsequent wars. Dangerous situation.

The achievements of the generals of the Jin army are amazing. What they will show on the battlefield is a side that shocks the enemy. When the Jin army’s combat methods are more developed, it will bring the enemy to the battlefield. What comes is continuous damage, and it will make the enemy feel the fierceness of the Jin army from it, so that the enemy cannot have more confidence when facing the Jin army\'s offensive. This is the most important thing.

When the Jin army appeared in a war, there was a reason why it was always able to drew a lot of shock from the enemy, and that it was always able to make the enemy suffer more losses in such a war environment.

The Jin army is known for its strong strength. When the Jin army’s offensive is launched, it is not easily blocked by ordinary enemy forces. What the Jin army will show on the battlefield is the strength that shocks the enemy. It is a means to make the enemy unstoppable.

With sustained war victories, this is of great help to the Jin army’s subsequent operations, allowing the Jin army to have outstanding achievements on the subsequent battlefields, and it can make the Jin army’s combat methods more effective. , When the enemy is facing, there will definitely be many feelings.

Want to win the battle against the Jin army, the situation is far from being as simple as imagined, because just when the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, it will cause great harm to the enemy army. Yes, in the face of war, if there is no greater achievement, it will make the future situation even more dangerous.

The emperor of Jin led the army of lieutenant soldiers to appear in such a war. Only the threats brought about by the war would cause the enemy to have many dangers when dealing with them. The war methods shown by Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield There is also a big problem, so Guishuang will inevitably suffer more troubles when dealing with the offensive of the Jin army.

When dealing with troubles in war, what means should be available is also crucial.

Soldiers Guishuang experienced defeat in the war and were afraid of the progress of the war. They could not make greater breakthroughs in such a war environment. With the powerful strength of the Jin army, if they could not be There are greater accomplishments on the battlefield, and if you can\'t make greater achievements in such a war environment, it will definitely make subsequent confrontations even more dangerous.

With the powerful strength of the Jin army, after they appear on the battlefield, they will bring a lot of shock to the enemy, will bring greater excitement to the enemy, and let the enemy realize that The cruel situation, if it is said that there is no achievement in such a dangerous war situation, the generals of the Jin army will not let it go.

The Jin army’s fierce attack on the battlefield has achieved greater results.

Even though Ye Khan had a lot of emotion in the face of the defeat of the war, in the current war situation, what Ye Khan had to deal with was the subsequent offensive launched by the Jin army. If he faced the crazy offensive after the Jin army, If there is a problem with the displayed response method, what a dangerous situation will appear.

Ye Khan was afraid of the fierce attack of the Jin army. From the attack of the Jin army, he saw the fierceness of the Jin army and the invincibility of the Jin army. Any army appeared. On the opposite side of the Jin army, there is no guarantee that one\'s side will be able to win the confrontation. The main reason is that the offensive from the Jin army is too crazy and powerful.

In the face of such a Jin army, the pressure on Ye Khan and Guishuang soldiers can be imagined. They don\'t want to appear on the opposite side of the Jin army, but you can see from the progress of the war, when the confrontation comes. , They had to step forward as a member of Guishuang soldiers.

The failure of the war at Anguanya made Guishuang’s soldiers inevitably encounter more dangerous situations when dealing with subsequent wars. When dealing with these dangerous situations, what means should be the most critical. What kind of display of the combat strength of one\'s own soldiers is the key, which requires more consideration.

If in the course of the war, the combat effectiveness of your own soldiers cannot be displayed well and cannot do more in such a war, they will bear more threats on the battlefield afterwards, and they will be in the future. What we saw in the war was the cruelty of the situation.

Regardless of how the strength of one\'s soldiers and soldiers is displayed in the course of the confrontation, the most important thing is to make the attack of one\'s soldiers more effective and make them have greater achievements on the battlefield in the future.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom showed no weakness when he commanded a confrontation between soldiers and soldiers, and it was able to bring a lot of shock to the enemy under such a war environment.

The emperor of Jin experienced many wars, which provided more convenience for the actions of the Jin soldiers on the battlefield. If the Jin Emperor commanded the lieutenant soldiers to fight, it often required more caution. Yes, because when the war begins, any dangerous situation is likely to happen.

When enduring the war, the most important thing is to better demonstrate the means of one\'s soldiers and make the attack of one\'s soldiers more effective. If in a continuous war, not only can there be no greater achievements, but it is If you suffer more losses in the war, what kind of threats will you endure on the battlefield afterwards.

The Emperor of Jin, in the course of combat, will show the strength that shocks the enemy, and what the enemy understands is the cruelty of the situation.

With so many war victories, the Jin army has incomparable means to deal with the subsequent war situation in Guishuang, and even Guishuang\'s soldiers can see the tension of the situation.

Dealing with the war of the Jin army itself is not as simple as imagined, especially when the Jin army\'s fierce combat methods are better demonstrated on the battlefield, what the Jin army will show is the strength that shocks the enemy. , It will make the enemy more deeply aware of the so-called powerful strength, how difficult it will be to occupy a greater advantage in front of the Jin army.

