Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 464: The situation is reversed! God of death comes

Hearing what Whitebeard said, the smart Marco immediately realized the problem.

  The pirates who have never been commanded by anyone.

   will suddenly smash against the city of advancement.

  Plus Lockes contacted Whitebeard in \'time\'.

   No matter how you look at it, it was all arranged by Rocks behind the scenes.

   In this way, it is undoubtedly pushing those pirates to die.

   But after all, this is an alliance headed by Lockes, and it is not easy for Marco to intervene as Lockes decides what to do.

   Moreover, Marco could see that Rocks was trying to make Whitebeard retreat safely.

  Marco will not say it clearly.

   "Let\'s go, follow me to open a gap."

   "The gathered pirates can walk as many as they can."

   No longer thinking about it, White Beard immediately gave instructions to the captains.

   Then, Whitebeard personally led a pirate ship, with the assistance of a group of captains.

   Forced to tear open a gap in the encirclement net of the Nine Snake Pirates in the rear, and quickly evacuated.

  Looking back to Bai Yu.


  After letting go of Whitebeard, Baiyu Yuebu and Ben Lei used it together.

   Walking through the air at a very high speed, rushing all the way towards the city of advancement.

   Did not choose to continue fighting Whitebeard, but still took into account the safety of Keby and others.

  Whitebeard\'s strength is unusual for pirates.

   I really want to fight, even if I go all out.

   It is estimated that a lot of time will be wasted.

   And there are captains of the Whitebeard Pirates around, so the difficulty is even higher.

  Bai Yu didn\'t want to hear that after the battle with White Beard, the city was completely breached.

  Keby and others had an accident.

  Compared to beheading Whitebeard, the lives of Keby and others are obviously more important.

  Furthermore, even if Whitebeard escapes this time, it will be the final battle with Marie Gioia.

   It will still appear anyway.

  There are opportunities.


  With Bai Yu at full speed, it didn\'t take long to rush back to the city of Fueling.

   After arriving, Bai Yu found out.

  The small port at the entrance and exit of the city has been completely destroyed by the pirates\' bombardment.

  Keby and the others retreated directly to the advancing city as Violet said.

  A large number of pirates are constantly charging into the city.

  The battle between the two sides suddenly changed from a naval battle to a land battle.

   As for the number of people, the pirates are obviously more dominant.

   Bai Yu secretly rejoiced.

  If only a little later.

  The situation is really hard to say.


   Without thinking too much, Bai Yu looked at the gate of Jinjin City.

   Stepping out with one step, the figure appeared in a flash.

   "Dual Swordsmanship · Blue Dragon · Thousand Cut Valley!"

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

  Bai Yu rushed to the door, but his feet hadn\'t landed yet.

  The double knives in his hands quickly slashed.

   A series of huge half-moon-shaped flame slashes, carrying a biting blade wind, howled and slashed towards the group of pirates blocking the door.

  Puff puff puff puff puff.

  In an instant, Slash swept past the crowd.

  Hundreds of pirates were cut off in an instant.

   died on the spot.


  Bai Yu immediately fell to the ground.

   "It\'s Shiraha!"

   "It\'s General Bai Yu!"

  The appearance of Bai Yu immediately attracted the exclamation of the other pirates around.

   But at this time, the pirates knew that there was no way out.

  In an instant, a large group of pirates picked up their weapons and rushed towards Bai Yu.


   Seeing this, Bai Yu\'s eyes were full of murderous intent.

   Under the urging of ideas.

  The flame of sword intent on Shuang Dao Dao\'s body ignited blazingly.

   "Flame Burst Airflow Slash!"

  The next moment, Bai Yu turned around.

  Facing the pirates rushing out of the city.

  Double swords cut out horizontally at the same time.

  Two huge slashes exuding the ultimate sword intent, slashed past the bodies of many pirates at an unavoidable speed.

   Whoops, whoops, whoops

  Those pirates whose bodies were chopped off did not have any wounds on the surface of their bodies.

   On the contrary, after the slash, all was well.

   Immediately afterwards, clusters of flames burned from the bodies of the pirates.

   After a while.

   All the pirates affected by the slash turned into \'Firemen\' one by one.


  The shrill screams suddenly echoed through the air.

   Watching the flames of the Flame Burst and Air Flow Slash continue to spread, it stopped the pirates rushing in from the front.

  Bai Yu nodded in satisfaction.

   Turn around again.


   Stepped out in one step, and rushed into the advancing city.

   Not only the outside, but even the first floor of the city\'s sea surface, a large number of pirates swarmed in.

   Thankfully, the pirates haven\'t gone deep yet.

   It seems that they just broke through the defense line and came in.

  Bai Yu suddenly saw the G5 navy soldiers who were fighting fiercely with the pirates.

   And Kebi, Beru Meber, Jiudao among them.

   Even Violet, who has been in charge of monitoring the connection, joined the battle.

   Resisting the attack of the pirates.

at this time.

   There is a flaw where two pirates caught Violet.

  The two pirates immediately raised their swords and slashed at Violet\'s head mercilessly.

   Violet, who was caught, reacted, it was already too late.

   He could only watch the big knife approaching constantly.


  Suddenly, a harsh thunder sounded suddenly.

  A flash of thunder came to Violet\'s side in a flash.

   Lei Guang gradually condensed into a figure.

  Swinged out the double swords, and at a faster speed, slashed at the two sneak attacking pirates.

  Puff, puff!

  It was obvious that the pirates attacked first, but they were killed by someone who came first.

   There was a poof.

  The knives in the hands of the two pirates shattered.

   Together, the head fell to the ground.

  The sudden change startled De Violet, who staggered and fell backwards.

  The visitor wrapped his arms around Violet\'s waist with one hand.

   "Are you okay?"

  The familiar voice came to Violet\'s ears.

   "White Feather!"

   Violet, who came back to her senses, saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

   Immediately shouted in surprise.

  Hearing Violet\'s shout, everyone around stopped what they were doing.

   All looked towards Violet.

   Who else could it be if it wasn\'t Bai Yu!

   Seeing Bai Yu appearing, Kebi and the other navy who had been fighting hard for a long time felt relieved.

  Everyone was ecstatic.

   On the other hand, the pirates who still had the upper hand all turned black.

  Bai Yu\'s arrival undoubtedly turned the balance of victory between the two sides at once.

  All the pirates backed up subconsciously.

   Kebi and other navy also came to Bai Yu\'s side.

   "What about casualties?"

  Seeing Kebi and others, Bai Yu immediately asked with concern.

   "Back to General Bai Yu!"

   "Although we failed to defend the pirates\' full-scale attack."

   "The number of casualties is small!"

   "Seeing that the situation is not right, I ordered everyone to abandon the ship and retreat to the city."

  Kebe quickly reported.

   "All the seriously injured soldiers were sent to Maya as soon as possible, and treated in time!"