Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

On this fateful day, night and day, it drizzled . Mu Yunyao thought that no one would come due to the weather when she saw Yin Hong holding an umbrella and running towards her .

Mu Yunyao immediately got up and took a cloth from a stand nearby and went to welcome Yin Hong . “Sister Yin Hong, it’s still raining, what could be so urgent to require Lady to find me now?” The rain was not particularly heavy, but because of the wind, a portion of Yin Hong’s dress was wet . She, however, could not be bothered to wipe it dry . Instead, she stood at the door and said, “Miss Mu, Lady told me to tell you that Colour Moon Shop’s Shopkeeper has also created his own booklet . In the booklet are also many beautiful girls . The booklet is called Colour Moon Beauty Handbook .

As of now, this handbook had been sent to the various residences . Lady wants to remind you to be careful . ”

Mu Yunyao pulled Yin Hong in . “Many thanks to Sister Yin Hong to come here and remind me despite this weather . The rain is heavier now, I will get you some dry clothes . When the rain stops, you can go home . ”

Yin Hong looked at her drenched skirt and quickly rejected . “No, no, it’s already wet anyway, I can just go home and change . ”

Mu Yunyao did not release her hand . Instead, she tightened her grip and pulled Yin Hong in . “I specially made some clothes for you . If you don’t come and take a look, I’m afraid that clothing would have to be squashed at the bottom of the boxes . After all, it was made according to your measurements, other people would not be able to wear it . ”

“Ah?” Yin Hong was very excited . When she walked into a room, she realised that she was leaving a lot of footprints on the carpet . “Miss Mu, this……” “No worries, I change the carpets every day, there’s really no point in going the extra mile to keep it clean . ” Mu Yunyao was all smiles . She even stomped on the carpet herself a few times before pulling Yin Hong along . “Hurry, hurry, I actually finished it two days ago, however, because it had been so busy, I did not have the time to send it to you . ”

Yin Hong’s heart warmed . She knew that Mu Yunyao is doing all this because her master was Lady Jin . Even so, this attitude and actions of hers made Yin Hong very happy . Due to the difference in status, Yin Hong’s clothes were a nice sky blue colour but no intricate designs . Mu Yunyao only did a little bit of patterns at the waist, the skirt, the sleeves and the collar . The accompanying accessories were very simple designs of flowers, but when worn, it made the wearer seem extra lively .

Yin hong studied herself in the mirror . She felt if she were to tell strangers that she was the daughter of an official, no one would suspect a thing . “This outfit is way too expensive . I beg Miss Mu to not put me on a spot . ”

Niyun’s clothes were priced at more than a thousand silvers each . Although this clothing did not have as many designs, the effort was the same . However, Yin Hong did not have the money .

“I heard Lady Jin complimenting you, that your rose petal tea skills have improved to the point that you have surpassed me . Now is Niyun’s busy period and so I have no free time . If Sister really wants to thank me, then why not you gift me a few rose buds?”

Yin Hong was a little worried . Although she really liked this dress, but to receive such a huge gift like that would not be beneficial for her . There is a possibility that something might happen in the future and this situation would turn against her . However, Mu Yunyao looked as if she did not understand her train of thoughts . “Sister is very skilled at preparing rose buds, so you might think that that is just a common item . On the other hand, my talent lies in making dresses, to the point that I feel it is a common item too, other than the fact that it takes up a lot of my time . Sister really likes my dresses and I also really like the rose buds . If Sister is alright with it, would you do me a favour?”