One Sword Reigns Supreme

2719 Chapter 265: Or hanging!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

By this moment, it is indeed a little wrong!

Because he is definitely not to help the leaves, there is no way, Once Ye Xuan once called the sister, then everyone is playing!

His goal is the place of returning!

If Ye Xuan\'s sister appears, can anyone enter the market? Therefore, he can only prevent Ye Xuan called sister.

Thinking of this, there is no sigh, of course, more is anger!

The owner turned and looked at the imaginary shadow in front of the opposite, "isn\'t it can\'t afford it?"

Honestly, this time he also looks at the fire!

By the mountain king, don\'t face, don\'t talk about Wude, but this time, there is no problem with the king!

With a weak war, no one is, this is very meaningful!

And this past, even don\'t talk about Wu De, forcibly intervene!

It\'s really better than the mountain king!

There is no side opposite the owner, and the vain suddenly hoarsely moved: "This matter is related to you?"

No side, suddenly a punch!


Everyone has not reacted, and that vain is a far away, and when he stopped, his body suddenly condensed.

It is a middle-aged man in a robe!

I looked at the middle-aged man without the main disdain. "In front of me, don\'t put the ghosts, understand?"

The middle-aged man in the robes looks boundless, and the eyes are full of dignity. "Who are you!

None, refers to the reverse, "he lost!

Get dying!

The middle-aged man of the robes gently bombed the bounce, calmly: "Yes?"

The sound came down, after his body, suddenly crackled, and there was a lot of clouds directly, followed, a golden ancient book slowed down!

In the field, there have been in the past, "the past!

This is the past, the past!

With this past, the time and space of the original surrounding surrounding suddenly spread this moment, followed by, the time and space of annihilation suddenly retired, the starry sky, filled with countless horrible past power!

The middle-aged man of the robes looked at the owner, "Please go to death!

The sound fell, that passed suddenly slowly opened, in a moment, countless Xia Guang was poured out, and in this countless cloud, a horrible past force swept, strong percentage directly gave countless Human suffocation!

Even if the three know the strong, at this moment, it is also a contrast and retreat, not dare to close the area!

It\'s too horrible!

On the side, the look of Dao Ling and others is also unbeatable.

The maincent of the neck is calm, such as water!

Soon, the cloud is like a wave, and it will then be able to rush toward the owner!

No side is in front of this cloud, it is like a leaf boating in the sea.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the boundless stretched right hand was suddenly revealed, and then he slammed down.


In an instant, Wanzhang is broken!

See this scene, all people in the field change!

The middle-aged man in the robes is suddenly shrinking, and it is incredible, "this.

Have not finished, an illusory hand directly holds his throat!

The boundless main look at the middle-aged man of the robes, "Let me die?"

Said, then the hand suddenly grasped!


Middle-aged man in the robes is excited directly!

At this time, there is no side of the main point to look at the martial arts, "I hate you this kind of people!

The sound falls, he directly sleeps.


The might have not reacted, and the whole person is directly eradicated along with his own time and space!


In the field, the past Zongqiang\'s face has become incomparable!

Two top strong people are so spiked? On the other hand, there is no sigh: "It\'s a hanging!

God agrees to nod, "it is really hanging!

On the side, Dao Ling deeply glanced at the owner, the strength of this person, just like the owner!

After killing the two people, he turned and looked at Ye Xuan, but at this moment, Ye Xuanqi has returned a lot!

The boundless main road: "I am a person in the regulations!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Go!

The boundless land is walked towards Shimen, in the eyes of everyone, the boundless place.

Ye Xuan looks to Da Ling, "Go in and see!

After that, he followed the past.

After the Dao Ling silent, I also walked toward the returning place.

In the field, the Zongjing and others looked at the place where the return is, I don\'t know what I think.

In the end of the return, he suddenly stopped, he looked at the place where the hunting in the distance, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

Ye Xuan and Dao Ling and others are full of face.

Just then, boundless suddenly said: "Forget it!

After finishing, he turned and walked.

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "it\'s close, you don\'t go?"

I watched a eye, "" You said it is right! "

After finishing, he left the place where the returns were left.

Ye Xuan brows smashed, he followed the past, the starry sky, the boundless main brought one of the people walked in the distance!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Why?"

Not far, no side is not returning, nothing to say!

Ye Xuan turned his head to look forward, the latter shook his head slightly, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan looked at the unilateral owner, Best.

