People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 331: Message from Li Yan

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Originally, Li Yan thought that, like in the original book, he would meet the four priests of Anilu on the road.

The arrogant Enel will play a game of gods or something.


After walking for a long time, no one was seen.

It shouldn\'t be, just because he blasted away his ruling of the gods, he was frightened.

But it doesn\'t matter, anyway, Jian Wense has already locked his position, just go to the door directly.

"Li Yan, didn\'t you say this is the Golden Land?"

"Yeah, what\'s the problem?"

"It\'s been a long time since I walked, and I haven\'t even seen a building!"

"Don\'t worry, do you see the huge vines? The Golden Land is on the edge of the vines, and the legendary giant golden bell is at the top of the vines!"

"Sometimes I really wonder if you have eaten the devil fruit with the ability to know everything."

Hearing this, Taotu said with a strange expression, while Li Yan smiled and said nothing.

As long as you don\'t say it yourself, others will naturally make reasonable brain supplements.

So, why bother trying to figure out what to say?


at the same time.

Outside Angel Island, a small island is on the clouds.

Cloudy Village.

This is the aboriginal people of Sandora, where the Sandia people live.

Since 400 years ago, half of Gaya Island, which is now Appayado, has never seen the earth after being washed into the White Sea A war broke out among the Asians.

The result of the war was naturally that the Shandians were defeated.

After all, the gap in the number of people is too great, and in addition to the fact that they have just been rushed to the altitude of 10,000 meters, many people are injured and cannot adapt to the thin air.

Therefore, even though the great warrior Calgary tried his best, he still lost.

As a result, the Shandians were driven out of Appayado, and still have not been able to return to their homeland.

However, even after four hundred years have passed, the desire to return to Sandora and ring the golden bell again is still imprinted in the genes of each generation.

"Could this be Enel\'s trap?"

"It shouldn\'t be. Aisha saw with her own eyes this morning that there was a flying ship approaching Angel Island, and then Anilu issued a ruling, but... the so-called God\'s ruling was directly blasted away by the visitor!"

"Aisha, is what Webber said true?"

"Yes, Elsa really saw it, Elsa didn\'t lie."

Hearing the Chief\'s question, Aisha on the side kept nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Hearing this, the chief fell silent.

There was news before that someone instantly defeated the white beret troops on Angel Island, and even said that they wanted to solve Anilu.

However, after such a treacherous act, Anilu did not hand down the verdict as usual.

But if you look at what Elsa said together, it seems to make sense.

It\'s not that Anilu doesn\'t want to make a ruling, but he knows that this trick is useless to those few people.

What kind of monster came to the sky island?


Just when everyone was in shock and didn\'t speak for a while.

Suddenly, a soldier rushed in outside the tent, looking anxious.

"What happened?"

Before the chief could speak, Weber asked loudly.

Because the soldier who came in knew that he was sent to follow the three people before.

Presumably coming here in a hurry at this moment is also related to this matter.

"The three people who appeared on Angel Island before returned to their flying ship and went to Appajado together half an hour ago!"

"Did they find you?"

"This... In fact, they discovered me from the beginning. When they went to Appayado, the person who took the lead asked me to send a message to the chief."

"What message?"

At this time, the chief also spoke.

He was very curious about who the other party was. He knew that the Shandia people were following them, but he didn\'t take action, and now he was sending a message.

What do you want to say?

"The other party said that they can also kill Anilu, and the Shandians can also return to Apayado, but there are two conditions!"

"What conditions?"

"One is that the rest of the gold in Sandora belongs to them except for the golden bell, and the other is that they need a territory in Appayado after this is over."

"Gold still has territory?"

Hearing this, the chief looked strange, and some did not understand what the other party meant.

When it comes to gold, he understands.

After all, over the years, people from Qinghai have often come to the empty island, and most of them are pirates.

Therefore, the chief also has a certain understanding of Qinghai, and knows that in Qinghai, gold is a very valuable thing.

But what is the territory for?

As far as he knows, these pirates in Qinghai will not stay for a long time, but keep moving forward.

Therefore, inherent territory means nothing to them.


They are not pirates!

"Where did they come from, what identities did you say?"

"Yes, the other party said they were from the East China Sea in Qinghai, and the man who took the lead claimed to be the governor of the East China Sea Navy."

"Navy... yes, that\'s what it is, I see!"

Hearing this, the chief suddenly realized.

Navy, that makes sense.

The chief knows that in addition to the pirates in the Qinghai there is also a force called the navy.

And the mission of this navy is to clear up the pirates and execute justice.

Moreover, the navy is different from the pirates. The pirates have no fixed place to live, but the navy builds bases all over Qinghai.

In some ways, the navy is similar to Sky Island\'s White Berets, or formerly the Guard.

After all, it is the maintainer of order.

Then, their request for a piece of territory in Appayado made sense.

This is to establish a base on the empty island and station the marines.

In short, regardless of other things, this is indeed a good opportunity to take back Appayado.

"Weber, take all your warriors to Appajador."

"Chief, have you finally figured it out, are you ready to fight Anilu to the death?"

"Who told you to fight Enel, can you fight?"

Hearing this, the chief said angrily.

Webber is good at everything, but he is a little over his head, clamoring all day long that he wants to fight Anilu to the death.

But the key is that you can\'t beat it, and the entire Yunyin Village can\'t be beaten even if you press it together, okay?

Therefore, the chief has always tried to suppress Weber. After all, he has waited for four hundred years, and he doesn\'t care about waiting until Anilu dies of old age, doesn\'t he?

But because of Weber\'s impulsiveness, Sandia\'s four-hundred-year endurance cannot be ruined.

But now things are a little different.

Previously, it was because the chief couldn\'t see any possibility of victory, so he kept suppressing Weber and preventing him from messing around.

But now, he seems to see hope.

"If you don\'t fight Anilu, why did you let me go to Apayado?"

"To witness the fall of Anilu, to ring the golden bell that has been silent for four hundred years!"

Looking at Weber, the chief said very seriously.