One Sword Reigns Supreme

2650 Chapter 2636: I have a little panic!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You just killed him just not, is it waiting for him to call people, then let my sister shot?"

The ancient blinks blinked, and then the color said: "I am not that kind of person!"

How can you think so bad? "

Ye Xuan speechless!

This woman\'s heart is not a general!

Be careful with yourself!

Otherwise, it may be lost and lost!

In the distance, the Emperor looked at the ancients and smiled: "Ancient girls have never thought of, and they met!

The ancient trendy, an eye, shocking, "Yuan Emperor, after you surrendered, I thought that the avenue pen owner will help you go beyond the order, now it seems.

He is not!

The Emperor is laughing, "Although there is no breakthrough, I am free!"

Unlike ancient girls, I was closed for so many years, that taste, I thought it was not very good? "

Guhaha smiled, "What is it? I am ancient, I would rather stand dead, and I will never be born!

The Emperor looked at ancient times, then said: "Really ambition.

Ancient smile: "Yuan Emperor, I am now alone!"


The Emperor\'s eyes are slightly smoldering.

How do he not understand the meaning? The ancients are now alone, she is really a huge disaster if she wants to revenue the Yuan Empire, and that is really a huge disaster!

Once this level of strong, once there is no concern, chaos, who can stop? At this time, the Emperor suddenly pointed to the next side, "If the ancient girl is coming, is it not afraid of death?"

Ancient positive road; "you dare!

The Emperor is a cold laugh, "Girl dares to mess, why not dare?"

The ancient death stared at the Emperor, "I gambling you dare!

The Emperor is a brighter, "Do you want to try it?"

Gu Dao: "Try try!

After that, she turned and disappeared directly!

The direction is the Yuan Empire!

See this scene, Yuan Di suddenly stunned!

Oh shit!

This woman really tried? One side, Ye Xuan has some headache!

That Emperor looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said: "I advise you to go back now, otherwise, she may take your Yuan Empire!

Yuan Di Road: "Caught him!

After that, he disappeared directly in the starry!

Such as Ye Xuan said, he didn\'t dare to waste the world here. Once the ancient entered the Yuan Empire, for the Yuan Empire, it is really a huge disaster!

After the Yuan Dynasty left, there were only left-leaves and that autumn!

Autumn is cold and watching Ye Xuan, it is about to shoot, and Ye Xuan directly appears in that than Wuai!

Qiuyuan expression is stiff!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the purple king, "Do you want to maintain?"

Zijun\'s face is very ugly!

Also maintained? If it is maintenance, the ancient is returned here.

Ye Xuan turned his head to the autumn, then said: "Don\'t think about it with big bullying!

I will not fight with you!

If you have any enchanting genius, let them come up!

How much is you!

Autumn is dead and staring at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk!

Why don\'t I don\'t have Ye Xuan? How can I kill Ya Xuan? It can be said that now the young generation can kill the mysterious, only the list!

Unfortunately, the list does not come out!

Ye Xuan suddenly angered: "Why don\'t you talk? How, is your Yuan Empire?"

Everyone: ".

The color of autumn is difficult to see!

Ye Xuan directly pointed to the Qiuxi, "Come!

Let your Yuan Empire younger!

Qiu Yuan said: "Do you dare?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If you want to bully? No door!"

Said, he sat down directly!

The autumn lung is frying!

More than the martial arts, Ye Xuanhuang bluntly slowed down!

He actually hits it with a small order, but he knows that he will go, the autumn may not be told to him, and the other person will choose a group!

When I thought of being a group, Ye Xuan was shook his head.

Still don\'t be stubborn!


Seeing Ye Xuan can\'t come down, the autumn is angry and anxious, it seems to be what, he looks to the Zijun, Zijun, is said: "I am already!"

After that, she turned and went!

She decided no matter what!

Seeing Zi Jinca, autumn is first, then I will be happy, and Zi Jun doesn\'t care, it means that there is no one to maintain the order in this place!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Zijun girl, if you let this old guy shot, then I tell you, from today, I will let the ancient girls in the martial arts today!

Zijun expression stiff.

Ye Xuan also said: "Since others can be bad rules, then why should I abide by the rules? What do you say?"

Zijun stopped, she turned to look to Qiuyuan, "Qiu Yuan Marshal, the rule can\'t break!"

If she let Qiu Yuan break the rules, she will really let the ancient times in the sky!

At that time, this ancient Wushu is completely abolished!

Qiuyuan looked at Zijun, "Zijun, I must take it today today!

Zijun is silent.

At this moment, she is really very annoyed, "Qiu Yuan Marshal, this is a rule!

Qiuyuan Shen Sheng: "Zi Jun girl, old man is not intentional to make you difficult, but this person I have to take away today!

If you have a definition today, please forgive me!

After finishing, he directly appeared on the Weitai!

