Pirate's General Tiger

v3 Chapter 157: Unforgettable lesson

"It's him!?"

"The man he saw at the bar was actually a navy!"

"what are you going to do?"


The faces of the straw hat boys changed drastically, staring at Tang En with a nervous expression.


Between the flashes of thunder and light, Luffy, who was enveloped in it, gradually showed his shape, and he looked confused with Tang on his face.

"Are you a navy?"

Tang En's eyes narrowed, and there was still a smile between his expressions: "It seems that ordinary thunder and lightning, it really has no effect on you."

"Is the insulator? It's better to say that it is the restraint relationship between the fruits."

High-temperature lightning can melt steel, and every rubber naturally becomes incinerated into ash in an instant. It is important to know that lightning carries huge energy. This huge energy can easily burn the material.

Rubber, just ordinary material, how to resist the energy of lightning?

He glanced at the others, and looked at the crowd like an enemy, and said with a smile: "The other part of the pirates who are like you are supernova, I have just visited."

Luffy and others stared at him closely, waiting for the next words.

"They were so vulnerable that they disappointed me."

"What kind of strength can you have?"

Tang En's words made everyone's pupils contract and their hearts accelerated.

Pirates who can be tied with them are naturally not bad in strength, but in this person's mouth, they only got an unbearable evaluation.

"I remembered, you, you are the old Tang En!!"

At this moment, Sauron suddenly shouted.

"It's too much. This face, except for being younger, makes no difference. Are you Tang En's child?"

Sauron quickly shouted again.

Hearing the word "Tang En", Nami's expression also changed: "Are you Tang?"

They all felt that Tang En's appearance was very familiar. Now that he has a thorough understanding, he immediately recalled that the old man he had seen was just such a face.

"Remembered? Yes, I'm Down."

"It's not the Sauron kid, the old man in your mouth, I just regained my youth."

Tang En squinted and smiled.

"It's just that I didn't expect to see you for a while. You all became pirates, which really disappointed me!"

When the words turned, he said again.

Sauron and Nami were relieved first, but soon became nervous again. As for the strength of Tang En, they naturally heard the legend.

This man who had strong strength when they were young, now appears in front of him, how to get along as an enemy?

"What about Teacher Rossius?"

Nami asked.

"He should be lying down in a corner of the world well, and I will wake him up soon."

"He will be very happy to see you become a pirate."

Tang En smiled.

Sauron wanted to say something, but was finally silent.

The other party is Guina's master, and in the following time, he challenged Guina to never win. The girl has amazing talent, and the effort she made is no less inferior to him.

In the time of going to sea, the other party is earlier than him.

"Dare to be a pirate, it seems that you have your own life choices."

After a pause, Tang En's tone became low.

"So, should you be prepared to pay the price?"

The light flashed suddenly on the body, Tang En's robe shuddered, and the breath began to swell and strengthen rapidly, but for a moment, the straw hat and his gang were all numb.

They felt a repressive breath, and the terrifying oppressive force was crushed. It was vast and unprecedentedly domineering, making their hearts tight and uncomfortable.

"Ready to fight!"

Luffy's face was also one side, and this moment was extremely serious.

He sensed the killing intention of the other party. This young man was definitely not joking with them.

"Let me see if you have grown up over the years, have the wings to soar in the sky, or are you still a tender young chick who can only feed!"

During the discourse, the electric arc on his body began to disperse, sizzling and spreading to the surroundings. The electromagnetic field generated by the current suspends the material on the ground.

"Be careful, Tang En's strength is definitely a general level!"

Nami shouted.

"Even among generals, this guy is second to none, he is a world-class great swordsman!"

Sauron also said solemnly in a low voice.

In a few words, everyone probably understood Tang En's strength and became nervous. On the way to here, they once encountered the green pheasant, and there was no resistance between them.

But did not think that on this island, the more powerful Tang En shot.

Suddenly, Tang En, who was originally standing, suddenly disappeared, and everyone's face changed. This terrible speed, no one can see clearly.


The electric light suddenly dazzled, and a figure appeared in front of Usopp, all over him with thunder, a clean navy suit, and his cold eyes directed at him.


With just one look, Usopp was already weak, and his **** was on the ground.

"Start with you first!"

The right hand was lifted, and a finger was stretched out. The arc suddenly fluctuated between the fingers, and Ursop's heart shuddered even more, with a fear expression on his face.


Sauron shouted, and the long knife immediately came out of the sheath. On the other side, Xiangjishi's expression also changed abruptly, striding forward, and kicked over.

Tang En turned his backs on them, and he could clearly see the movements behind him, but he didn't even mean to hide.


The attack of the two passed over his body, a long knife passed through the body, and Shank's right foot kicked Don's shoulder, causing him to shake slightly.

But soon, the dazzling thunder light burst directly from his shoulders, and wrapped in the blink of an eye, wrapped in Xiangji Shi, causing him to tremble and scream, and finally smoked and fell to the ground.

At this time, Sauron's pupils contracted, watching Tang En's waist bloom in the thunder light, and quickly returned to the original state.

"Damn it! My attack can't hurt him at all!"

Usopp was terrified and screamed.

In Tang En's fingers, a flash of thunder burst forth.


Lightning enveloped Usopp, making his screams stop abruptly.

"Without power, I want to do whatever I want in this world and gain freedom in imagination."

"You take it for granted. Today, I will give you an unforgettable lesson!"

Tang En turned and faced the rest of the straw hats, his face became more eerily.


Luffy was furious, and he ran up in a stride, attacking Tang En.

However, the latter did not care about his attack at all. The simple and direct thing was to hit it directly with one punch.


Luffy cried with a headache and screamed again and again. The pain of this punch was no less than that given to him by Cap.

Tang En stepped forward and came to one of them.

"Nico Robin, the fate is really elusive and awesome."

"I thought it changed your life, but I didn't expect it, but the world has regained its trajectory again."

"You finally appeared here!"