Power Up, Artist Yang!

326 Hot Spring Time for the Artis

It was incredible.

To see the towering mountains in person, Yujia realized that this was a moment she had been waiting for her whole life. Even from miles away, she could already see the distant range. Up close, it was even more magnificent.

A forest of lush pine covered the ground, stretching out into the direction of the heavens. However, more of them could be found on the rocks, growing between the cliffs and ravines. In between the folds of green, tan edges of rock could be seen, forming the angles of the mountains. Yujia inclined her head, looking at the blanket of clouds above her, masking the tips of the peaks, and a soft sigh escaped her.

It was amazing to see the range up close, but it would be even better to see it from high up, looking down. Huangshan was described as simply breathtaking to experience from the top, where one could witness the legendary Sea of Clouds. It was a sight Yujia did not want to miss, even if it meant difficult hiking.

It was late noon when they arrived at this destination. She wondered what they were about to do now, with no lodges in sight. Would they really be hiking the range today? Yujia inclined her head to look at Ye Yunhe, who was standing at the front of the crowd with her.

He noticed her gaze and seemed to comprehend her question, informing, "Junior Sister, we won't be going up the mountains today. Where we're currently at— Purple Cloud Peak— is famed for its hot springs. So, we'll be spending the night here."

"Oh!" Yujia's eyes lit up. She heard of Huangshan's hot springs before too. The range truly had plenty of natural wonders. It lived up to its fame. "So, we'll get to enjoy the luxury of the hot springs?"

Yunhe nodded smugly. "They say that the springs will bring anyone to their youth again."

Yujia raised her hand and looked at its smooth skin. "If I become any younger, I'd be a child."

"Well," Yunhe laughed, "I'm not as young as you. I'll need it."

Yunhe wasn't even that old. Yujia stared at his face, remarking, "Keep talking like this and you'll become an old man. Has being around Master impacted your brain or something?"

They continued their bickering as the group began to travel down a paved stone path. After a few turns and steps, they made it to the entrance of the lodge that regulated the hot springs.

Once there, the group got their own rooms, unpacked a few belongings, and separated to each do whatever they would like.

And so, when Yujia got to lower herself into her hot spring, she felt like her life was complete.

The water was hot, but not enough to burn. Thus, though the air outside was cold, upon sinking into the hot spring, all the chills vanished. Curls of steam rose from the spring. The moment she stepped into the water was like pure magic. Within an instant, all the weariness and stress of traveling melted away, leaving her feeling refreshed and reborn.

She saw what Yunhe meant when he said that waters were springs of youth.

It wasn't just the springs either. The spring itself was fairly small, but the scenery around it was stunning. Purple Cloud Peak, she heard, was divided from Peach Blossom Peak by a small brook situated right next to the spring she got. Peach trees grew on the edges, some of their branches reaching into Yujia's enclosure. She could imagine how picturesque the sight would be if the branches were in bloom. She also heard that it was another picturesque sight to experience the springs in the snowing months. Flurries of snow would fall from the sky but not bring its coldness due to the warmth of the hot spring, making for an unparalleled experience.

Although neither of those sights were available to her, Yujia didn't need them. The current experience she had, relaxing in the springs, was more than enough to make her happy. The calm environment was enough to put her to sleep.

And she was truly about to fall asleep, if not for the fact that Yufeng slipped into the other side of the spring with a soft splash.

Yujia immediately opened her eyes, grinning. "So. How is it?"

She wanted to see if Yufeng's reaction was as excited as hers. Sure enough, Yufeng's face lit up, marveling as she moved a hand through the ripples of water.

"This is amazing," Yufeng admitted.

"I bet you're glad you went on the trip now." Yujia happily replied, leaning her head back to rest against a rock formation.

She glanced to the side, noticing a small jar of wine and two cups. A worker at the springs must've brought it over without her even realizing.

But free wine? Yujia never said no to that.

She opened the jar and let the wine flow into two cups. Once she poured it, she pushed the tray over and waded a little closer to Yufeng, handing her a cup.

"Cheers," she said, raising her cup.

Yufeng took it, raising it back. "Cheers."

The two drank the wine. Yujia poured them both another glass. A flicker of light caught her attention. She turned her face and noticed the sun, which had begun to meet the horizon. From between the wisps of clouds, the last rays of its golden light scattered over the surroundings. Yujia took the view of this sunset in, pressing it into her mind. This would make a great painting.

She looked back at her glass, sipping at the sweet wine.

Ah. Enjoying wine, relaxing in a hot spring, and viewing a sunset. This was the life.