Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 374

The leisure after dinner was pleasant and short. Pang ban also noticed Shi Xiang inserted in the middle of the venue and understood that each project had time constraints and planning and could not be occupied at will.

After chatting with several ordinary soldiers of xuanqingwei, Pang ban returned to the stand. Now he is looking forward to the next competition.

Personal challenge arena battle, street battle, encounter battle, ambush battle

Various arrangements imitating the real scene were used to restore the situation that would occur in daily life and tasks as much as possible, and then the competitors were thrown in and fought with wooden knives as weapons.

Some scenes even use some magic array aids to make them closer to actual combat.

The results of these projects came out quickly. The wooden knife is also a knife, especially when it is wrapped by the monk\'s Qi. Although it won\'t be cut off, it\'s no problem that the bone is broken and the tendon is broken. Therefore, the participants in the competition did some necessary protection, such as iron bars tied to their forearms and legs, and thick leather armor on their chest.

Generally, it is determined that "death" depends on the carbon ash coated on the wooden knife in advance. If a knife goes down, as long as a clear black mark is left at the key position, it can be "dead". The "dead" person can only lie in place. If he dares to mess around, his companions will be directly punished.

"The joint attack array works quite skillfully, and its power is really stronger than the ordinary grass-roots Xuanqing Guard soldiers."

"It\'s not just stronger. It\'s stronger. It\'s one or two."

"The main reason is that the proportion of friars among them is too high. Even friars who are only heavy in refining Qi will benefit much more from the blessing of combined attack than ordinary soldiers. Naturally, it will be so much stronger under such superposition."

"It seems that the methods in the pilot plan are really useful at the grass-roots level."

"Hehe, do you only see the improvement of cultivation? I think these competitions are more meaningful. Street fighting, ambush and encounter are all scenes that will appear in actual combat. Obviously, fengri city black flag camp has been trained for such emergencies. Everyone knows what to do.

Once a person with such training really fights, he will definitely throw away those who do not have such targeted training for several blocks, and the battle will even fall on one side. I think the concept of such training is more worthy of reference. "

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

The people on the auditorium are all experts. Even if they are born by hand, their eyes are still poisonous. In a few words, they can make the "fight" under the stage indissoluble, and the quite tragic competition and analysis are almost the same.

"Is there anything else?"

Pang ban personally went to award the first prize of the "regiment war". When he came back, he smiled and asked Shen Hao directly.

"There are also field survival and field encounter. But it\'s late today and will continue tomorrow."

"Then why does your invitation say that there is only today?"

"Ah? Well... Because my subordinates don\'t dare disturb you too much time, you can spare one day to visit the black flag camp in fengri City, which has satisfied the black flag camp."

Pang ban smiled and shook his head. He really didn\'t have much time to spend here, but he always felt sorry that he couldn\'t see the competition project behind him.

"Come on, it\'s time to finish the meal? You won\'t entertain us to have a big pot of rice again?"

"Adults are joking. Dinner has been arranged..."

There are still two days left for the grand contest. But it\'s impossible to keep these guests here for two days. It\'s enough face to come.

As for dinner, it is naturally scheduled according to the highest standards. The big pot meal at noon can be said to be a gimmick. It\'s fun. You can\'t be casual at night, or you\'re not sensible.

And this kind of mat is also exquisite.

Delicious, very important, but definitely not the most important on this occasion.

The most important thing is ostentation.

The restaurant should have a long signboard, large scale and style of decoration. Money or not is not a problem to consider. Can Xuanqing Wei send money? Private placement is a must. This face is sealed. No matter which store in the city or who the owner behind it is, it must be given!

Many people eat. He didn\'t choose to be in the box. This is what Jiang Cheng means. He said that Lord Pang likes to be lively.

Originally, Shen Hao was not qualified to sit at Pang Ban\'s table, but he made an exception and called for the past. Naturally, Pang ban indicated that today\'s "big competition" was very interesting and effective. During the dinner, he wanted to have two drinks with Shen Hao.

This is a high courtesy, and many people envy it. Jiang Cheng thinks it\'s beautiful on the face, because everyone here has some ways. Who doesn\'t know that Shen Hao is his disciple? If a student is commanded to be valued by adults, he will have a bright future in the future. Naturally, he will be a teacher.

After three rounds of drinking, Pang ban directly picked up the huge corner cup and proposed to drink it full. He declined all those who wanted to come alone to propose a toast. He claimed that others were more and more daring. After drinking a dime cup, they ate their own vegetables. The atmosphere was warm.

It\'s mainly because there are too many wine maniacs, especially in xuanqingwei and the army. Now the wine Shen Hao entertains is Wuliangye, a rare good wine. Who doesn\'t pack three or two kilograms? For Shen Hao, the wine is still like water for 40 degrees, but it is "fierce" for others. Those with bad drinking capacity lie down directly, and some of them start talking loudly.

It is estimated that if there were no Pang ban and Jiang Chengzhen, I don\'t know how many people have shouted to go to Hualou for fun.

However, Pang Ban\'s suddenly cold sentence made the atmosphere at Shen Hao\'s main table condense: "Shen Baihu. Today, I see that your black flag camp attaches great importance to the art of joint attack and practices more in battle array. Do you think it is practical?"

Shen Hao went through his mind a little and replied, "my Lord, my subordinates think that the black flag camp, as a special response force in Xuanqing Wei, needs to be handy in dealing with all kinds of situations. The battle array and joint attack can combine weak individual forces to form a stronger force, which can deal with most enemies and powerful enemies. My subordinates feel very practical."

"Yes. But this highly practical means is always ignored in the grass-roots units of Xuanqing guards. Some grass-roots guards don\'t even incorporate the art of combined attack into their daily training. Soldiers rely on their own strength and experience against the enemy and ignore the aggregated strength."

The words were so heavy that the host here dared not speak.

Then Pang Ban said: "today, you\'ve done a good" big competition ". Although you mainly want to show your achievements after the pilot plan of fengri city black flag camp, the biggest highlight is your competition project. Starting from reality and from the foundation, you don\'t aim too high and don\'t be complacent. You know how to develop strengths, avoid weaknesses and be flexible. This is good and also a" pilot " What you need to show.

Come to the note as soon as possible. I want you to explain all aspects of fengri city black flag camp carefully. Maybe you can take the board of fengri city black flag camp to another place to try. "