One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4683

"Dad! Call Dad! "

The parrot straightened his neck again and shouted.

Gu Jinglian's face is darker.

Chu he laughs, some don't know how to say.

At first, Gu Jinglian taught the parrot to talk, which meant that he wanted to teach the parrot to be called "Dad". So he followed his advice and said to it, "call dad, call Dad!"

As a result, parrot learned his words and kept them intact.

It is usually very difficult to open up, only when Gu Jinglian is in a bad mood, he is the happiest.

Gu Chengze and Bai Sheng are holding hands.

The parrot hears the footsteps, turns his head, looks at the past, sees Bai Sheng holding Gu Chengze coming, jumps over, twists his tail, and then whistles.

"Woo --"

"beauty! Beauty! "

The parrot is a real teaser.

Gu Jinglian was drinking tea. When he heard that the parrot was even teasing his daughter-in-law, he was so scared that he almost spouted tea.

Bai Sheng didn't notice the parrot at first. He heard someone whistle at her. It seemed that someone called her beautiful, but he didn't know where the call came from.

The parrot saw that Bai Sheng didn't pay attention to her, and he smacked his mouth again.

Gu Chengze also heard the sound of the broken parrot. Turning around, he saw the parrot standing on the pole in the birdcage. His neck twisted around. It seemed that Gu Chengze's body blocked Bai Sheng.

Bai Sheng follows Gu Chengze's direction and looks at the parrot. Only in this way can he find that his head has a sense of rhythm a little bit in the birdcage.

Surprised, she asked Gu Chengze, "does this parrot speak?"

"Well, my father often teaches it."


Bai Sheng can't help being curious.

She went to the cage and held out her hand. The little white guy in the cage stared at her curiously.

It suddenly opened its wings, and the feathers on its head also extended for a while. Then it made a sound similar to "tut tut".

"Beauty, kiss one, kiss one!"


Bai Sheng was amused by the parrot.

She took a look at Gu Chengze, and somehow she said, "how did it learn?"

In her impression, Gu Jinglian is a particularly cold and gorgeous man.

I can't imagine that he is a man who can teach parrots to say these things.

"That's not what my father taught me."

"Who is that?" Bai Sheng is more curious.

Gu Chengze pointed to himself, "not intentionally. My mother said, "this bird is a mother. I can't remember its name. So, it's called a beauty.". Although, it also followed me to learn to call beauty, but, haven't you ever stared at a girl like this? Can this stupid bird recognize that you are a beautiful woman? "

Chu he smiled and said, "how can I be a beauty? However, I haven't seen it chasing me. It's called beauty! "

Gu Jinglian suddenly said, "maybe it's not interested in the elderly!"


In front of Baisheng, Chu he waved his fist mercilessly.

Gu Chengze covered his face with embarrassment.

Bai Sheng was stunned.

Gu Jinglian seems to have been used to it for a long time. She covers her shoulders and stops talking in silence.


Gu Chengze bowed his head and said in her ear, "my mother is a little violent, but it's not serious, and it's targeted."


"Well, generally, only for me and my dad."