One Sword Reigns Supreme

416 Sword Immortal Chapter 416: Brother, do your best!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Boom boom boom boom!

In the originally collapsed ancient city, four black pillars with a width of one hundred feet suddenly rose into the sky and went straight into the sky.

After these four pillars appeared, the world changed color!

"Four Fang Divine Formation!"

Not far away, Li Tian frowned slightly, "This ancient family is really big! It even sacrificed the ancient family guardian formation! But also, if you don\'t sacrifice this formation, with the strength of these two giant dragons, even the ancient family will do its best. , I am afraid it is difficult to defeat easily, and even if it is defeated, it must be a miserable victory!"

Behind Li Tian, ​​the old man said solemnly: "This Ye Xuan is not easy, he can even please the Dragon Clan!"

Li Tian nodded slightly, "The dragon clan has been gone for a long time. I didn\'t expect it to reappear this time. Things are getting more and more difficult."

With that, he looked not far away.

In the distance, following the appearance of the four Optimus Primes, the eyes of the two giant dragons in the sky suddenly appeared solemn.

One of the giant dragons suddenly swooped down from the air. With this thrust, a powerful dragon swept down, as if to crush the earth, it was terrifying.

Gu Qian smiled coldly, and gently raised his right hand, "Get up!"

The sound fell, and the four Optimus pillars trembled violently. Then, they began to spin quickly. In an instant, the whole world was twisted, and the dragon\'s might suddenly shattered and turned into nothingness.Not only that, the space between the heavens and the earth was twisted, and the two giant dragons were to be crushed.

In the air, two giant dragons roared for a while, and then, they began to madly crash into the surrounding space, and the whole world trembled, as if the end is coming!

Below, Ye Xuan hurriedly sacrificed the spatial principles, and at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Before he could see clearly, he flew out towards the rear.

The person who made the shot was the ancient Qian!

After flying nearly a few hundred feet away, Ye Xuan stopped. At this moment, his physical body had completely shattered, and there were more visible bones.

The realm is too different!

Gu Qian walked towards Ye Xuan slowly. Although his eyes fell on Ye Xuan, his heart was extremely guarded.

Ye Xuan can even invite a giant dragon, which means that Ye Xuan himself is extremely difficult, so he is always ready to deal with any emergencies.

On the other side, Li Tian was also staring at Ye Xuan in the distance. He knew that Ye Xuan today was already at the limit.

Now Ye Xuan, if he doesn\'t reveal his hole cards, then there is no chance!Because those two giant dragons have been trapped by the ancient family\'s square formation!Although the four-sided divine formation could not kill these two giant dragons, the two giant dragons could not get rid of this great formation in a short time!

Gu Qian also knew this, so even though he hurt Ye Xuan seriously at this moment, he didn\'t have the slightest contempt for it.

Soon, Gu Qian walked ten feet in front of Ye Xuan. He stared at Ye Xuan and slowly clenched his right hand. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly whispered: "If this is the case, let the Gu family bury my brother and sister. !"

There was a sneer at the corner of Gu Qian\'s mouth, "It\'s up to you?"

At this moment, a small black tower suddenly appeared between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows.

The voice of the great god on the second floor suddenly sounded, "Can you think about the consequences?"

Ye Xuan laughed at himself, "They are all about to die, no matter what the consequences are! Pull one back, not lose, pull two, I earn.

The voice fell, and an invisible pressure suddenly appeared in the field.


In the air, the four Optimus pillars burst into pieces!

At this moment, everyone in the field looked at Ye Xuan, and that Gu Qian retreated violently, backing hundreds of feet away.

Everyone was looking at the small black tower between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows, including the two giant dragons.

Ye Xuan\'s body began to tremble, violently trembling, as if to be torn apart.

The great god on the second floor sounded here, "Really thinking about it?"

Ye Xuan did not answer, and the small black tower between his eyebrows suddenly flew out and hovered over his head. In an instant, an illusory small black tower suddenly appeared above everyone\'s head, including Gu Qian and those ancient experts in the surroundings. .

When the small tower appeared on top of his head, Gu Qian\'s face changed drastically. He slammed his hands forward. With this pressure, a powerful breath rose into the sky from inside him. However, the small black tower did not move. Not the slightest influence.

At this moment, Gu Qian was a little panicked!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly roared, "Close!"

The voice fell, and countless ancient experts and Gu Qian disappeared out of thin air in the field.

Disappear silently!

Not far away, Li Tian and the two were shocked, and they were full of disbelief in their eyes.

The eyes of the two dragons were also solemn.


For the small tower suspended above Ye Xuan\'s head, even if they were, they were extremely afraid.

In the world prison tower, there are about thirty people in the first floor, all of whom are the top experts of the ancient clan, and the leader is Gu Qian.

Gu Qian looked around, a little dazed, and not far in front of them, a little guy was looking at them coldly.

Little Linger.

Gu Qian was about to speak, and at this moment, a blood-red word "sin" appeared on their heads. At the same time, everyone in the court was unable to move at this moment, including Gu Qian, who was the leader.

At this moment, Gu Qian finally panicked.

Gu Qian raised his head and roared, "Where is this."

