One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 954

I don't need to think about it. Whose pen is this!

How good, suddenly east window incident, the anonymous informant who is inspired, no need to guess, Huang Lili already know who!

This time, Huang Lili was completely frightened. She hurried home overnight, but Huang Fu had already been taken away by discipline / inspection / Commission for investigation.

Huang's mother suffered such an accident. Her hair was gray overnight. She cried several times and fainted. She had a stroke and was sent to the hospital. Now she is still in the observation stage and has been in a coma.

All the property in the house is frozen!

Huang Lili has no choice but to pay her mother's medical expenses with her little savings. Now, she is really penniless!

There is no better way to run out of water than to run out of water.

After seeing Huang mu, we need follow-up treatment. It's expensive. If we don't treat her in time, I'm afraid it's dangerous to become a vegetable!

Huang Lili was so scared that she was at a loss. She called Du Jiayan for help, but Du refused coldly.

"Huang Lili, do you have the face to call me? We've broken up. Don't call me anymore! Because of you, isn't it enough that Du's family was killed so badly? "

Huang Lili asked in a low voice, "Jiayan, how about helping me this time in our love?"

"You still have the face to show me love!" She said so, which made Du Jiayan furious. "Du family is almost bankrupt because of you! But you? How did you do it? Huang Lili! You broke up with me! Since you can't share my difficulties, what can I do for you now? "

"You can't live if you do it yourself! If you had not been vain and had offended those who should not, would it have come to an end? "

"Now the Du family hasn't recovered. It's hard to protect yourself. Take care of yourself."

Finish saying these, Du Jiayan then ruthlessly hung up the phone, Huang Lili once again called the past, already reminded can't connect, it is estimated that Du Jiayan pulled into the blacklist!

The next day, the hospital sent a reminder again. The money Huang Lili put into the hospital was not enough for medical expenses. Now she has several arrears.

When there was no way to go, she was afraid to find yunshishi herself, so she found Jiang Li, hoping that she could look at the face of her classmates, plead for yunshishi for her, and hope that she could be forgiven and not drive the Huang family to the brink.

At first, Jiang Li refused.

However, Huang Lili's head was so tired of crying that she even said that if she went on like this, her father would go to prison and her mother would become a vegetable, and she would have no face to live!

For a moment, Jiang Li was soft hearted and agreed verbally.

However, after calling yunshishi, she did not know how to speak!

"Poetry, have you heard about Huang Lili?"

"What is it?"

"It's said that Huang Lili's father was reported anonymously, saying that he was embezzled and bribed, and that the stolen money was several million yuan. Now it has been taken away for investigation. If the crime is established, I'm afraid that he will be sentenced indefinitely!" Jiang Lidao.

Cloud poetry ponders for a moment.

Listen to Jiang Li again: "her mother can't bear the blow. She has a stroke. Now she is still in the hospital, but her family's funds are frozen and she can't pay for the medical expenses. If the treatment is not timely, she will become a vegetable in the future. What a tragedy... "

Yunshishi chuckled, "Jiang Li, what do you mean by saying these to me?"

Jiang Li was stunned and said, "I'm sorry."