Please Stop Summoning Me!

CH 21

George\'s face was still dripping with rainwater, and his black trench coat was completely soaked.

Though he had an umbrella, it was not much use tonight since the storm was still too big.

He gazed at the towel in Shen Yi\'s hand.

It was the towel Shen Yi was going to give to the little girl ...... But, he handed it to the George with a calm smile, as if it had been prepared specifically for him.

"Thank you."

Taking the towel, George wiped the rain off his forehead.

"Despite the heavy rain, you still came to my cafe, which indicates how much you like my coffee."

After hearing his words, he was silent for a while and stared at him.

It was impossible for the man in front of him not to know that such a big incident happened tonight, and he himself wouldn\'t come here if he had had no choice.

Even after knowing everything, he still flirted with him.

He placed the photo on the bar counter.

At a glance, Shen Yi knew who it was. It was none other than the little girl, who was currently sitting in the right corner of the café and enjoying a vanilla latte with a smile on her face.

Although the picture was blurry, the visual effect was too strong.

He was a little confused about why did George suddenly pull out such a photo?

George tried his best to keep his tone as flat as possible: "I\'m an investigator from the Anti-Magic Bureau."

"The high-ranking officials say we are responsible for protecting human civilization, but I know best of all that the investigators are just bad luck on the front line."

\'Anti-Magic Bureau investigator.\'

Shen Yi silently wrote down two new terms that he had never heard of before.

Habitually, George took out a cigarette from his pocket and wanted to light it, but remembered that this was a cafe, he put it back awkwardly.

He continued, "In fact, I’m sure you have already known my identity for a long time."

Shen Yi was silent for a while, then smiled and nodded.



With a gentle smile, Shen Yi very "casually" pointed towards the left corner of the cafe.

"Sit down over there first, I\'ll make you a cup of coffee to warm your body, and then we\'ll talk about what\'s going on."

George nodded and walked to the left side of the cafe with a solemn expression.

Immediately Shen Yi\'s smile frozen, damn it!

He remained silent for a few seconds and directly picked up a roll of dry towels, and went to the right side of the café.

"Are you here because of the Order?" Shen Yi also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to gather information and say calmly. "The great Lord of Ashes has been watching you. Tell me all about it."

Aina had already drunk a small half of the vanilla latte in the cup. Upon hearing his words, she looked up with the spoon in her mouth and saw that the handsome shopkeeper was half-bent down and handing over a roll of dry towels.

"Thank you."

Putting down the coffee cup, she reached over the towel and began to wipe her wet body.

On his body, there was a burning and thick aura of the god of the world ...... And when he got close to her, the mark on her back began burning hot.

Aina was tense, she had only experienced these kinds of feelings on a few occasions, which was when she came in contact with the Lord of Ashes.

Could he be the incarnation or the messenger of the Lord of Ashes?

It must be the latter. She couldn\'t even imagine the real Lord of Ashes becoming a store manager and running a cafe.

Feeling the heavy pressure, she finally clenched her hands and asked questions.

"The Order is currently facing a serious crisis, we are being hunted by the Quiet Word ...... I want to ...... once again summon the great Lord of Ashes."

Shen Yi was tempted to ask what the Quiet Word was but decided not to.

"Quiet words? I see. You have to believe that the Lord of Ashes can solve this problem."

~Let\'s go along with their words first.

He smiled and said, "The great Lord of Ashes has been watching you all the time. No matter what happens, don\'t be afraid. Trust the power of the Lord of Ashes with confidence."

" You don\'t need to be afraid of the dark, the moment of great sustenance has arrived."

Aina didn\'t understand his words, but she still sighed and nodded softly.


She was afraid that the summoning ritual would violate the oracle of "forbid to summon" but now the messenger of God said so, and she no longer had to worry about it.

With a smile, Shen Yi turned around and walked to the other side of the cafe, pretending to be calm.

George had been waiting for a while, and seeing him coming, he immediately held up the picture in his hand.

"I\'m trying to find the kid in the picture and what\'s in the kid\'s hands.”

He said eagerly. "It is likely that they all belong to some order, the power of the cultists has seriously threatened the stability of Beland, and the Anti-magic Bureau must do everything within its power to eradicate the threat as soon as possible."

