Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 463: mother in law 4

Chapter 463 Mother-in-law comes to the door 4

Li Shiping hugged the child and coaxed her for a while, and when the child stopped crying, she explained, "She usually uses a feeding bottle, and has never drank directly from the bowl."

Pan Huiyun pouted, "What kind of baby bottle do you use? I\'ve never used a baby bottle before with my baby, so she looks squeamish."

Well aware of her mother-in-law\'s temper, Li Shiping didn\'t answer. She hugged the child, walked to the table, picked up the bottle, and was about to test the water temperature when Pan Huiyun said, "Don\'t try it, it\'s just cold water from the tap. Don\'t burn your mouth."

Hearing this, Li Shiping reprimanded softly, "Mom, how can you give her raw water?"

"What\'s wrong with drinking raw water?" Pan Huiyun was unhappy, "Dongcheng grew up drinking raw water when he was a child. Isn\'t he growing well and smart?"

Who did not grow up drinking raw water?

The city people are pretentious, they are not allowed to drink, this is not allowed to drink, it is wrong.

"This is a child, she will have diarrhea if she can\'t drink raw water." Li Shiping explained.

"What?" Pan Huiyun looked contemptuous and raised his voice a bit, "Is she more expensive than others?"

Born a loser, I don\'t know what the baby is.

"What\'s wrong?" Hearing the movement, Wang Dongcheng walked out of the room.

"Dongcheng, you take me downstairs. I want to go back. I\'m not staying with you anymore. I don\'t know anything, and I\'m not suitable to stay with you." Pan Huiyun changed his appearance and became particularly aggrieved. , "I kindly gave water to the child, but your wife still disliked me using a bowl to drink water for the child, and said that I gave the child raw water to drink. You said, when you were young, you didn\'t drink raw water every day? I didn\'t see anything. Ah!"

said, Pan Huiyun cried aggrieved.

Wang Dongcheng\'s face turned gloomy, "Mom finally came here once, what are you arguing with her?"

He felt that Li Shiping was just like the Li family, despising country people and despising his mother.

"I..." Li Shiping couldn\'t tell her bitterness. She didn\'t dislike her mother-in-law, and she didn\'t say anything just now. It was just that it was really bad for the child to drink raw water, but seeing that her husband was so protective of her mother-in-law, she still chose to be patient.

Not long after returning from her parents’ home, if they go again, they will definitely guess something.

According to the temper of the younger brother, he will definitely come to trouble the husband. By then, the relationship between the husband and the family will become even more rigid.

Seeing his son defending himself, Pan Huiyun was in a good mood, and he didn\'t make a fuss to leave. He dragged Wang Dongcheng to sit on the sofa and chatted about some parents\' troubles. Wang Dongcheng listened very seriously.

Li Shiping boiled a pot of hot water to feed the child.

Not long after drinking the water, the child fell asleep. She tidied up the bed and put the child on the bed to sleep. As soon as she came out of the house, she heard her mother-in-law asking her husband for money.

"Dongcheng, your third cousin is going to marry a daughter-in-law during the Chinese New Year. They want a dowry gift of 100 yuan and a bicycle. Your uncle is worried every day and can\'t sleep. Thinking of you having a better life in the city, he asked us to borrow it. Money, the little money your dad and I have earned over the years will be used for your schooling, and the money you gave to your family before is also used to pay off debts, how can you lend him money?"

said, Pan Huiyun sighed, "Everyone thinks you are the leader in the city, you say if we refuse! When you go back to the village, it will be very embarrassing! So your father and I agreed to come down."

100 yuan, Pan Huiyun thought it was a lot of money in the past, but now she thinks it is nothing to her son.

A piece of clothing for a daughter-in-law is more than this money.

(end of this chapter)