Rebirth 2003

Chapter 22

Lu Yang knows exactly what he stands for.

Write a novel!

Lu Yang knows very well that if he abandons his novel career in order to pick up girls, even if he can get together with Cao Xue for a while, he can\'t be with Cao Xue forever. Sooner or later, he will be abandoned for various reasons, just like Feng Tingting abandoned him before his rebirth.

As mentioned above, Lu Yang will no longer exchange his heart for love.

In fact, Lu Yang has been pursuing Cao Xue recently. He can\'t tell whether he is in love with her or not. He only knows that in such a big campus, so far, only Cao Xue has made him want to pursue.

As for whether it is love or not, Lu Yang doesn\'t care and doesn\'t want to think about it.

After four failed emotional experiences, Lu Yang doesn\'t pursue forever. He can have a moment for a while. When he likes it, he pursues it. There\'s no need to think too far.

Just keep improving your writing.

Lu Yang thought so and did so.

Just like this evening, he wants to go to school to study with Cao Xue, but before going, he wants to write today\'s chapters. He can\'t tolerate slowing down his writing in order to pursue girls.


When a cigarette was lit and held in his mouth, breathing the familiar smell of smoke, Lu Yang\'s impetuous heart slowly calmed down, and all the expressions on his face gradually disappeared, leaving only indifference. In the smoke of cigarettes, Lu Yang\'s eyes habitually narrowed slightly, squinting at the blank document on the computer screen across the swirling smoke, and slowly began to conceive the content of this chapter, Until he knew the chapter to be written, Lu Yang raised his hands and looked at the screen. His hands seemed to keep tapping on the keyboard at will.

On the blank document, lines of black text jumped out.

As time goes by, the text on the document increases line by line.

More than an hour later, when Lu Yang wrote all the plots conceived in his mind, the text displayed at the bottom of the document already had 3329 words, just one chapter.

Seeing that he has written today\'s novels, whether before or after rebirth, it is Lu Yang\'s favorite thing.

Every time he finishes writing a chapter, he will feel very happy. Lu Yang likes this feeling very much, does what he likes to do, and can see the results of his efforts. I believe anyone will like it?

Lu Yang saved the written chapters, then habitually landed on the author\'s backstage and took a look at the collection of doomsday wasteland.

——18 already.

When I opened the page of doomsday wasteland, I was satisfied to see that the number of clicks had risen to 177, the number of recommendation tickets had risen to 31, and there were several more book reviews in the book review area. Some were written by readers and three were advertising posts by other new authors.

Lu Yang saw that the three advertising posts only occupied a little place in his book review area, so he let it go. Lu Yang still sympathized with ordinary new writers.

It\'s not easy. Let them advertise! As long as it\'s not too much, just turn your book review area into their advertising area.

Another chapter was uploaded. Lu Yangcai smiled, turned off the computer, went to the bathroom, washed his face with warm water, put on clean shoes, and went to school with a Book of ancient Chinese history and a pencil.


When he passed the restaurants on Xuefu Road, the smell of food from the restaurants along the street reminded Lu Yang that he hadn\'t eaten dinner yet.

So he went to a small restaurant where rebirth had come several times, ordered a dish and a soup, and solved his stomach problem.

When Lu Yang came out of the hotel, it was dark outside. The street lights on both sides of Xuefu Road were on, and the stores along the road were brightly lit, and the colorful billboards glittered with colorful brilliance.

Such a night scene made Lu Yang feel much better.

Maybe it\'s because of his occupation. Lu Yang prefers the night to the day, especially the scenery of thousands of lights at night. Lu Yang always thinks that the night scenery is more beautiful than the day, and the air at night is more comfortable than the day.

With a good mood, Lu Yang came to the No. 3 teaching building of the school with books. Through the classroom windows, Lu Yang looked through the window glass to find the figure of Cao Xue.

Not long ago, Lu Yang saw Cao Xue reading in one of the classrooms.

Cao Xue is wearing a black dress tonight, and her sandals are also black.

It seems that Cao Xue likes not only white but also black.

The black dress set off her white skin instead.

The ancients often said: look at the beauty under the lamp, the more you look, the more beautiful you are.

At this time, Lu Yang stood outside the window, looking at Cao Xue in a black skirt under the light in the classroom, and realized the true meaning of this sentence.

The light in the classroom shone on her white and bright face, as if emitting a circle of misty white light, which made Lu Yang feel pure and flawless.

Lu Yang smiled, walked in lightly from the back door of the classroom, walked gently to a place not far behind Cao Xue and sat down. He didn\'t bother Cao Xue to read.

Lu Yang can see that Cao Xue is absorbed in reading at this time. His focused appearance makes Lu Yang not bear to disturb or want to disturb.

Lu Yang thought it would be good to read with her not far from her. When she withdrew from the world in the book, seeing him not far from her would surely make her feel sweet.

If this effect can be achieved, Lu Yang thinks it is enough.

If you want to win a girl with self-esteem and self love, attack your heart.

With such an idea in mind, Lu Yang moved gently, opened the book he had brought, held the pencil, and read the book quietly.

Although after Lu Yang\'s rebirth, he didn\'t plan to find a job and eat by relying on his major in the future, Lu Yang still felt that it would be good to read more history books.

As the saying goes: reading history makes people clear their minds.

There was an ancient article that said the benefits of reading history books. Lu Yang remembered that it was written like this: you can correct your clothes with copper as a mirror; Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall; Taking people as a mirror can tell right and wrong.

Read more history books, you can understand a lot of truth in life and ways of doing things.

Five thousand years in Chinese history, dynasties have changed, and I don\'t know how many.

In 5000 years of history, celebrities have emerged in large numbers.

Some succeed, others fail.

Every ancient man who succeeded or failed is a book for people today.

If you understand the success or failure of an ancient person, you will naturally understand a lot of truth in life and work. Many people don\'t read history books. As a result, you will naturally make many mistakes that the ancient people have made in your life. If you have seen these mistakes from ancient books, they may be avoidable.

The treasure is in the book, but most people don\'t want to read it at all.

It has to be said that it is a very sad thing.

After Lu Yang opened the book, he gradually looked in.

It began in the Xia Dynasty.

Xia Dynasty, the earliest feudal dynasty in China.

Because it is too far away from now, there are few written records left, so the records are not detailed, but they are enough for Lu Yang to watch all night.


Lu Yang was fascinated, so he gradually forgot to pay attention to Cao Xue.

After 11:30 at night, when Cao Xue packed up her things and left, he didn\'t realize it. At that time, when Cao Xue got up and left with books and other things, she inadvertently turned back and suddenly saw Lu Yang sitting behind her reading. Cao Xue\'s reaction was really as unexpected as Lu Yang had expected.

Then, I really feel a little moved in my heart.

There was a smile on her beautiful face.

Unfortunately, Lu Yang was still addicted to the world in the book and didn\'t see the smile on Cao Xue\'s face.

Just like when Lu Yang came, she couldn\'t bear to disturb Cao Xue\'s reading. When Cao Xue saw Lu Yang, she wanted to say hello, but when she saw that he was obviously fascinated by reading, she also had a mind that she couldn\'t bear to disturb. She smiled and walked away with light hands and feet.

Half an hour later, the school bell to remind students to rest sounded. When Lu Yang woke up, Cao Xue could not be seen.

At that time, Lu Yang was stunned, and then a helpless wry smile appeared on his face.

After waiting all night, I didn\'t know when Cao Xue left.