One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 163

"It's worth it."

Korean Yan Zheng in place, stimulated not light.

Shao Dong walked all the way to find korean Yan. When he saw her standing with Gu Xingze, he frowned at once.

Gu Xingze looked at him and sneered coldly: "Shao, you can't even manage your own woman?"

"What do you mean?" Shao Dong asked with a black face.

Gu Xingze snorted arrogantly: "attract bees and butterflies everywhere. If you don't care, buckle your green hat carefully."

Then he left.

Yan's face in Korean is black to the extreme, gnashing his teeth.

Shao Dong's face is even dimmed. He looks cold at Korean Yan, sneers and leaves.

"Shao Dong, listen to my explanation..." Korean Yan hurried to catch up.

After her death, Yang Mi saw her and said with a cold smile, "hum! If you steal a chicken, you won't eat a handful of rice. You're a bitch! "


On the corridor, all the way, it was eerily quiet.

Gu Xingze was uneasy.

This circle is full of material desires and chaos.

Girls like yunshishi fall into such a circle. They just walk into wolf den. If they don't protect well, they will be eaten alive!

He should have kept her, but he took it lightly!

The concierge who led her to the modeling room just now, he thought about it and thought it was weird.

There are lounges and first-aid rooms in the reception halls like this, but the modeling rooms are not available. Instead, there are many VIP suites to solve the "urgent needs" of those investors.

There are many investors who will pour a glass of wine if they are interested in a female star. Of course, this wine will not be pure wine.

When the medicine slowly came up, he ordered the concierge to take people to the room. He was in a hurry and didn't think too much. Now he thought about it carefully and felt afraid.

At the beginning, there was a pure flower, and it was the first time to step into such an occasion. Its tender appearance was very popular. It was soon named by several investors, filled with a glass of wine, and brought to the room

It's said that on that day, xiaohuadan was played by seven or eight big men before and after, almost abandoned.

Rushed to the hospital, there was only one breath left.

These big guys are also people with some means. Sheng Sheng has put the spotlight on them.

This circle is so cruel.

The more Gu Xingze recalled, the more frightened he was.

The corridor is so long that you can't see the end at a glance.

He was in a hurry. When he passed a VIP suite, he seemed to hear a few vague gasps of blushing. They were intermittent and unclear, but they really came into his ears.

Gu Xingze suddenly stood, almost for a moment, cold sweat floating on his forehead.

He was always aware that even though the sound insulation of the hotel room was very good, he still caught the intermittent sound.

Gu Xingze walked to the door in fear. The woman's painful chanting in the room, the man's unbridled asthma and wild laughter almost hurt his eardrum.

Damn it!

He bit his lip, but could not think of so much. He clapped the door with his big hand.

The people in the door seem to be unheard of.

"Poetry Poetry! "

He grabbed the doorknob, screwed it hard, and the door was locked.

Gu Xingze has no patience any more. He takes a few steps back and leaps forward. A beautiful swing kicks and breaks in.

Just walked into the room, full of beautiful fragrance swept.

Warm lights, clothes thrown all over the floor, and the constant movement in the room, the man's evil smile, all remind him exactly what happened.

Gu Xingze frowned and nervously stepped into the bedroom at once. However, at the moment when he opened the door, the scene in his eyes made his face sink