Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 651

This is the first time Shen Hao has made up his mind in the army, although it is only about the chores of the camp.

Fortunately, along the way, Chen Zifang saw the internal rectification of many military stations and strongholds. Shen Hao knew most of the problems, and he would take countermeasures for a few emergencies according to his own understanding.

Even Shen Hao specially found the array master to construct several simple coarse embryo Dharma plates of the five element fire genus, and used the pan spirit stone as energy to boil water, which directly solved the problem of insufficient wood in the military stronghold. Compared with the crude method array that can only be heated, a standard pan spirit stone can supply energy for a long time, and there is no waste in efficiency.

In fact, there are many bamboos in the bamboo sea not far away, but the soldiers dare not cut them.

With the precedent of the first array application, Shen Hao seemed to open the door to a new world. He couldn\'t help thinking about the array or Dharma disk for many things that didn\'t need fine manipulation.

Many things used to be common to Shen Hao, but now they have become fantastic ideas in this world. Fortunately, there are enough pan Lingshi stones in the army, and the consumption of rough Dharma array is really not high. Otherwise, even if he is the general manager of chores, pan Shigui will not let him fool around.

Add a small flushing array to the hut, and then add a cover to shield the smell over the septic tank. In addition, the bottom of the septic tank is built with stone to minimize the risk of sewage infiltration.

In addition, he asked Wu Kai for 100 ordinary soldiers who had not been trained in first aid. Shen Hao can say something, and the doctors in the camp can also say something. They don\'t ask these people to treat diseases and injuries, but ask these people to do reasonable emergency treatment for seriously injured people before the doctors have time to come.

Shen Hao didn\'t think of another name. He directly identified these soldiers who received first aid training as: first aid team.

This was Shen Hao\'s idea when he participated in the war in the upper stronghold of Jianchuan. Without witnessing the tragic killing, you will not understand how cruel the battlefield is to the wounded. Sometimes, Shen Hao even thinks that some of the reasons for those seriously wounded who hold the idea of dying together may be that they are so determined because they know they are hopeless?

What\'s more, some people who could have been saved but died because they missed the rescue time accounted for at least half of Shen Hao\'s own casualties.

This is because most of the wounds on the battlefield are open wounds. In addition to the direct cause of death, more deaths are caused by excessive blood loss. In fact, there are ways to intervene in advance, as long as you stop bleeding in time. These things are relatively easier to learn.

Of course, doctors also have some simple and understandable means to let the soldiers of these emergency teams learn, and even some doctors will teach them hand in hand. In the words of doctors: they are all superficial means. They can save people after learning, so that we can\'t be busy and can only watch people die.

Naturally, this series of actions cannot avoid the eyes and ears of the master general pan Shigui. From the beginning, Wu Kai transferred 100 people under his command to listen to Shen Hao\'s dispatch. In fact, pan Shigui agreed, otherwise Wu Kai would not have the courage to transfer his staff to Shen Hao without authorization.

Others may not know, but pan Shigui knows this Lord Shen quite well. Some of them were mentioned before he went out of the mountain, some of them were seen in various official newspapers of the army after he went out of the mountain, and they were heard and mentioned many times when chatting with Zuo Shuai before departure. I know that this is the most popular figure in Xuanqing Wei in recent years. He has means and skills, and he is also a rare talent in cultivation.

So pan Shigui was also curious about what Shen Hao wanted people to do. As a result, what he waited for was an unprecedented "emergency team".

This concept is not unexpected. Similar personnel in the baggage camp assisted doctors in treating the wounded during the war. However, it is the first time that a special person who takes the first-line wounded down and gives first aid and life protection, acting alone or together with three or two doctors and taking emergency rescue as the main purpose.

Pan Shigui is a veteran and has good ability. He has a considerable reputation in the army of the old Jing Dynasty. He has a sharp eye. He can guess how important this first aid team is to the army with a little turning in his mind.

So after Shen Hao finished the five-day training of hundreds of emergency teams, pan Shigui came and said he wanted to see if there was any effect.

But what do you think? This is not difficult for Shen Hao. Both offensive and defensive battle formations can conduct drills, and first aid is naturally possible.

Therefore, after Shen Hao conducted a "first aid drill", not only pan Shigui\'s eyes lit up, but also the other generals and officials who took part in the fun were thoughtful. Wu Kai, who didn\'t care before, was also shining with eyes and secretly saying good luck, because all the 100 people were under his command.

"These 100 people can save 1000 people in wartime," Pan Shigui said after watching the first-aid drill. Then he said, "Lord Shen, can you continue to train some such first aid teams for our partial army?"

Shen Hao didn\'t refuse. He said, "don\'t worry, general. The first aid team only needs to learn some superficial battlefield treatment methods. Stabilizing the injury is their primary task, and then doctors need to follow up. Therefore, the training of the first aid team is very simple.

Now there are hundreds of people. Just let them take one by one, and soon enough emergency teams will be trained.

If the first aid team and doctors are unified and formed according to the battalion as a unit, the lower officials think they can better play their role in wartime treatment. "

According to Shen Hao\'s idea, medical treatment and first aid are together. Only by making a complete overall plan can we effectively save the critically wounded as much as possible.

"Oh? Lord Shen has a mature strategy?"

"Adults are joking. There is no strategy. It\'s just some immature ideas. Whether it can be implemented or not still needs to be seen. After all..."

Pan Shigui waved his hand and interrupted, "where is the trouble to save lives? There are tens of thousands of good boys in the Shimen army stronghold. Isn\'t it enough for Lord Shen to pick and train? While training and sorting, there will be a strategy?"

Good things can\'t be extrapolated. Pan Shigui doesn\'t know how long Shen Hao can stay with him. Dig more is more. If he gets the sweetness earlier, his brothers can also have more protection for their lives.

The words of other people\'s master are all about this. Shen Hao naturally has no reason to ignore it. Besides, it\'s not a trouble for him. He can earn another credit.

When Shen Hao organized the chores of the three strongholds in Shimen and trained more than 800 first aid teams, the main force of the upper stronghold in Jianchuan finally moved forward, crossed Shimen directly and rebuilt the stronghold 80 miles northeast of Shimen.