Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 658: Brother Nan, do you want me to sleep on the sofa?

Chapter 658 Brother Nan, do you want me to sleep on the sofa?

"Brother Nan, she sleeps on her side, so where do I sleep?" Cheng Xining looked disgusted, "I don\'t like to sleep in the same bed with others, you know, I have been sleeping by myself since I can remember."

Shen Mianmian also looked at He Nan when he heard the words, waiting for him to speak to let her go back.

To be honest, she really doesn\'t want to sleep in the same room with Cheng Xining!

He Nan glanced at Cheng Xining with a cold face, and then in the eyes of the two, he hugged a quilt from his side and threw it on the sofa.

"..." Cheng Xining was about to cry, "Brother Nan, do you want me to sleep on the sofa?"

"Go to the hotel if you don\'t want to." In He Nan\'s tone, there was no room for negotiation.

Shen Mianmian: "..." Isn\'t this not good?

She suddenly wondered if Cheng Xining was Brother He\'s Bai Yueguang.

Seeing that she was still standing at the door, He Nan frowned, "Aren\'t you sleepy?"


Shen Mianmian answered one word neatly, and immediately ran to the bathroom to clean up. When he came out, Cheng Xining kept his eyes on her, wishing to poke a hole in her.

Although she did everything possible not to become Cheng Xining\'s thorn in the side, with He Nan\'s help, she still succeeded and failed.

She went back to the room helplessly. Just as she was about to close the door, she was stopped by Cheng Xining. Shen Mianmian showed a very far-fetched smile, "Miss Cheng, is there anything else?"

"Go in and talk." Cheng Xining squeezed into the room, sat on the bed, stared at Shen Mianmian and asked, "What is the relationship between you and Brother Nan, and why is he so kind to you?"

If at this stage, you still haven\'t seen that Brother Nan treats Shen Mianmian differently, then you are really stupid.

She and Brother Nan have known each other since childhood, but Brother Nan didn\'t say anything to her. Every time he had a cold face, but Brother Nan\'s attitude towards others was even worse, which made her always feel that she was actually with others. is different.

But judging from the situation today, Nan Ge is different from Shen Mianmian.

"I\'ve said it before." Shen Mianmian was a little bit overwhelmed, but she explained patiently, "Miss Cheng, Brother He and I really have nothing to do. I\'m still a minor. If you don\'t believe me, you should also believe in Brother He. !"

The phrase "underage" went to Cheng Xining\'s heart. Looking around the room, she felt uncomfortable again. Why should this girl be treated better than her?

"Go and tell Brother Nan, I will sleep in this room at night, and you will sleep on the sofa."

"I don\'t dare." Shen Mianmian shook her head decisively, she was not afraid of Big Brother He now, but that was when Big Brother He didn\'t lose his temper.

"You..." Cheng Xining stared at her, seeing that she was not afraid, so he made another concession, "then I will sleep here with you at night, you go and bring the quilt in, we will sleep on a quilt alone at night, you cover the outside bed quilt."

The quilt in the house was obviously new, and the one outside was old, so she didn\'t want to cover the old quilt.

"Don\'t you like to build a quilt with others?" This Miss Cheng changed her face so quickly.

"I\'m willing now." Sleeping on a bed is better than sleeping on a sofa, and she\'s not stupid.

"All right!"

Shen Mianmian reluctantly agreed, and was about to go out when He Nan\'s voice came from outside the door.

"Cheng Xining, come out."

Hearing the sound, Cheng Xining immediately opened the door and walked out. She said aggrievedly: "Brother Nan, I\'m willing to sleep with her, at night I..."

He Nan interrupted her in a deep voice, "Take your things and go out with me."

(end of this chapter)