Regardless of the endangered Chaos Remnant Order, George could not have imagined that the threat to the Anti-Magic Bureau came from the cult of the Quiet Word.

He had recently plunged himself into the investigation of the Order of Chaos Remnant and had no idea of the Quiet Word, so there was no second alternative hostile option in his eyes.

"I came to the cafe today to ask you to help me find the person in the picture." he said earnestly.

Shen Yi listened patiently, and he soon understood that the Anti-Magic Bureau was a special organization for crimes against supernatural forces.

~She\'s right next door... but how can I help you find her? I\'m with them now, and I can\'t tell you what\'s going on.

While complaining, Shen Yi smiled and nodded.

"So that\'s it, I will help you."

Shen Yi swiftly took the photo into his hand without intending to return it to its original owner.

George breathed a sigh of relief, it would be good to get the other party\'s promise.

After two months of getting along, he believed that the other party was not an evil person but more like a mysterious existence who likes to play games to gain pleasure.

George didn\'t want to ask him for help, but the anti-magic bureau suffered heavy casualties, and the rampant cultists let him have a sense of foreboding.

Maybe if we didn\'t do something, the whole Beland, no, even the entier Nolan would be facing great danger!

Shen Yi smiled and said, "I forgot to ask you just now, what coffee would you like to drink?"

George was stunned for a moment, \'why do we have to drink coffee when we talk about things?

Well, this is a coffee shop, but isn\'t it just your disguise and cover?\'

With confusion he replied, "It\'s the same as before, latte, thank you."

He nodded and went to the bar to make a latte. After brewing, he didn\'t immediately bring it to George instead, he went to Aina\'s side.

Before he could open his mouth, Aina said: "I don\'t like the current Chaos Remnant Order, I want to change all of this, but I\'m not sure, what does the Lord of Ashes think?"

Aina\'s heart was full of struggles and contradictions, she didn\'t like the current Order, but she also knew that her "freedom" was limited.

Without the support of God, it was impossible to rely on her own power to influence the Order.

Shen Yi sighed.

~I don\'t want anything to do with this right now, so you better leave here quickly, or it will be troublesome if you meet that man.

Shen Yi\'s heart was complicated, and with a calm smile on his face: "Do what you want to do."

"No matter what decision you make, the Lord of the Ashes will watch you and make what is destined to succeed.”

Aina was shocked for a moment. \'The messengers of God said so, does it mean that the Lord of Ashes agreed with my idea.\'

So she nodded excitedly.

"Thank you, I should go as well."

She got up from her seat and left the café contentedly.

"I’ll lend you this umbrella first." Shen Yi thoughtfully sent an umbrella, and after hesitation, she thanked and then took it.

It was not until he saw her fade into the darkness that he breathed a sigh.

Fortunately, the cafe had a partition on both sides, so the two could not see each other at all, otherwise, the consequences would have been terrible.

Time waits for no one, so after sending off he came back to the side of George.

"I\'ve been waiting for a long time, something happened just now."

Shen Yi smiled and promised: "I promise I will help you find her... As long as I have the chance to meet this little girl."

George was a little stunned and his rich experience of more than twenty years made him realize something was wrong.

The child in the picture was blurry, making it difficult to distinguish between men and women, and he had never told the shopkeeper that someone had witnessed the little girl walking across the street.

But he actually knew about it, and indeed he didn\'t find the wrong person!

George made up his mind and said, "Thank you, I just don\'t know what the price will be for me?"

The price? Shen Yi was unsure and said with a smile, "Just think of it as you owe me a favor."

George nodded heavily, his face full of solemnity and fear for the future.

\'It\'s not a good thing to owe such a mysterious person a favor, and sometimes the process of paying them back is brutal, I would rather pay something more practical.\'

George decided to redeem the favor with a" relic".

"I\'ll bring you a gift that\'s good enough to offset the favors."

Still uneasy in his heart, he slowly got up from the coffee shop and opened the black umbrella, heading out into the dark rainy night from the café.

Shen Yi calmly picked up the used coffee cup, returned to the back of the bar, and sat down on the chair.

He covered his temples and closed his eyes.

"It must have been an illusion ...... to always feel as if I have become the center of the vortex."

Just as he was easing out from his jitters, a familiar vibration began again in the cafe.

Can this day get any better?