Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 2214

This time they were not separated.

It's not attached to anyone.

Gu Shengyin opened his eyes and saw the man in Tsing Yi holding his hand.

"This is my incarnation." Ji Yu said.

He still has no way to come here.

Gu Sheng looked up at him.

Everywhere is a gray area, where there is nothing, no life, no plants, no sound, not even mountains and rivers.

"This is..." Gu Shengyin's mood flashed an idea.

Ji Yu looked at her sideways: "ain, this is your world."

Gu Sheng opened his eyes.

As soon as Ji Yu's voice fell, a piece of gray in front of him suddenly separated automatically, and the heaven and earth suddenly separated.

Gu Sheng was shocked to see the scene in front of him. Although he had seen it in Ji Yu's memory, he did not see it with his own eyes.

She witnessed the birth of a world!

"Come on."

Ji Yu took her hand, and they walked in the void as if on a flat ground.

"What do you want?" Ji Yu asks suddenly.

Gu Sheng looks at him with some confusion.

Ji Yu stretched out his hand and gently pointed at the top with his fingertips: "the sun."

A huge golden fireball was born in the sky, and the whole world was bright.

Gu Shengyin understood his meaning in an instant.

"Can I, too?" she asked excitedly

Ji Yu smile: "try."

Gu Sheng was born to hand, gently in the sun next to the point: "the moon."

The cold light spread out, a bright silver moon appeared on the edge of the sun.

The sun and the moon soar in the sky, and shine brilliantly on the sky and the earth.

Gu Sheng looked at this scene with some exclamation, but he couldn't help but say, "stars."

With her words, countless tiny light spots appeared in the sky.

She was happy like a child, slowly looked at the world, mouth read a word: "white clouds, rivers, mountains..."

At the end of the day, she talked faster and faster, until at last she just closed her eyes.

She didn't speak again, but the environment changed dramatically faster than before.

All the normal world should have the appearance and creatures slowly appear around, Gu Sheng because of the whole person's expression is more and more solemn.

Ji Yu looked at her with a smile. She finally understood the essence of creation.

As the sun rises and the moon sets, Gu Sheng sits with her eyes closed, while Ji Yu stands by her side waiting.

I don't know how long after that, Gu Shengyin opened his eyes.

By this time, the whole world was totally different in her eyes.

She could hear the sound of water flowing through thousands of miles away. She could understand what the wind was saying. Even if she wanted to, she could easily know the thoughts of any living creature in the world.

In this world, she is the God who controls everything.

"How do you feel?"

Gu Sheng because of body movement, stood beside Ji Yu: "I feel very good, the world, like my child in general."

Ji Yu Mou color looks at her tenderly: "so, this gift that I send you, be to send right."

"It's called the holy cause."

Love you, give you the world.

This is the world Ji Yu gave to Gu Shengyin.

This is Ji Yu's love for Gu Shengyin.


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