Quick Pass: The Wild Man Conquest Manual

Chapter 216

Prime Minister\'s residence

Prime Minister Xue sat in his study and looked at the note in his hand. His eyes flashed quickly, "pass my words to Princess Jin. Xi Jun can\'t stay."

Not only can Xi Jun leave, but also Chu Xiyue will die.

"Yes, Prime Minister."

The shrill male duck\'s voice sounded not far away. People lowered their heads, making people unable to see their faces, but they were very respectful to Prime Minister Xue.

When he sent them away, Prime Minister Xue immediately changed his clothes and got into a humble carriage from the back door of the prime minister\'s house.

The carriage walked most of the way around the capital. After confirming that no one was following, it entered King Cheng\'s house.

Lord Cheng is the only younger brother of the former Emperor. He is in his forties. He looks feminine and soft. His slender eyes, like a poisonous snake, are sinister and poisonous.

"I\'ve seen the Lord."

Prime Minister Xue Cheng knelt respectfully outside the pavilion and watched Cheng Wang teasing a black poisonous snake in the pavilion. He didn\'t dare to breathe.

"Coming," Prince Cheng reached out and touched the top of the poisonous snake and looked at Prime Minister Xue kneeling outside, "get up and tell me what happened to my good niece these days?"

"Back to the Lord, the emperor has got Xi Junli\'s favor again these days, and it is a means to let Xi Junli lock jin\'er in the cold palace. Now Xi Junli has lost control. The old minister has ordered to go on and don\'t keep Xi Junli. As for the emperor, the old minister means to be together..." finally, Prime Minister Xue made a move to wipe his neck.

King Cheng teased the snake. On his soft face, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked. "No, that girl is a waste. I prefer to see them kill each other. It\'s like raising a Gu. Put the two most poisonous babies together and watch the strongest one eat the other one one by one."

With that, Cheng Wang stroked the black snake\'s seven inch hand and squeezed it. In an instant, the snake fell directly on the stone table and didn\'t move.

Pointing to the snake that had been pinched seven inches and died, he said to Prime Minister Xue: "see, wait for the strongest one to eat the weak one, then pinch the strongest one a little bit to break her death, and watch her struggle and die in pain. That\'s the most pleasant thing in the world."

Premier Xue knows that Cheng Wang is insidious and vicious.

However, seeing him easily crush a poisonous snake with thick arms, Prime Minister Xue was still in a cold sweat and his old face was a little pale.

"Yes, I know. I\'ll arrange it now."

When he came out of King Cheng\'s house, Prime Minister Xue found that his hand under his cuff was still shaking.

It seems that what Cheng Wang pinched just now is not a poisonous snake, but him

"Go to the palace"

Not daring to disobey King Cheng\'s wishes, Prime Minister Xue immediately changed into his usual carriage and went to the palace.

King Cheng wants Chu Xiyue and Xi Junli to kill each other, that is to give them chips and reasons to kill each other.

And this reason is that high position.

When the carriage arrived at the gate of the palace, Prime Minister Xue directly told people that what he wanted to see this time was not Xi Junli, but Chu Xiyue.

When the palace people came to report, Lin Miao was making medicine for Xi Junli in the Ziji hall. She was a little surprised when she heard that Prime Minister Xue Cheng asked to see her.

Princess Jin has just been put under house arrest in the cold palace. What is prime minister Xue doing here?

Plead for your daughter?

Lin Miao feels impossible and asks for affection. He should also find Xi Jun to leave.

After putting the boiled medicine in a silver bowl everywhere, Lin Miao said, "bring people here!"