Zi Jun brows smashed slightly, and at this time, the strong breath directly blocked the purple king!

Contest stage, Ye Xuan laughed; "Today this rule if bad, then the future who will desolate the ancient city of the ancient standings seriously shortage purple king girl, you have to think twice ah?!

Jun purple face difficult to see the extreme!

She really too difficult!

If you do not stop, then later, such as leaves Hyun said, the ancient Wu Cheng who seriously? If you stop, it\'s like just the hard dollar empire!

At this time, Xuan Ye also said; "purple girl Jun, Yuan Empire is bad to force you the rules of the ancient city of Wu, you are afraid of what you Zhan Li word ah?!

Today, if you stop them, the world of people will be on your side, that you did nothing wrong, but that is the Yuan Empire too far!

But if you do not stop him, and that people of the world will think you are afraid of his old Wu Cheng Yuan Empire, after the ancient Wu Cheng also how you mix in rivers and lakes? People competing for breath, if you do not fight this feeling, after you city of ancient weapons in the political arena will never be suppressed up!

Everyone: ".

Purple hands clasped Jun, who has been emitting a strong flavor!

Contest stage, Ye Hyun would like to say that Akimoto suddenly hunting channel: "Well next life!

Then he disappeared in the place directly, fist Hong Xiang leaves mysterious!

Distant, mysterious leaf look calm, his body, the Green mysterious sword quivering!

And just when he was ready sword, a man suddenly appeared in front of Mai Xuan Ye, the old man a right hand forward pressure.


That Akimoto was abruptly pressed directly in the place!

Mai to see the old man, side of the purple king suddenly relieved!

Santo finally appeared!

This linen old man, is the shortage of the ancient city of Santo Ma old!

Mai to see this old man, Akimoto his face suddenly sank down, he did not think that this has been a retreat for thousands of years old Ma actually had!

Akimoto Chen Sheng said: "Ma old!

Masonic smiled slightly, "autumn, it\'s a bit too!

Qiuyuan Shen Sheng said: "Mason, this person is a meticulous empire.

Mushan shook his head, interrupting Qiuyuan, "I know what you mean, but Qiuyuan, here is the ancient city, here there is the rules here, and he is now in the wilderness list, on the battle, I am in the Wusai The rule, you should know!

If I am sitting in the ancient city today, I take him, who will follow my rupture city from now on? "

Autumn is silent!

Maxi continues; "Just like your Yuan Empire, your Yuan Empire has its own rules. If I go to destroy your rules, will you promise?"

Autumn is whispered!

Mason laughed: "Autumn, it is not that I want to be difficult for you, but, this is a rule, you don\'t want to be difficult!

Qiu Yuan shook his head, "Dare!

He can ignore Zi Jun, but never dare to ignore this Ma, this old man is really order!

Mason laughed, "Thank you for understanding!

After finishing, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Little guy, you do this, it is not easy!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Why don\'t you pay me out, sell a dollar?"

Mao Yaozheng color: "I am not that kind of person!"

The rules here, anyone has to comply with me unless I am playing!

Said, he looked at autumn!

Obviously, this sentence is to listen to the autumn!

Do you want bad rules? Can!

Beat him Ma Yao!

Qiuyuan looked at the old, then turned and walked down to Bust!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Seniors, then I am sitting here!"

Mason nod, "How long do you want to sit!

Ye Xuan nod, he sat down directly, then start cultivating!

Mason looked at Ye Xuan, and then turned to go down to Budai, he walked to Zijun, and looked at the eyes of his eyes. He gently sigh, "this woman."

Zijun Shen Sheng: "It is not as good as people!

Mason laughed: "Don\'t have a blame!

You should be fortunate!

If you are before, you are not blind, but it\'s the soul of the god!

Zijun is silent.

Mason\'s sigh, "The woman returned to the rivers and lakes, I am afraid not a good thing!

Said, he turned again and looked at Ye Xuan, then laughed: "Ye Gongzi, are you an ancient girl\'s apprentice?"

Better than the martial art, Ye Xuan opened his eyes and shook his head, "No!

Mason\'s Shen Sheng; "What are you?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "I am a friend with her!"


Wen Yan, Mason.

At this moment, the ancient appearance appeared in the scene, at the same time, the Emperor also appeared in the field, the Emperor\'s face was incomparably ugly!

Looking at Ye Xuan, smiling: "You are fine!"

Ye Xuan said: "What can I have?"

Ancient smile: "We are gone?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Are you ready to be?"

The ancient cars, then said: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xuanzheng, "Yuan Empire is too deceived, can you bear it?"

Looking at the ancient leaves, "If you call your sister, today, how do you want to get the Yuan Empire, I will accompany the end!

If you don\'t call it.

I suggest, let\'s happen first!

They, people are too much!

I took you.

Honestly, I have a little panic!

Ye Xuan: ".
