One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 502

"But They all say I am! "

Cloud poetry covered his eyes and cried loudly.

It seems that I went back to the welfare home more than ten years ago, and I was surrounded by those children. I was so frightened that I heard those cold fingers.

The memory that has been suppressed for more than ten years suddenly breaks through the cage. The questioning voices that almost pierce the eardrum, the vicious speculation voices, the ferocious accusations all linger in her ears. The vicious curses of fists, kicks, kicks and curses echo over and over again, like a saw cutting back and forth in her heart and tormenting repeatedly.

The noise beside her ears made her mind collapse. Yun Shishi covered her ears with force, as if she was about to suffocate, and cried out: "I am not a thief! I'm not really a thief. Mu Wanrou is a thief. She is. She stole my things! That's my stuff... "

Qin Zhou looked up around him, but saw that several waiters around him were also embarrassed. The polite smile on his face gradually became stiff, and they looked at each other for several times. They all shook their heads when they saw Qin Zhou's puzzled eyes. They were just here. They didn't know what happened just now.

When she heard the news, she had already lost her soul and talked to herself like a puppet.

Qin Zhou lowered his head again, looked at Yun Shishi and closed his eyes to death. His whole body was trembling with great fear. He knelt on the ground and curled up carefully. His shoulders were shaking. He was helpless and desperate, which made Qin Zhou feel pain in his heart.

He didn't know what happened. He expected to see her in such a frightened and flustered manner. At the moment, he could not help but avoid suspicion. He stretched out his hands, held her shoulder, and saw her pull into his arms.

The palm lightly covers her head, slowly caresses her hair over and over again, he lowers his head, gently comforts: "poetry, I believe you, don't be afraid, I am!"

Yun Shishi grabs the root of her teeth, and the unreal sounds coming from her ears almost destroy all her mind.

Those taunts, insults and accusations broke out after many years, accompanied by her memory's awakening, and continued to torture!

At the beginning, if only one person could stand up, believe her and protect her, it would not be like that.

She desperately wants to forget those nightmarish scenes, but now the memories come out, and the grievances and fears that have been suppressed for many years collapse like a mountain again.

Qin Zhou saw that she was so depressed that he bit her teeth and helped her up, but her legs were so weak that he had to hold her up.

Qin Zhou drove back to his apartment with yunshishi instead of going back to the company.

Holding her into the apartment, Qin Zhou took her to bed and covered her with a quilt.

Yunshishi bowed his head, got into the quilt, curled up in a group, and held himself tightly, like a person without a sense of security who was helpless.

Qin Zhou sighed, but there was no other way. He kept asking questions all the way, but she curled up in the corner of the back seat and buried her head low. He didn't hear a word and didn't answer.

He had never seen a man so out of control.

He sat by the bed, silent for a long time, and asked softly, "poetry, anyway, would you like to have a rest first?"