Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 231


Gu Ming didn't believe that Gu Yangzhi had done so well.

"Do you really want to do that?"

Before people even a little face do not give themselves, Gu Ming can see, Gu Yangzhi is not likely to take care of the family..

In this case, that special me also low body to say a wool.

"Gu Yangzhi, I also tell you that even if you want to look back on your family, we will not welcome you!"

Gu Yangzhi did not speak.

But his eyes, you can see his attitude.

"Oh, whatever."

Yes, it's the kind of look that doesn't care about anything.

Gu Ming is about to die, but at this time, Su Yixiao has seen enough about it. Let's talk about the last one!

Today, Su Yixiao can't let Gu Ming go!!

"Take care of your family, please make it clear that we don't want you to take care of your family, not that you abandoned him."

Blink, what's the difference?

Su Yixiao ignored.

Bai Li Ao Xiang, who was just watching the play, bowed his hand and said, "emperor, these people have no evidence and no manners to rush in. They are ready to be my cheap father and cheap mother. Please don't let it go. This kind of thing can cause trouble to the emperor. How disrespectful they are to you!"

"Ah --" Bai Li Ao Xiang just reached out and wanted to talk.

But he was robbed by Gu Ming.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Emperor. I respect you so much. I'll go and talk about the river continuously."

"Dear?" Su Yixiao said to Gu Ming, "do you know how to write respect? Do you know how respect works? "

"My master, of course I know."

"Why do you still use" you "to address the emperor when the Gu family master knows? Is that what you call respect? That little girl, she really learned! "


Gu Ming was robbed before he finished his words again.

"Xiao Xiao, don't follow others. It's impossible to be inconsistent. We want to be a good girl who is honest and kind Ming junxie touched Su Yixiao's head and laughed at her honesty and kindness.

Su Yixiao at this time can not refute, can only hold the corners of the mouth, especially the official smile, plus nod.


"All right!"

Bai Li Ao Xiang's languid and powerful voice suddenly shut up.

Bai Li Aoxiang pointed to Su Yixiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, you are the victims of this matter. What do you want to do? After all, if I can do it, I will not shirk it!"


Su Yixiao said that he was waiting for a word!

Gu Ming's gang is not funny. Su Yixiao feels a little tired. It's at least seven o'clock outside the window. Stop here. Let's call it a day!

"Emmmm, tell the emperor that Xiaoxiao has nothing to punish them. After all, we can't fool around with someone with a low IQ. Well, emperor, you just tell them not to provoke me in the future. And send me an edict or something. He wrote, "if the Gu family and the Su family still come to my su Yixiao's trouble, then Su Yixiao has the right to dispose of their lives."

Su Yixiao's words just finished, and three voices remembered at the same time.

Gu Ming: "it's not fair!"

Liu Guifeng: "who do you think has a low IQ?"

A hundred Li cherishes the moon: "no! It's too light! "

Su Yixiao black line.

Xiyue, the girl, can't stand these people!