Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 340: Overlord-colored defense! terrorist power

After the voice fell, Bai Yu\'s thoughts quickly moved.


  In an instant, under the control of Bai Yu\'s thoughts.

  The petals attached to the bodies of the two CP0.

  It strangely lit up a dark purple energy light.

   What followed were howling ghosts and wolves that could affect people\'s sanity.

  The petals are all set off by the dark purple energy.

   Faintly appeared one after another tiny soul shadows.

   One time.

  Ghost screams gathered together, as if turning into sound waves of real attacks, directly penetrating through the armed domineering defense on the surface of the two CP0\'s bodies.

   directly hit the soul deep in his heart.


  Puff, puff!

   The next second.

  CP0 The two of them tightly covered their heads in pain.

  The corner of his mouth couldn\'t stop spurting a mouthful of blood.

   Obviously, the inside of the body was under an inexplicable attack.



   "It\'s for the soul!"

  CP0-4 reacted immediately.

   No wonder there is no real injury on the surface of the body.

  CP0-4 just realized that the slash released by Bai Yu was completely aimed at the soul!

   "The attack of the soul."

   "How do we defend?"

   Hearing this, CP0-5 endured the pain and asked CP0-4.

  Hearing what CP0-5 said, CP0-4 just smiled wryly.

  If he knew, he would have gotten rid of this pain long ago.

  How can I still feel uncomfortable here.


   "Strengthen Haki\'s defense!"

  CP0-4 suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

  Buzz, buzz!

   After an order is given.

  The two unreservedly released their armed domineering aura, and protected their whole bodies more closely.

   "It really works!"

   After a while.

  CP0-4 said in surprise.

  After strengthening the domineering winding of the armed color again.

  CP0-4 clearly felt the effect of the sonic attack on the soul, which weakened a lot.

   "Soul attack. Spiritual trauma."

  CP0-4 cheered up immediately, and then thought carefully.


   The next second.

   CP0-4 made an amazing move.

  I saw that CP0-4 is wrapped around the basis of armed domineering color.

   released its impressive domineering look and arrogance.

   spread all over the body in the same winding way.

   Immediately after.

  CP0-4 exclaimed.

   "Overlord color!"

   "This kind of soul attack, only Overlord Color can resist!"

  CP0-4 seems to have discovered a new continent.

   Hastily informed the CP0-5 around him.

   Then, CP0-5 followed the example of CP0-4.

   Also released the domineering aura, wrapping around the whole body.

  In an instant, a look of joy appeared on CP0-5\'s face.

  Because he discovered that he resisted the soul attack with the domineering look.

   can play a very significant effect!

  The two of them immediately kept arousing their domineering and domineering aura.

  Resolutely suppress the impact of the soul to the outside of the body.

   "Did you find it?"

the other side.

   Sensing the actions of the two, Bai Yu whispered to himself.

  Bai Yu didn\'t expect that the two of them would react so quickly, and their thinking was quite quick.

   Just as the two of CP0 are doing now.

   Sakura Budu Yuhun\'s soul slash is not completely defenseless.

  One is to forcibly resist with a super-strong armed color.

   But this method, the effect is not obvious.

  Unless the domineering strength of the armed color is much better than that of Bai Yu.

  In today\'s world, I am afraid that there are not many of them.

  The other is to resist with domineering look.

  The same impact and damage for the spirit (soul).

   Overlord-colored domineering is undoubtedly better than armed-colored domineering, better able to defend against the soul attack of Sakura Budu Yuhun.

   But the conditions are also very harsh.

  First of all, you must have the domineering look, which is a condition that is difficult to choose among all.

   After all, the overlord look, looking at the world of pirates, is not a bad street.

  Acquired training cannot be awakened.

  The second is the strength of the domineering look, which must be cultivated to a certain degree and proficiency.

   No other.

  Only a strong enough overlord color domineering can achieve the same winding effect as the armed color domineering.

  Of course, the power of the moves will be greatly improved after the achievement.

   It\'s like Kaido.

   Kaido is proficient in moves mixed with domineering domineering.

   Let his attack be almost invincible.

In summary.

  There is no way to counter Sakura · Fudu Yuhun.

   It\'s just that the difficulty factor is very high.

   And by the way.

   In this way, the consumption of domineering look will be quite serious.

   One mistake was to resist the soul attack of Sakura Budu Yuhun.

  People probably passed out from exhaustion.

"In this case."

   "Then change the way."

  Seeing that the two of them were gradually resisting the soul attack, Bai Yu didn\'t panic at all when their moves were cracked.

   laughed again.

   Immediately afterwards, thoughts urged.

  Control the petals, and then change again.


  Under the control of Bai Yu\'s mind.

  The faint purple light on the surface of many petals faded away.

   Immediately afterwards, the original cherry red light suddenly brightened.

   This is not over yet.

  After the cherry red light brightened, the petals instantly became hard and sharp.

   With a few whistling sounds, they separated from the surface of the bodies of the two of CP0.

   Rotate around the two bodies.


  The next moment, Bai Yu let out a soft drink.

  Countless petals burst out with slashing power.

   Constantly attacking the bodies of the two CP0.

  clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang.

  First, there was a dense metal impact sound.

   Immediately afterwards, the flame of sword intent burned on the petals.

   Increase the intensity and continue to attack the two CP0.

   Rip, Rip, Rip!

   Under the attack of densely packed petals.

  Finally, the armed domineering entwined around the bodies of the two CP0s, some parts were broken and retreated.

   Along with it, the exposed flesh and blood.

   Was cut by countless petals, tearing open a series of shocking knife edges.

   "Back off!"

  Stay last.

  The two who have recovered.

   Immediately withdrew and retreated from the siege of the petals.

  The petals finally lost their strength and fell to the ground and gradually dissipated.

   Look at the two CP0s who retreated.

   Tick, tick.

  There are large and small knife wounds everywhere on the body.

  Blood dripped continuously on the ground.

  The whole person has turned into a \'blood man\'.

   Very embarrassed.

   Both of them had dark faces, staring at Bai Yu in front of them.

   You know, Bai Yu just made two cuts!

   They have already forced them into such a mess.

  If they were more serious, I\'m afraid they would have to confess here on the spot.

  The two sides have played against each other until now, and the two of CP0 haven\'t even touched Bai Yu\'s clothes.

   What a disgrace.

   But that\'s exactly what happened.

  The two clearly understood that Bai Yu was no longer something they could deal with.

   "If this continues, we may not be able to persist!"

  CP0-5 immediately said to CP0-4.

"What are they doing?"

   "Why hasn\'t this **** space been broken!"

  CP0-5 say it again.

   Then, together with CP0-4, they looked to the distance behind them.

  CP0-6 led many soldiers, constantly attacking the domain barrier.

   But the strength of the crowd has been gathered and they have been attacking until now.

   Unable to open even a small gap!