Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 405: I'll take her to town in the afternoon

Chapter 405 I will pick her up in the city in the afternoon

"How do I know?" Zhou Lanfang gritted his teeth and said, "I thought you gave it to her, or else I wouldn\'t make trouble with you."

Now it seems that the husband really doesn\'t know about money.

After thinking about it for a while, she slanted again: "Maybe this money was earned by her selling skin and meat."

Shen Jianhua felt that Zhou Lanfang\'s words were too ugly, so he glared directly.

Zhou Lanfang also noticed that she had said something wrong, and quickly pointed to the door and the axe on the ground, changing the subject, "Look, she hacked the door with the axe, and she wanted to hack me to death. I was afraid at the time. She was dizzy, so she lay on the door panel and listened to the movement, and as a result, she slashed over with an axe, and almost made my head bloom. How can this be an adopted daughter? This is a life debt. "

Looking at the door panels with axe marks everywhere, Shen Jianhua\'s face was ugly.

In his opinion, children should obey their parents, and it is not impossible to be a little rebellious occasionally, but if it rises to tearing down the house, it is too much.

Is he too used to her?

When he thought about the money she took away, he couldn\'t wait any longer.

"Come on, let\'s go to school to find her."

"What are you panicking about?" Zhou Lanfang was tired after tossing all morning, and she was not in a hurry. "She is taking an exam, but she didn\'t come out so soon. Let\'s tidy up the house first, have lunch, and wait for her at the door."

Husband is on her side, still worried that he can\'t clean up this little wild bastard?

Zhou Lanfang suddenly felt that this slap was quite worth it.

He Nan sent the tea to Zhao\'s house. Zhao Xianlai hadn\'t returned yet. Li Chunhua told He Nan about the fight with Zhou Lanfang, and finally said with some worry.

"Mianmian is having such a quarrel with his family now, how will he live at home from now on?"

In the past, Shen Jianhua would at least maintain Mianmian on the surface, but from today\'s situation, Shen Jianhua must have intervened in this matter, a little girl, in such a family, life is too difficult.

"The Shen family can\'t stay anymore. I\'ll take her to live in the city in the afternoon." He Nan pursed his lips and took it lightly. He didn\'t think there was anything wrong with doing this.

"What?" Li Chunhua was slightly startled, "I\'m afraid the Jianhua couple won\'t agree?"

He Nan is very nice to Mianmian, but usually buy her food and clothes, or even give her some money.

She and her husband knew He Nan\'s person and would not think too much, but it was inevitable that others would not think too much.

After all, the two have no relatives and no reason, and Mianmian\'s parents are still alive. Although they are not biological, they are also adoptive parents.

He Nan frowned slightly, "She\'s sixteen and has autonomy." With such a thing happening, she couldn\'t live in the Shen family at all, and she wouldn\'t be willing to continue living in the Shen family.


Seeing He Nan\'s resolute attitude, Li Chunhua couldn\'t say anything else. She thought to herself, when her husband comes back, I\'ll talk to him about this matter. Her husband is more thoughtful than she thinks.

After thinking about it, she couldn\'t help but ask, "Did you give the money that Mianmian took away today?"

She thought about it for a long time, and felt that this was the most likely possibility. The money belonged to He Nan. She had no problem with who he wanted to give it to. She just felt that Mianmian was still a little girl, and holding so much money was not a good thing.

When they come back today, the Shen family will definitely take the money out of the way.

"She earns her own small business. Although she is young, she has a smart mind and a business acumen." Speaking of Shen Mianmian\'s business, He Nan\'s expression softened.

Li Chunhua is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, and he has seen the money jar held by Shen Mianmian, so as not to think about it, he did not hide it from her.

(end of this chapter)