On a battlefield with a complicated situation, if there is a problem with the means available to deal with a dangerous situation, you will feel the tension of the war situation on the subsequent battlefield, and you will see it in the subsequent war. It is the influence that the fierce offensive of the Jin army will bring.

In the war at this time, the fierceness of the soldiers of the Jin army was incomparable to that of the soldiers of Guishuang, which provided more convenient conditions for the subsequent offensive of the Jin army.

On the battlefield, the attacking side can occupy more initiative, but in the process of attacking the enemy\'s city, the price paid by the lieutenant soldiers is not small. After all, the enemy has a solid city as its backing.

But this situation is not applicable to the Jin army, because the offensive from the Jin army is crazy, and the damage that the Jin army’s offensive means will bring to the enemy is obvious. During the war, there are greater achievements, and if the war methods of one\'s soldiers cannot be used more effectively, the subsequent confrontation situation will be even more cruel.

On the battlefield at this time, the Jin army, which has won many wars, will bring greater impact to the enemy. This is what the Jin army has always insisted on on the battlefield. After the victory, if the enemy can\'t cause more damage in the war, and can\'t let the enemy see the powerful strength of the Jin army in such a war, there is no more meaning for the Jin army to appear on the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Jin army are pursuing continuous victory in the confrontation, and they are pursuing greater deeds in the confrontation. If there is a problem with the combat methods shown by the generals on such a battlefield, they want to make the subsequent confrontation. It must be difficult to proceed more smoothly.

Military lieutenants appear on the battlefield, and want to deal with the dangerous situation in the confrontation. It is often not as easy as imagined, because on the battlefield, what kind of dangerous situation is likely to appear, if you are on the battlefield. If there is a problem with the methods displayed by the soldiers, there will be many dangers in order to make the subsequent war proceed more smoothly.

Looking at the achievements of the Jin army’s soldiers in the war, you will find that the victory of the Jin army in the war is based on its solid strength. It is simply impossible for a lieutenant general to achieve greater success in the battle.

The victory of the Jin army was for a reason. If it weren\'t for the Jin army to open the situation quickly on the battlefield, it would be very difficult for the Jin army to have its current glory.

On the battlefield with complicated situation, if the war methods of your own soldiers cannot be successfully used, there will be more dangers on the battlefield afterwards, and more tension will be faced on the battlefield afterwards. situation.

The battlefield tests the strength of lieutenants and soldiers. If there is a problem with the methods of lieutenants and soldiers in the face of war, such an army will not be able to achieve greater success on the battlefield. Possible thing.

Guishuang soldiers could not win when facing the Jin army. It cannot be said that Guishuang soldiers were not crazy enough in the face of war. It was because of their fighting style that the difference between the Jin army and the Jin army was obvious. On the battlefield, if the difference between the two sides\' fighting methods is more obvious, it will lead to the defeat of the weaker side on the battlefield.

And Guishuang’s defeat in this war will make Guishuang’s situation even more tense, and it will let Guishuang’s high-level officials see what impact the offensive from the Jin army will bring.

Perhaps Guishuang’s soldiers wanted to achieve something in this kind of war, but from the specific situation of the confrontation, what can be seen is the gap in the strength of Guishuang’s soldiers, and it is even more so that Guishuang’s soldiers cannot be in this way. There are even greater breakthroughs in the war environment.

War requires very high requirements on the strength of lieutenants and soldiers. If in such a war situation, it is impossible to make greater achievements and cannot make the achievements of your own soldiers more will allow How has the situation changed since then.

The strong strength of the soldiers of the Jin army has been well tested in the war. They are the fiercest existence on the battlefield. As long as the war continues, they will let the enemy feel the situation in the war. It is complicated. What the enemy can see from it is the ferocity of the offensive from the Jin army.

No matter what tense situation one should face in a war, it is the most critical in itself to make one\'s own soldiers more powerful and make their own soldiers\' offensive more effective.

The Jin army crossed the battlefield and achieved many victories. It was based on its strong strength. Why did General Guishuang always have a lot of panic when dealing with the offensive of the Jin army? There is no hope of victory in the war in China. Even if they have more persistence on the battlefield, there is no more meaning at all.

If an army appears on the battlefield and cannot achieve greater victory, on the contrary, it will suffer a lot of losses on the battlefield. Such a price is cruel to the lieutenant soldiers.

Soldier Guishuang’s experience was tragic, but on such a battlefield, there was no sympathy. If he could not deal with the dangerous situation on the battlefield, he would have to pay a heavier price in the war.

If the soldiers of the Jin army appeared on the battlefield of Guishuang, without the achievements of today, the subsequent offensive of the Jin army would be difficult to unfold smoothly. This is also a situation that often occurs on the battlefield. The soldiers\' offensives are more effective, and only then can they have greater achievements in the subsequent wars, and only then can the subsequent war situation develop in its favor.

(End of this chapter)

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