Paintings of Terror

V11.chapter 20

The top of this room is still the same as the previous two rooms. In the black void, there are particles like waves floating in it, but in front of it is not water or iron plate, but a huge canvas, which blocks the direction leading to the exit.

On the left side of the canvas, there are seven colors of red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white, with the same size. In the middle of the canvas, there is a tray. The bottom of the tray seems to be connected with a series of complex machines. The whole painting is like a design drawing of some kind of mechanical combination, all composed of lines.

At the top of the canvas, there is a line of words: put the heaviest color block on the tray for customs clearance, and eliminate it if it is placed incorrectly.

"This How do you know which one is the heaviest? " He Tang was a little alarmed. The countdown on the interface was beating the numbers coldly and mercilessly, "I look at all the color blocks are the same size! And they're flat. How can they have weight? "

"Don't panic," Kexun pressed her shoulder. "Imagine, it's just a plan. Aren't all the comics we read are flat, but we can make up three-dimensional real images with our brains. This picture can also be used. If you think of them as three-dimensional, they are all heavy."

He Tang bit his lips and tried to concentrate on himself. He was carefully identifying which of the seven different color blocks might look bigger. Weidong reached out and pointed on the black color block. The color block was just like the icon on the touch screen of a mobile phone. Once it was touched, it could be moved.

Weidong lights the black block and moves it to the tray in the middle of the canvas.

"For the same black-and-white color block, the weight of black is 1.8 times heavier than that of white color," Weidong said. "So safes are generally dark color, which can increase the psychological weight it brings to people, and has a certain anti-theft effect."

Weidong was about to release his finger, which was lighted by the color block, and was stopped by Ke Xun: "don't hurry to loosen it, and drag on for a while."

Weidong understood, staring at the countdown on the interface, ready to let go at the last five seconds.

"Fortunately, you are not here. How could this neurotic painting suddenly come up with a color problem?" Kexun said.

"What's the matter? The two levels in front of us, one is related to history, the other is related to physical health, which is stimulated by thieves." Weidong road.

"Oh?" Ke Xun raised his eyebrows and asked he Tang, "what happened to you before?"

He Tang was thinking about these two people's hearts. At this time, he was still in the mood to chat with him. When he saw Ke Xun, he said, "the last level we went through was related to music. Fortunately, they were all within my professional scope, and there were not many obstacles."

Kexun gave her a thumbs up. At the last level, it was the girl who played a significant role to help her pass the customs.

He Tang was encouraged and settled down a lot.

Ke Xun turned to Wei Dong and said, "I understand. All the levels are based on the discipline. The first level is Chinese. The physics, chemistry, physiology and health in this pass are biology, history and music. Now it's art. The program mixes all his son's lessons in school into his paintings."

"There's a lot of resentment." Wei Dong said, the countdown has entered the last five seconds, he took a breath, released his finger.

The black color blocks fell on the tray, as if with a huge weight, and dropped the whole canvas in front of him. There was a passage under his feet, which was only ten meters away. At the end of more than ten meters away, there was an upright canvas in front of him.

Kexun strode forward. Weidong was just about to catch up with him. Seeing that Fang Fei was still there, he focused on describing the law, so he quickly pulled her forward.

The canvas is divided into left and right with a slit one person wide. One is red and the other is green. The words on the top are: if you choose one of them, you will be eliminated if you make a wrong choice.

"It's shameless. It doesn't even say what conditions to choose, how to choose." Kexun looked at the canvas.

"Is it green?" He Tang said, "green is usually a safety color, and the traffic lights are not all red, stop green light OK."

"I always think it's not so simple," Ke Xun Ning Mei. "With such a clear answer, will painting set us such a simple question? But then again, painting may also take advantage of our psychology to do the opposite, but it is so simple that it deliberately makes us think in a complicated direction. What do you think, Dongzi? "

Wei Dong scratched his head beside him: "it's disgusting not to specify the selection conditions. Who knows what conditions it is based on?"

Seeing that the countdown was in the second half of the countdown, Fang Fei was also speeding up the rules of narration. After listening, Ke Xun thought that this time might not be enough time, and he had to solve this problem.

Turning his attention back to the canvas, Kexun examined the problem carefully and said, "the question says" pass ", which means that we can go through the right slit to enter the next question. But you don't think it strange. The canvas is very large, but the two color bars are very narrow. Since we want to let us pass, why not draw wider?"

Then he stood in front of the green color bar and said, "look, it's just my shoulder width. If there's a fat man in the middle of us, isn't it going to be stuck here?"Then he changed to the red color bar and compared it, which was still only the width of his shoulders.

"The red and green are of equal width." Kexun said.

Weidong's eyes suddenly brightened: "I know! ——Choose red! Let's go Then she pulled Fang Fei into the red slit.