No one answered. Gu Qian and the others began to feel illusory. To be precise, they began to disappear bit by bit, and they watched themselves disappear.

Soon, screams of despair continued to sound from inside the prison tower, and after a while, there were more than 30 more rings in the first floor.

Outside the prison tower, after Gu Qian and others disappeared, Ye Xuan collapsed to the ground, and his body began to tremble violently.


This time, there were several backlashes, especially after using the world prison tower, this backlash was even more terrifying.

However, Ye Xuan stood up abruptly. At this moment, his facial features were severely distorted.

Ye Xuan turned his head and glanced at Li Tian not far away. The latter\'s face changed slightly, his eyes full of jealousy and solemnity.

After a moment of silence, Li Tian said: "We have no intention of being an enemy of Your Excellency."

Ye Xuan didn\'t speak, he walked towards the ancient city not far away, and there were many powerful experts in the ancient clan.

Ye Xuan walked very slowly, and his body twitched from time to time. When he walked to the gate of the city, he looked up at the two giant dragons in the air, "Kill, kill all the ancient experts in the city."

The dragons looked at each other for two days, and the next moment, they swooped down directly from the air, at extremely fast speeds, and instantly crashed into the ancient city.


The whole ancient city was like a major earthquake, with tremors and countless screams. Not only that, the whole ancient city began to collapse inch by inch, and countless dust and smoke rose into the sky.

Ye Xuan continued to walk forward. Although his body began to twitch, he was still walking slowly, and the direction he was walking was the ancient mansion.

But in the city, two giant dragons wantonly destroy, no one can stop!

Soon, Ye Xuan came to the ancient mansion, and at the gate, stood an old man, who was wearing a large black robe with white beard and hair.

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, he was about to speak, and Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Where is my sister?"

The old man said solemnly: "Ye Xuan, this time my ancient family recognized it, I..."

Ye Xuan suddenly roared, "Where\'s my sister!"

The old man slowly clenched his right hand, "Ye Xuan, if you retreat with these two giant dragons, my ancient family will let your sister go, otherwise..."

Ye Xuan suddenly stamped his right foot.


The ground under his feet snapped instantly!

Ye Xuan raised his head to look at the two giant dragons, "Kill, kill for Lao Tzu, and the Gu family will not leave one!"


Not far away, the black-robed old man shouted angrily, "Ye Xuan, don\'t deceive people too much, you..."

Ye Xuan angrily pointed at the black-robed old man, "I just want to deceive people too much. Today, your ancient family, don\'t even want to live!"

What else the black-robed old man wanted to say, a giant dragon had already rushed towards him.

Seeing this scene, the black robe old man\'s face changed drastically!

Facing a giant dragon, he naturally didn\'t dare to be careless. He took a step forward and drew his hands upwards. With this, the space in front of him trembled suddenly, undulating like a wave, with powerful powers of heaven and earth and space. The power is constantly shaking out.

However, as the giant dragon hit, these two forces instantly shattered, and the white-haired old man retreated repeatedly!

The other giant dragon swooped down directly from the air and slammed into the ancient house.


The entire ancient mansion collapsed instantly, and countless dust and smoke rose into the sky.

On the other side, the old man behind Li Tian shook his head slightly, "The ancient family is over!"

Li Tian whispered: "Do you really think the ancient family is so simple?"

The old man looked at Li Tian, ​​and Li Tian looked at the black-robed old man in the distance, "The ancient family has been passed down for thousands of years. If there is only this little bit of heritage, they would be gone. Besides, don\'t forget one person."

As if thinking of something, the old man\'s face changed slightly, "You mean him..."

Li Tian nodded, "As expected, it should appear too."

In the distance, two giant dragons were madly destroyed, and the two giant dragons were almost killed at the sight of people. For a time, the entire ancient mansion and the entire ancient city were wailing.

But at this moment, an invisible pressure suddenly appeared in the field. With the appearance of this pressure, the two giant dragons in the air stopped immediately. They looked up to the far end, where a middle-aged man stepped on. Come from nothing.

The visitor is Gu Tianxing, the head of the ancient family!

Seeing this person, the faces of the two giant dragons suddenly became serious.

Aside, Li Tian whispered: "This is interesting."

In the air, Gu Tianxing glanced at the two giant dragons and whispered softly, "It\'s interesting, even the dragons have come out."

The sound fell, his right hand spread out, and a small golden ball appeared in his palm. The next moment, countless golden lights shot down from the sky.

Seeing these golden lights, the faces of the two giant dragons changed drastically, and they retreated violently. However, it was still a bit late. Numerous golden lights penetrated directly through the two giant dragons, and for a while, blood spattered!

And below, Ye Xuan was already lying on the ground, at this moment, he really couldn\'t hold on!


The combination of several kinds of backlashes, to be able to survive until now, is already the limit for him!

In the air, after Gu Tianxing severely injured two dragons, he walked towards Ye Xuan below.

On the ground, Ye Xuan whispered: "Ling\'er, Brother tried his best."

The voice fell, and his consciousness began to blur...

In the air, Gu Tianxing stopped suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Who!"


PS: After things are completely busy this time, I will calm down and update it, and live up to every reader who supports me.

I am very touched to see you cut my roots, really...