Why did the owner suddenly give up? Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the place of the market. It was obvious that there is no longer because of the feelings that suddenly give up!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan double eyes suddenly squatted.

There is a sudden departure of the owner, which makes the past Zongqiang in the field.

Zongxiang looked at the place of the market, then said: "Show!


The sound came down, after the convoy, countless strong people came out, at the same time, the servants held the past, and then pushed the past.


Countless Xia Guanglu!

Seeing this, Dao Ling suddenly rushed to the sky, she pauses, an ancient copy appeared in her hand.


Suddenly, the stone door suddenly poured out countless ancient runes!


This is the array of returns!

Countless white lights are bombarded towards those clouds, for a while, the whole starry sky begins to be broken!

Tiandi starry!

In the field, some past Zongqiang people and the arrested tribe were rushed towards the place of returning!

The Dao Ling is flashing, "the law enforcement is!


The sound falls, and the Taoist, a horrible breath suddenly appeared!

This is the most elite stronger of Doumen, there are not many people, only less than one hundred, but the lowest is ancient road!


Both parties directly fight together!

At this time, after that, there were countless past Zongqiang\'s source of arrival!

In the air, the Dao Ling manipulates the avenue array and the past.

In the past, the power is nothing to do before the boundary, but it is very horrible to others. Even if the Da Ling has urged a big road, it can only barely resist this past!

On the other side, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed, and then cooked to a stream!

In the field, the Tang Dynasty strong played.

However, the power of the past, but there are more and more!

At this time, the white blouse suddenly walked to the Xuan face, he looked at the white, "" Have you war? "

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, suddenly, he turned his head to the distance, in the absence of, I didn\'t know when a shakhow woman appeared, the woman walked toward the stone door, ignored anyone!

Seeing this scene, the sky of the sky turned to look at the woman, roaring, "Blocking her!

The shakhow woman turned his head and looked at the spirit, smiled slightly, then continued to go in the place of returning!

At this time, the door of the door suddenly appeared in front of the woman in the scik, and the white-haired old man stared at the shakhow woman. At this time, the woman\'s shirt suddenly raised a finger, and then gently swayed.

A breeze blows!

Silent, the white-haired old man is directly like a green smoke, which is generally disappeared in this world!

When you see this scene, you will suddenly shrink!

The shakle woman walked into the stone door!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then followed.

After entering Shimen, Ye Xuan saw the woman, and the woman in the blue shirt walked toward the hitting in the far!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, and the look was extremely lighter. At the same time, his heart was not confused, who is the woman in the past? Is it in the past? At this moment, the woman of the purple shirt suddenly stopped, she turned and looked at Ye Xuan, see Ye Xuan, she laughed: "Is it together?"

After the Xuanxuan silently took a moment, he walked to the woman\'s body, and the two walked together in the far away!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you know me?"

The shakhow woman shook his head, "don\'t know you!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, "Are you in the past?"

Scorpio woman laughs.

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, at this time, the woman\'s woman suddenly stopped, and there is a white light in front of her, there is a bright printer!

At this time, the printer suddenly trembled, and a horrible force shot out, and the shakhow woman!

The woman of the shakhow smiles, and the extension is gently.


That white light crashed, not only the white light, but also directly, the printed is also true!

Ye Xuan looked at a shakhop woman, shocking in his heart!

This woman is so horrible!

The shakhow woman turned his head and looked at the Ye Xuan and smiled: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, she walked away!

Ye Xuan Shen silently diagnosed it, followed!

Soon, the woman with Ye Xuan and Ye Xuan entered the place of returning, in front of the two, floating a grain size imprint, look at it, endless.

Ye Xuan light voice: "Is this a life imprint?"

The woman nodded, "Yes!

Everyone who dies, their life imprint will eventually return to here, then wait for the next round!

Ye Xuan said: "If you break the homage, these life imprints are now out.

The shakhow woman laughed: "The order collapses, the universe is chaotic!"

Ye Xuan looked into a shakhow woman, and the woman smiled: "Here is the order of the avenue owner, breaking this, equivalent to breaking his order.

Ye Xuan said: "Do you break?"

The shakhow woman looks to the Ye Xuan, the mouth is slight, "" You guess!

After that, she suddenly slammed his right hand.


In an instant, an extremely horrible force fiercely broke out, surrounding time and space started at this moment!

Ye Xuan silence.

I guess your mother!
