One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 997

This time, the boss of a financial group caused a lot of trouble because of the wrong decision made a few days ago, so he quickly gathered a group of friends and booked a box in a five-star hotel, hoping that moyazhe could help.

On the wine table, cloud poetry to understand the meaning of the words.

Unlike her imagination, no one dared to drink her wine.

After the introduction of her identity, a group of men in suits looked at her in awe. Even if they drink juice, those men also drink the whole cup of toast, one drink, without any paste.

It's a neat move. It's just like a stream of water.

Look at her eyes, but also fear!

Well, is she that scary?

Or is the big boss sitting next to her so terrible?

How can those individuals dare to write poems and praise her before it's too late? They have already asked for the help of muyashen. If a person doesn't pay attention to make him unhappy, as long as he has one word, I'm afraid their company will be totally insecure.

Even if they all lie on the wine table today and let people carry them back, they can't drink a mouthful of Guanyun poetry!

After the dinner, some people enthusiastically proposed that we invite mu Yazhe and Yun Shishi to sing in the most luxurious KTV in Las Vegas.

There is a movement in Yun's poems.

Las Vegas?

Well It is said that it is the entertainment club with the highest consumption level in the capital.

The smallest box has two floors, especially luxury!

Curious, she wants to see what the so-called most luxurious entertainment club in the capital is like?

So, she showed a very lovely, promising, yearning eyes to moyazhe, glittering and shining, how to look like a courteous little dog.

Mu Yazhe took a hard look at the corner of his eyes. He felt a headache at the thought of going to KTV to listen to the old men's heartless cries, the weird lights, the deafening sound effects and the flattering faces.

But she seems to want to go?

"Not too late," he said

All of them were happy and cheered. However, when they saw a pair of frozen light from the big boss, they immediately closed their mouths.

A group of people rushed to Las Vegas to welcome him and his poems to Las Vegas.

The manager of Las Vegas booked the biggest box of KTV for them.

Yunshishi takes mu Yazhe's hand in surprise and looks left and right. She thinks everything is very novel. After all, she seldom comes out to play.

When she was in college, the students were all in the fashion of Party singing, but she didn't have much time to play.

Muyazhe looked at her sideways and saw that her lips were slightly cocked, which was obviously very novel.

Even the depressed muyazhe can't help but feel her happy mood, and her lips are slightly raised. Since this woman likes it, let her do it once!

The waiter respectfully led them into the box, and just after stepping in, Yun Shishi suddenly let go of Mu Yazhe's hand.

Muyazhe couldn't help but feel a little worried. He looked down at the suddenly empty palm of his hand, and suddenly lost something in his heart.

He could not help lowering his head, looking at the empty hand, the palm still left her temperature, it turned out that the feeling of ten fingers linked to a person was so reassuring.