Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 16

It is a very romantic thing when there are things beyond the ordinary in the original life.

It's like an adult fairy tale.

You didn't receive the acceptance letter from Hogwarts when you were a child. It seems that you are not far away from yourself.

However, this vicious news is like a basin of cold water, which has dampened the enthusiasm of many people.

Only at this time can we realize that the world is not so beautiful.

Maybe the world will change, but human nature will not.

Future technology is too valuable, not to mention the materials and structures of bionic mechanical limbs, but the technology of connecting neurons with mechanical limbs alone is enough to make many people crazy.

This is the real technology of the future. It's better to plunder the things close to you than to expect alien technology.

And the most important thing is that ordinary people who go through and return to China are just as vulnerable to some armed groups even if they have mechanical limbs.

The victim died at home, and the murderer stabbed him in the heart with a dagger.

Compared with the mechanical limbs, this dagger has no technical content.

This is not a fairy tale, but more like an adult satirical fable.

For a time, many passers-by who are impulsively exposing their identity because of the heat begin to be afraid.

Some people came back with mechanical limbs, worried that they would be plotted.

Another part of the walkers, such as Qingchen, have no mechanical limbs, but who knows if others will covet some other things?

Now, some people in the Japanese media have speculated that maybe killing a passer-by will be able to replace the other party to obtain the crossing qualification.

This guess is really crazy!

Before it proves feasible or infeasible, the trust between people will disappear.

Nangengchen, who was still in high spirits before, finally stopped thinking about where to invite Qingchen to dinner.

Just listen to nangengchen whispered: "it's not easy to have a chance to change fate, how suddenly become a horror game."

To say, nangengchen and Qingchen are also in the same boat. They are both gambling fathers, which makes the family fly.

Nangengchen is better. At least his parents haven't divorced and his house hasn't been sold. His daily life can be guaranteed, but he has no pocket money.

Qingchen is more miserable. There is nothing left.

On weekdays, if students get together, they won't be called. After all, they can't even afford to play billiards.

Nangengchen had a girl she liked, but because she had no pocket money, she felt inferior and didn't dare to say anything to her classmate.

So both of them are eager to make money. Before nangengchen wrote novels to contribute to magazines, he wanted to earn some money. As a result, he fell into the sea.

Qingchen see nangengchen disheartened, but think it is a good thing: "this news you also see, I mean if, if you also across the past, must be careful, come back also don't talk."

"Well, I know," Nan Geng Chen nodded. He said with some emotion, "why do you think we are so poor?"

Qingchen thought about it and said, "when other people's fathers are desperate, your father is playing cards."

Although nangengchen complained about his father, he was still a little uncomfortable when Qingchen said that. He didn't agree with his way: "what about your father?"

Qingchen: "Oh, my father is playing cards desperately."

Nan Gengchen

There was a silence between them. After a while, nangengchen asked, "by the way, how did your father get in?"

"I reported it. I hope he can reflect on it," Qingchen replied calmly.

South Geng Chen Leng for a while: "otherwise, you also reported my father?"


At this time, the bell rang.

The second class in the morning was English, but it was the geography teacher who came in.

Los Angeles foreign language school has three words in its name, so we must pay attention to foreign languages.

The status of English teachers is high, and the English teachers in every class are excellent. The school has also invited foreign teachers, and junior high school will teach students every week.

In addition, several classes in the school even set up "Japanese", "German" and other small language subjects, not learning English.

Chen Yandong, a middle-aged geography teacher, said on the platform, "your head teacher, Mr. Du, has asked for leave for something. The second class will be changed to geography class, and English will be moved to the third class tomorrow morning."

Qingchen is stunned when he hears this. Maybe today's events have too many impacts. He always feels that it's not so easy for the head teacher to ask for leave.

Is Mr. Du Yihong a passer-by?

But with so many walkers concentrated in Los Angeles, how many are there in the country?

No, no!

Qingchen lowers his head to prevent others from seeing his pupils. In an instant, his pupils suddenly narrow.

What happened today flashed through my mind like a movie. All the information gathered, summarized and sorted out in an instant.

The second group of runners who just had a countdown on their arms.

Knowing that she was going to cross, the panicked little girl was interviewed with her parents.

Come out and live the pacer anchor with the goods.

A piece of information, like falling leaves in the sky, and Qingchen will be a piece of "useful" leaves picked up from the air.

At the next moment, Qingchen raised his head in amazement. Today, the passers-by are like dots, concentrated in more than ten cities.

Even some city residents are wondering on the Internet why they haven't seen a passer-by in their own city.

In other words, the distribution of passers-by may be very concentrated!

Concentrated in more than ten cities!

The amount of analysis is too large, Qingchen can't help but feel dizzy.

At the end of the last class at 5:40 p.m., Qingchen skipped class again.

Before leaving, the study committee member yelled: "Qingchen, it's time to pay the book fee tomorrow. Don't forget."

"I see," Qingchen waved.

Then, he quickly left the classroom in nangengchen's envious eyes.

At dusk, the students who have just finished class rush to the canteen for dinner, waiting for the arrival of self-study in the evening.

Qingchen quickly passed through the crowd and went out from a corner of the campus wall.

Go home, take off the school uniform, put on the clothes you don't often wear, and then take a cap to go out.

He searched the address of Yinrun central garden on his mobile phone. It's about six kilometers away from the school. It's Huang Jixian's community.

I don't know why, there is always some impulse that makes him want to have a look. Although he doesn't know which building or unit he lives in, he just wants to have a look and want to know what happened after Huang Ji's return and what happened in the inner world.

Qingchen has no extra money to take a taxi. He only has 50 cents left in his pocket. This is all his savings before he plays chess with Uncle Zhang in Fulai supermarket next time.


In the past, Qingchen didn't pay much attention to exercise, so he followed the running in school.

But now he suddenly realized that without exercise, he had to have a strong body to face a dangerous world.

You know.

There has never been a homonym for the word "life" in Chinese characters. Perhaps this in itself implies that there is only one life.

We must cherish it.