One Sword Reigns Supreme

2344 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and three hundred people in the sword: I can't make my son-in-law!

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When Ye Xuan was on the ground, the anger did not expand, and at this time, a fragrant wind came, and he felt that he had entered an unknown time and space.

Ancient cold!

At this critical moment, Gu Han actually saved. Of course, she didn\'t choose to have the Lord of the Xuan Shenjie, but she choosed to take Ye Xuan.

In the field, the monarch world looked up at the sky, his eyes slightly, "want to escape?"

The sound fell, he would chase, at this time, an ancient disorder suddenly trembled: "The main owner, the mystery, he.

I heard the words, the main Journal of Xuanqijie turned into the head. When I saw my mysterious wood, my look was in an instant!

At this moment, the mysterious soul is close to transparency!


The mainstay of the Xuan Shenjie will go to the face of Xuanwood, and he trembles: "You.

Mystery shook his head, "no!

The main face of the mysterious god community is incomparable.

Mystery is soft: "I am still big!"

The avenue pen.

Said, his face has been smirk.

He is an ancient god, and Ye Xuan is Dong Xuan, which is a whole and first order. Therefore, he is full of confidence, knowing that in front of him, there is no strength!

However, Ye Xuan is different.

The blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood and swords are far beyond his expectations!

The intention is what the last hit is not victorious, but the group is choosing, but Ye Xuan Gong does not give him this opportunity, directly urging the avenue pen.

Now Ye Xuan is in the middle of the avenue, it is not too horrible!

Xuanwood looked at the master of the Xuanxian, and the sound: "Big Brother.

Revenge for me!

The sound fell, his soul completely disappeared.

The mysterious neopes of the main face is very embarrassed. This mystery can be his brother, the two brothers grow up from the little, and the feelings are not generally deep.

In this case, I saw that my mysterus was completely erased. He is like a knife!

The main pair of mysterious gods moved down!

He is at this moment, regret!

Unpaired regret!

If you don\'t let the mystery and Ye Xuan list!

Whatever finally!

The main line of Xuan Shenjie looked up to the sky, his eyes were cold, "Escape? I see where you can escape? Mailing, this Ye Xuan is from this moment, it is my mysterious god community, and this person is friends It is an enemy that is the enemy of my mysterious god!

Anyone who is associated with Yuxi, my mysterious world will be!

The sound falls, he directly with the six ancient kingdoms next to him!

Chasing Lexuan!


The promulgation of the mysterious god community quickly spread throughout the world!

Many people don\'t know much about the mysterious god community, because this forces are still mysterious and old, only the strength reaches a certain degree, only knows this horror!

The mysterious god community, there is ancient gods!

At this point, it is enough to make the thousands of people countless forces.


At this moment, the Emperor\'s face is gloomy, not talking.

Wu also received the announcement of the Xuanpo community!

For the mysterious god, he knows some, because the ancestors of the emperor are touched this forces!

This forces, in addition to the ancient gods, there are at least five ancient people!

This lineup has to be said, very horrible!

Emperor in this moment is worried!

Because he once said, the makeup and Ye Xuan are the relationship.

There is no non-winding wall in the world!

Once this is aware of the mysterious god, it is undoubtedly the disaster of the immortality!

Now he, when you really refund!

He now has two roads, first, go to help Ye Xuan, of course, this thought is that he is arrested by him!

What is the emperor to fight against the mysterious god? The second road is to have faithful to the Xuan Shenjie, and then help them find Ya Xuan, clear the relationship between Ye Xuan.

This road, he is hesitating!

And the third road is to know what do you do, but he is afraid, because the Xuan Shenjie is in the order, all those who have been associated with Ye Xuan!

Have to say, he is a bit panic!

At this time, an old man beside him seems to have seen his concerns, then said: "The family is long, we can do this, to the Xuan Shenjie, fake, help them find Ye Xuan.

Darkly, we also go to find, if you find it, we don\'t show up, directly to the Xuan\'s news will not be able to do it? "

I heard the words, the emperor frowned slightly.

The old man is deeply said: "This is the best way!

Emperor is silent for a long time, said: "I do what you said!

Said, he looked up to the distance in the distance, and his eyes flashed a worry.

In fact, he really appreciates Ye Xuan, but also looks good, but he still does not dare to gamble. After all, the strength of this mystery is too terrible.


Emperor\'s low sigh, "Ye Gongzi, it seems that you can\'t make my son-in-law!"



