Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 926

Zhou baixu and Li CE are definitely Shen Hao\'s predecessors. No matter their accomplishments or age, they are not Shen Hao\'s level.

Moreover, Shen haoxuan\'s status as Qingwei is not well known among monks.

So even if Zhou baixu and Li CE are not quiet people, they will never have the idea of making friends with Shen haola. They come to talk about things.

"Lord Shen, speak quickly, then we\'ll make it clear." it was Li CE who spoke.

Last week, Bai Xu sat quietly on one side, but his eyes had been falling on Shen Hao with an obvious meaning of examination.

"Please!" Shen Hao sipped his tea and smiled at Li CE and Zhou baixu.

"Lord Shen said that there was xuanmei skill to talk to LingXiao palace. Can we see something now?"

Shen Hao nodded, turned his hand, took out the opening part of the castrated version of xuanmei art he had made with Lian Xiang, threw it on the table and said with a smile, "please, two!"

As soon as Shen Hao\'s voice fell, the thin castrated version of xuanmei art came between Zhou baixu and Li CE. They bowed their heads and studied it carefully together.

This is bait. Of course, there are few sweets. At the beginning, we just briefly introduce a concept and outline of xuanmei art, and there are some requirements on the basis of Mei art. The core part is that there is also the first entry key to the rise of xuanmei skill.

Whether the thing is true or not is a mystery to outsiders. For example, Shen Hao, if he didn\'t get it in the jianhuang tomb, he might not be sure whether it is true or false.

But experts can easily understand the truth. Just try it according to the above description and the key at the beginning.

Zhou baixu and Li CE did not shy away from their division of labor. One practiced and the other protected the Dharma. It took half an hour to end under the alternation. At this time, it was difficult to suppress the joy on their faces.

It\'s real!

Zhou baixu and Li CE looked at each other and read the answer from each other\'s eyes. At the same time, I also understand that we have to hurry up later. This copy of "Xuan Mei Shu" is obviously a part used for inspection. There must be more in Shen\'s hand. Even if what Lian Xiang said is only a "fragmented script", there must be at least two to five cultivation tips.

"Lord Shen, tell me about your conditions."

Li CE still spoke, and Zhou baixu sat quietly on the side. He directly asked Shen Hao\'s conditions, that is, he acquiesced to the authenticity of things, and also showed the idea that he needed to get the key points in the back.

The scene in front of us is actually the same as the way of selling vegetables in the East market. Let people see the goods first, make an inquiry when they feel good, and then bargain after inquiry. When the equivalent code is acceptable to both sides, they start to exchange.

In addition to Shen Hao, Zhou baixu and Li CE, who have been watching all the time, there are also the three secret service trios dug by Shen Hao from the command and envoy Yamen. They have a lot of ups and downs in their hearts, but they choose to shut up. Now they eat with Shen Hao. Some things can be seen, but they can\'t say or think. This is the way of survival and the rule.

Shen Hao leaned back on the back of the chair, and his smile became stronger.

"Surely Lianxiang has told you about the misunderstanding between brother Nie and Guizong?"

"Well, we heard about it."

"Then let me be frank. In addition to the part you saw just now, there are two key points in this xuanmei art. I hope to use these in exchange for the freedom of Zhao Zhiyuan, a disciple of Guizong who is detained in the black prison."

When you open your mouth, it is very grand. You can directly say that there are "two parts" in your hand. In addition, there are three parts of cultivation tips to identify the authenticity.

This tone pushed Zhou baixu and Li CE\'s heart again. They are sure that the man surnamed Shen is still not telling the truth, and there are definitely more than three keys to xuanmei skill in his hand!

Zhou baixu and Li CE immediately had a dispute in their hearts.

"Lord Shen, xuanmei skill is a secret skill that our sect has lost for many years. It is derived from other basic skills of our sect. Otherwise, words alone are not enough for people to practice. Therefore, the threshold of this secret skill is not high for our disciples, but it is very important for outsiders.

Lord Shen must have his own "way" of cultivation, and it is impossible to turn to cultivation. Xuanmei skill is really nothing but a pile of unimportant things for Lord Shen. It won\'t do any good to hold it in his hand. It\'s better to return it to our sect, which will never disappoint Lord Shen. "

Li CE\'s words also passed Qi with Zhou baixu in advance. And Wen Peng, the leader of LingXiao palace, also said that as long as things are true, you must try your best to win them.

"Ha ha, what does deacon Li mean?" Shen Hao can\'t reveal himself first. He has to take the initiative all the time.

At this time, Zhou baixu frowned and said, "Lord Shen has more than three parts of the key to xuanmei skill? As long as Lord Shen takes them all out, you can ask for anything."

Shen Hao was silent for a moment, put down his tea cup and asked, "xuanmei skill is the first secret skill of Guizong. Both its own value and symbolic significance are very important to Guizong. I think you are also carrying the peak this time. No, it should be the order of the high level of the sect?

But... Miss Zhao Zhiyuan and Miss Zhao are the people in the heart of my good friend Nie Yun. There\'s nothing to say about being saved. Otherwise, I won\'t take out xuanmei skill. Even if it\'s useless to me, it\'s actually good to keep it for collection.

But everything pays attention to a "enough is enough". I think what I take out now is enough to help my friend Nie Yun. That\'s enough. "

not overdo sth. Can you also use "clearly marked price" in another word?

Zhou baixu\'s mouth twitched, and Li CE sneered directly. They all know that although Shen didn\'t say it clearly, he has made his meaning very clear. To put it bluntly, the three parts are more valuable than Zhao Zhiyuan. No more is appropriate.

Tacitly accepted that there were more than three keys to xuanmei skill in his hand, but he was unwilling to give more. This is to let Zhou baixu and Li CE offer first.

"For each additional part of the key, we are willing to offer 100 top-grade spirit stones and two Peiyuan treasure pills. Lord Shen can also mention the magic tools or skills first. We can try our best to help you find the right one. I don\'t know what key is still in Lord Shen\'s hand?"

"Four, five... Or seven? Hehe, two, although Shen is not talented, he also has some family background. These things are not needed."

Seven? Or more?

Li CE also smiled. He was not surprised that Shen Hao directly refused and blocked their offer. If Shen nodded so easily, it would be completely unnecessary to deliberately dry them for so many days.

"Since Lord Shen doesn\'t like these, we might as well say it directly. Maybe we still have to talk."