One Sword Reigns Supreme

446 Sword Immortal Chapter 440: I'm a little panicked!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!The man looked at Ye Xuan again, and suddenly, his brow furrowed, "You...some way!"

Only then did he realize that Ye Xuan\'s aura in front of him was completely gone, and he couldn\'t feel it at all.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "What do you call your Excellency?"

The man said: "War Army."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Ye Xuan!"

Zhan Jun said: "Ye Xuan...Did you hide the realm, or?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Hidden realm!"

The army nodded slightly, "No wonder. Brother Ye, did you just come to Yangcheng?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Just here!"

Zhanjun smiled and said, "Let\'s go, I just want to go back too."

After speaking, he took Ye Xuan and turned and walked away.

On the way, the army suddenly said, "Brother Ye, is there any genius in Weiyang City recently?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Why do you ask?"

Zhanjun shook his head and sighed, "Because in the past two years, fewer and fewer people have come to bury the Great Wall."

Ye Xuan asked: "Are you practicing here?"

Zhanjun shook his head, "Not really."

Ye Xuan asked, "How do you say?"

The war army pointed to the distance, "Over there, it is the place of the Moko tribe, the Moko tribe, have you heard of it?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I\'ve heard a little bit!"

The army whispered softly: "You will see their horror soon, this race is a group of fighting lunatics! And their goal is to conquer the Weiyang star field!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Conquer the Weiyang star field?"

The army nodded, "This is the last barrier. If this is lost, they will drive straight in and enter the Weiyang Star Territory. It will be a disaster for the Weiyang Star Territory at that time."

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "Don\'t the people in Weiyang Star Territory know?"

The Zhanjun whispered: "I know, every year, many people will come over there, all geniuses from all major forces, but in the past two years, there have been a bit less."

As he said, he shook his head and smiled, "I heard that there was a genius in the Moke clan named Moxie. This person has already rushed to Bury the Great Wall. By then, this place will definitely become very lively!"

Ye Xuandao: "Doesn\'t the older generation of strong people participate?"

Zhanjun laughed and said: "Of course not, but now it is not a decisive battle. Therefore, the two sides have an agreement to let the younger generations of both sides have fun... In fact, it is a kind of training. Both sides are training. Of course, Just see which side has stronger pawns."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, no matter how enchanting you are outside, after you come here, remember one thing, there is no the most enchanting here, only more enchanting! Especially you can not despise anyone, especially Moroccan People of the Ke family."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Thanks for reminding!"

The Zhanjun smiled and was about to speak, just at this moment, he and Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, and the ground was shaking under their feet!

Ye Xuan frowned, and he raised his head to look into the distance. At this time, the army solemnly said: "There is a monster near here!"

Ye Xuangang was about to say to withdraw, but the army was a little excited: "Go, go and see!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

In this way, the Zhanjun led Ye Xuan and rushed forward. After a while, Ye Xuan\'s expression gradually became serious, because the ground where they passed had deep and huge footprints!

Not an ordinary monster!

The army took a closer look at the footprints, and soon his expression became solemn.

"What?" Ye Xuan asked.

The army said solemnly: "It should be a violent beast! I can\'t beat one!"

With that, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you interested?"

Ye Xuan asked, "Is there any benefit to playing this thing?"

The army laughed and said: "Very big benefits. First, their blood and inner alchemy can strengthen our physical body. Here, strong strength can enable us to survive! Second, their skin can be exchanged for a large amount of Ziyuan Jing, because we need to consume a lot of Ziyuan Jing every day, so with Ziyuan Jing, we can better improve our strength."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "This violent beast is the pinnacle of the holy realm, and its combat power is extremely strong. Its blood and inner alchemy are great tonic, and its skin can sell at least 100,000 purple source crystals!"

One hundred thousand purple source crystals!

Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched slightly. He was originally interested, but now, there is basically no interest!

Although he sent most of the purple source crystals to the Azure Realm, he still has at least ten million purple source crystals in his body now, so he is not short of money!

The army suddenly said: "Brother Ye, if I was right, when you came, you should have brought a lot of purple source crystals with you, right?"

Ye Xuan didn\'t hide it either, "Yes!"

The army laughed, "I tell you, soon, you will have no root hair on your body!"

Ye Xuan wondered, "Why?"

The Zhanjun smiled and said: "Because the consumption is very large here, and we also need a lot of purple source crystals for daily cultivation, because there is no aura on the Great Wall of Burial, and if you want to cultivate, you can only rely on purple source crystals ."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice, "Weiyang Star Territory doesn\'t provide help?"