Inside the Pavilion, Xiao Yu\'s face is very ugly.

He also received the announcement of the mysterious god community. He is naturally anger. This mysterious god community dares to see the Ximen Pavilion, caught people in Xianbaoge!

This is despising Xianbaoge!

Although I am angry, he is also a bit helpless at the moment!

Because he does not contact Qin Guan, only Qin Guan can transfer some special power of Xianbaoge.

He is now helpless now!

What seems to be, Xiao Zhen suddenly got up, "I will send me, I choose Ye Leyong. If you find it, you must protect him at all costs!

At this moment, he only knows that after knowing!

If Ye Xuan is really an accident, then this is not general, the most important thing is that Ye Xuan is taken away in Xianbaoge!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lao suddenly got up.

He can\'t sit still!

He has to find another fairy Pavilion, let other Xianbao Pavilion will help, under normal circumstances, other fairy Pavilion may not be bird, but this is the close, the fairy Pavilion is absolutely not dare Sitting is ignorant!

This is the friend of the Qin Que!


In the endless star empty, the ancient cold belt with Ye Xuan all the way.

She is in her arms, Ye Xuanli is extremely dim, but fortunately, he will swallow himself a soul Dan. This is before Yang Nianxue left him. Otherwise, his soul may really have to completely disappear.

Even so, he is still very weak at the moment, because he has just been forcing the avenue pen to upgrade his realm to ancient gods, this consumption is too big, and he is also accepted by the ancient people. hit!

Now he is really weak, just like double repair ten days and ten nights, there is no strength.

Gu Han suddenly said: "They are chasing, with this speed, you can catch up with a maximum quarter, what do you have?"

Law? After the Xuanxuan silent, he looked at the avenue pen in front of him. He saw the avenue pen. He somewhat speechless, his flesh was broken, but this is not a thing!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Brother, you are so despised by them, don\'t you think about it?"

Can only fool this avenue!

The avenue pen suddenly said: "What can I have?"

Ye Xuan brows, "Do they!

Arrange them!

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "I can\'t leave the Galaxy, how do I get them?"

Ye Xuan has some intake. "Why can\'t your body leave the Galaxy?"

The avenue pen is calm, "It is very complicated, three words are unclear!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "They despise you!"

Do you have any ideas? "

The avenue: "Do you want me to help you?"

Ye Xuanlian is busy, "Yes!

After a long time, the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Big Brother, I call you big brother, do you know how much I am busy a day? I am managing this universe!

How many universe do you know? I can only say to you, you can\'t imagine!

And I have to run this kind of fate of Wanling.

Is it in your heart, I am very idle every day? "

Ye Xuan: ".

The avenue pen continues: "Big Brother, I am going to work!"

Ye Xuan speaking.

This guy doesn\'t want to help!

A quarter of an hour!

Ye Xuan took a breath, his eyes slowly closed, and then started to repair the soul, at the same time, he began to reshape the flesh.


At this time, Ye Xuan Zhou\'s blood suddenly turned quickly.

He wants to reshape the flesh!

This is his ambition, although the flesh is broken, but he found that these blood is still!

This blood, independent of the flesh and soul!

Thief cow!

And he did not expect that he can create a flesh with blood!

Blood body? Ye Xuan feels some outrageous, but there is no way, he continues to reshape.

Now, he needs a flesh, and the general flesh is basically unable to resist the power of the ancient world, it is simply broken.

Therefore, he can only hope that this blood flesh can be a bit!

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s blood and shaping the flesh, Gu Han suddenly felt some deflation, before she was a bit unpredictable!

Because she found that the lobby meat was broken, the blood of the blood was still!

Whoever is independent of the flesh? Ancient cold shook his head, she found that the longer it with this leaves, the more mysterious this.

It seems to feel what, the ancient cold is turned, and the distant star behind her, and a horrible force is slowly improper!

The ancient gods have chased it!

Seeing this scene, the ancient cold face suddenly sinked, she looked at the Ye Xuan in his arms, "How long does it take?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then: "At least half of the time!

Gu Han immediately shook his head, "I can\'t help half an hour!

For up to half quarters, they will catch up, and I can\'t stop them with my current strength!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Then you will go!

Ancient cold slightly, then silent.

She has this idea!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t think!


You have saved me, it is already great, I will still have this person if it is not dead today.

After the ancient cold silence, he said: "You take care!

After finishing, she put down the Ye Xuan, and then disappeared in the end of the star alone.