Kexun let he Tang walk in front of him and walk in the last place, so as not to be implicated even he Tang if he was really stuck.

Fortunately, the result of being stuck did not happen, and the four people successfully passed through the red slit.

"What's the reason for that?" He Tang asked Weidong.

"As far as the width is concerned, I think it's probably another psychological effect of color, that is, expanding color and shrinking color," Wei Dong said. "Red, orange and yellow are expansion colors, while blue and green are contraction colors. So if we just took the green color bar, we might be stuck by it. Although the two color bars are actually the same width, I think what the program wants to test is this visual effect and psychological effect, and the psychological effect will be true in the painting

He Tang made a clear expression, and Weidong added: "so sister, if you want to be thin, you should wear dark clothes, black silk or something, and show your legs are thin."

He Tang: Black silk

Ke Xun: "you are a man of the house. Don't talk nonsense. Here comes the third question

The third problem was still painted on the canvas. Wei Dong was examining the topic. Ke Xun had heard Fang Fei describe the law, and asked for the consciousness of the program with the prop box, and asked for the signature of the program.

The surrounding situation did not change. However, the void above the head began to flicker, and the particles like particles and waves were disorderly and randomly beating. At one time, they were scattered light spots, at one time they were light gratings alternating with light and dark, and another was the superposition of light spots and gratings.

At this time of uncertainty, the edge of the void on the top of his head suddenly lit up, as if someone had opened a corner of the box from the outside and put in a large amount of light.

Schrodinger's cat, once people open the box for observation, the cat in the superposition state in the box must collapse to one of the States.

The light spots and gratings in the void stopped twinkling and beating at the moment when the large amount of light projected in, and they were fixed on the background color of the black void and turned into a signature written with light: program.

"This How can you reach it? " Wei Dong exclaimed, "how can we still be tested in the end?"

The countdown to the third question has entered the second half, and Kexun is also in a hurry. What rules can make people fly?! There is no time to think about the rules at this moment! No one has the lightness skill. What should we do?

-- eh? Lightness skill?

Kexun called out the law book and yelled: "step on your left foot and use your right foot to help each other!"

- [the law passed]

Fang Fei: "the law is passed

He Tang:

Wei Dong was shocked: "can all this work?"

Kexun: there's no time to explain. Go to heaven

Several people did not dare to hesitate, a black line on the left foot stepped on the right foot empty.

However, before touching the signature of the program, Kexun suddenly received two reminders for help at the same time.

[there is only one chance to accept help. Please accept one or reject all. ]

Ke Xun looked at the picture of Deng Lin and Wu you.

Kexun thought for a moment and asked he Tang, "if you want to make this decision, I will listen to you."

These two people, one is her sworn in love with the boyfriend, the other is she can not stand on both sides like thorns in love.

He Tang bit his lips with a complicated look.

However, time did not wait. Just when Ke Xun thought that she didn't want to make a decision, but was ready to reach out and accept one of them for help, he Tang whispered and clearly uttered three words: "choose Wu you."

Scum man or something, let's live and die!

Wu you and Deng Lin entered the same level this time, but before entering the pass, they had fallen out, so they had to ask others for help for the camp when they encountered problems that could not be solved.

As Kexun expected, all the related subjects in the school were involved in. Wu you and Deng Lin met a sports pass, so they asked for help.

After solving Wu You's problem, Ke Xun, together with Wei Dongfang Fei and he Tang, reached over his head and touched the signature of the program.

Just like pushing the lid out of the box, the void on the top of the head is completely lifted, and a large amount of light falls, which makes people unable to open their eyes. When the light gradually dissipates, people are already in the exhibition hall of the art museum which is approaching the winter.

Standing in front of them are Mu Yiran, Zhu Haowen, Shaoling, Qin Ci and Luo Yi, but Deng Lin and Wu you are still not out.

They didn't speak. They just breathed and stared at Schrodinger's cat on the wall until five minutes later, the light was shining and a figure appeared in front of them.

It's Wu you.

The shawl's hair seems to be soaked with sweat, and the hair sticks to her pale face. After seeing the crowd, Wu Yu sits down on the ground, covering her face with laughter and tears. Finally, she squeezes out a sentence between her fingers: "Deng Lin can't come out...""Why don't you think so," He Tang is very calm at the moment. "If it wasn't for his two boats, you wouldn't have followed the date. If we came to this place, you and I would not have quarreled and dragged into this exhibition hall, and we would not have been involved in this horrible painting world. It's all because of him, and now he's paid for it. It's his life. "

Wu you raised his face full of tears and saw he Tang's hand stretched out in front of her.

She stretched out her hand and held the cold, delicate hand that was shaking. Wu you was pulled up by her and said, "sister, we are miserable by that silly x pit!"

The two men hugged their heads and wept bitterly.


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