The Zhanjun whispered: "Naturally it is helpful. Everyone has some subsidies every month...but not much, because the Great Wall of Burial has a huge formation, which requires hundreds of millions of purple sources every month. Jing to maintain, and... in short, there are too many places to spend Ziyuan Jing. Therefore, many times, we can only rely on ourselves."

Ye Xuan whispered: "Moke, very strong?"

The army smiled bitterly, "Not very strong, but very strong."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, how about it? Have you considered it clearly? Let\'s kill this violent beast together!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Then try it!"

The army laughed, "Go!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed out straight ahead, extremely fast.

Ye Xuan also hurriedly followed. Soon, the two came to a dense forest. By the river in the distance, they saw a giant beast!

This giant beast is like a hill, drinking water by the river.

Looking at this figure, Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched slightly, which was too big!

The army suddenly jumped, like an off-string arrow, directly hitting the beast not far away.

Ye Xuan was stunned, this guy said he would shoot!

He was about to make a move, suddenly, he looked down at the ground, the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

At this moment, the violent beast in the distance suddenly turned around. The next moment, it slapped the army with a palm.

The army didn\'t dodge or evade, punched it.


As a blast sounded, the army retreated violently. After he stopped, he was about to make a move. At this moment, the surrounding ground suddenly cracked. Soon, the three statues were as big as the violent behemoth. The big monster beast got up from the ground.

All are holy land!

Seeing this scene, the army\'s expression suddenly changed!

Was ambush!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared beside him, and when he saw Ye Xuan, the army was shocked, and then said, "You won\'t run?"

Ye Xuan hadn\'t come out just now, he could run away!

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Three fights one, you will definitely die, three fights two, we still have a little hope, what do you think?"

The reason why he didn\'t run was naturally because he thought the soldiers were pretty good. If they run away at this time, it would be a bit unethical!

Zhanjun glanced at Ye Xuan, "You fellow, it\'s quite interesting!"

Ye Xuan smiled, and then looked at the violent beast in front of him. At this moment, the violent beast was also staring at him.

Ye Xuan opened his palm, and a sword appeared in his hand!

The Zhanjun was slightly shocked, "Brother Ye, are you Jian Xiu?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The army was about to speak, and at this moment, the violent behemoth in the distance suddenly jumped. Upon seeing this scene, Ye Xuan and the army changed their faces, and the two of them flashed backwards.


When the violent beast landed, the position where the two had stood directly collapsed, and at this time, several sword lights directly slashed on it.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Those few sword lights directly tore the flesh of the violent behemoth open a few holes, splashing blood!

Ye Xuan was about to continue to make a move. At this moment, the giant beast next to him suddenly slapped it, and the palm fell, as if the sky was falling, and it went dark!

The right foot of the army next to him slammed, and the whole person rose into the sky. In the air, the army punched the palm of the giant beast.


The giant beast retreated again and again, but the army directly smashed to the ground, smashing the ground into a huge pit!

On their right, another giant beast suddenly rushed towards them. Every step of this giant beast landed, the ground shuddered, terrifying!

The army suddenly said: "These two small ones, and the old one, which one do you fight!"

Ye Xuan looked at the violent behemoth in front of him, "Leave this to me!"

The sound fell, and the others had disappeared. The next moment, several Qi swords suddenly slashed on the violent behemoth, and for a while, countless blood spattered from the violent behemoth.

Because Ye Xuan’s flying sword was too fast, that violent behemoth could not stop it at all. Therefore, it directly abandoned its defenses, and then slapped Ye Xuan in the air. The power of this palm was extremely powerful. After that, the surrounding space was trembling, as if it was about to break!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly, he did not choose to resist, because he absolutely couldn\'t hold it!His figure flashed decisively and escaped this powerful blow. At the same time, he gently swiped forward. In an instant, countless Dao Qi swords slashed on the violent behemoth from various angles. For a time, the violent behemoth splashed several blood all over its body.

fight as a guerrilla!

Ye Xuan kept dodge in the air. Every time he dodges, his flying sword can make a few holes in the behemoth beastly. In less than a while, there are dozens of holes in the behemoth berserk. child!

And about a quarter of an hour later, the violent behemoth suddenly roared, Ye Xuan\'s face changed, thinking that the other party was going to make a big move when he was angry, and was about to dodge, and at this moment, the behemoth suddenly