My Wife is the Pirate Empress

Chapter 647:

Can the jade of the four souls really make people realize their wishes? ? ? For this, Blood Song has no idea at all!

Blood Song only knows that Dragon Ball can help people realize their wishes!

Kikyo took out the jade of the four souls at this moment, but there were only two grids of electricity!

Blood Song glanced at the jade of the four souls, thinking that he must help the jade of the four souls to recharge and complete the jade of the four souls before he can go to the next world!

At this moment, Blood Song couldn\'t help thinking. Who else in "Inuyasha" can be recognized by the Jade of the Four Souls?

Naraku is definitely one!

However, Naraku\'s strength made Bloodsong impossible to control, and it was just a tie at this moment!

Thinking of the monsters in the world of "Inuyasha", then Blood Song\'s eyes flashed!


If it were them, the blood song would definitely make the jade of the four souls become a three-cell power!

Mangu: He has the courage to be improper. Although he is a human, his power far exceeds that of many monsters.

Bone Refining: Those who use gunpowder are scientific talents. Besides, there are many ghosts, and small calculations rarely make mistakes. He died in the hands of the elder brother because he had no loyalty.

Silver Bone: Like a robot but very aggressive, Inuyasha fought with it twice without killing it.

Snake Bone: Using a knife like a snake, many people died without cutting it down. They were still gay.

Fierce Bone: Very powerful and simple-minded, and eventually died under Gangya\'s hand.

Fog Bone: A master who often uses tricks but always miscalculates and develops poisons. He is ugly, so he is extremely inferior.

Sleeping bones: as the name suggests, his dual personality, one is sleeping, and the other is suppressing the other.

After thinking about it, Blood Song decided to go and find the Sevens!

At this moment, Blood Song was sitting on the grass of Maple Village, looking at the Kikyo who instructed the villagers to build Higurashi Shrine, and couldn\'t help but ask, "Do you know the Sevens??"

"Huh??" Hearing these three words, Kikyo\'s eyes also condensed.

"Southern Kingdom, after the death of Momentum in the past, the seven-man team, the rising leader among the human race??" Kikyo Meimu also looked at the blood song and said, "I know, they are equivalent to the hired team. , Wandering among the great princes of the Southern Kingdom!"

"Really??" Xuege smiled at the corner of his mouth!

Immediately went to find the seven-man team.

Blood Song took the jade of the four souls of Kikyo, and Kikyo didn\'t say much, because the jade of the four souls was originally given to him by the blood song.

And Kikyo believed in his heart that Blood Song couldn\'t use the jade of the four souls to do bad things.

After Blood Song took the jade of the four souls, he immediately turned and left. The blood song is domineering, covering the entire South Kingdom!

It is not difficult to find a seven-man team.

But what Blood Song first felt at this moment was the savage bone, but other people did not see it, the brows of the Blood Song frowned!

But the corner of his mouth also smiled.

Among the seven-man team, the most appreciated blood song is Man Bone! He has improper courage. Although he is a human being, his power far exceeds that of many monsters.

In the original "Inuyasha", he sat on the grass and racked his brains thinking about how to write the sentence "Wash your neck and wait for me". He caught the butterfly and asked Yingu "Don\'t you want to eat?" With a snake-bone shoulder and said, "You are still the only one to be trusted", who is like a bad guy when he is going to fight a dog to the death after losing his companion? Maybe he is really just a child, a willful older child. Although he is caught in the magical way of killing and is not tired of it, he is sincere to his companions. If he didn\'t do this, he might feel sorry for the cute snake bones! The Sevens is everything to him, so he can\'t tolerate the existence of anyone who destroys the Sevens, even if that person is a former teammate! "After getting all the jade of the four souls of the teammates, it would be enough to escape alone. I didn\'t expect that even people like Mangu would be so stupid to stay to avenge the companions!" This sentence was said by Nairo. , Telling someone’s badness from his mouth, in the eyes of most people, it should be that person’s, right? Even if this man attached such importance to his life again, he finally stayed in order to avenge his companions. What was his feeling when his life disappeared again? He once said when he met Kikyo: "We dead will all end in the same way!" Is it happiness or pain to be awakened? Maybe he can\'t even tell it!

In fact, Mangu is indeed the number one powerhouse in the human race!

In fact, Mangu is not inferior to Inuyasha. His strength can be said to be comparable to Inuyasha, and he is so loyal. But why was he cut to death by Inuyasha?

⒈Mangu is very greedy, causing failure.

⒉Although he talks about loyalty, none of his brothers except the snake bones seems to really work for him. It’s impossible for the people to betray Inuyasha and his courageous partner.

⒊Man bone kills without blinking. It can be said that the moral character is extremely bad. Although Inuyasha\'s sword was full of blood and debt, there was no good person to kill.

⒋There is a woman behind every successful man, and two behind Inuyasha. There is not a single bone.

⒌The most important thing is that a dog has a pig\'s foot halo, that is, if the pig\'s foot is dead, it will end, so Mangu lost

Xuesong mounted the demon horse flame hoof, and immediately moved towards the location of Barbarian Bone.

What Blood Song wants is the surrender of the Sevens!

Chapter 610 Inuyasha Chapter 92 Who Is Who’s Owner

Chapter 610 Inuyasha Chapter 92 Who Is Who’s Owner

Inuyasha Chapter 92 Who Is Who’s Owner

At this moment, Man Gu is walking step by step, carrying his big sword on his shoulders, Man Long!

At this moment, Mangu was on the grass, and the other six people went to perform their tasks, that is, Mangu stayed here alone.

Because Mangu thinks that his opponent is too weak and does not need his shot!

"You are Mangu." At this moment, the demon horse flame hoof appeared, and the blood song was sitting on the demon horse flame hoof, looking at Mangu slowly and asked.

Although it was a question, it also gave a positive tone.

Hearing this sound, Man Gu looked back, and when he saw the blood song, Man Gu\'s eyes condensed slightly! He could feel the difference of the blood song.

At the same time, Man Gu seemed to like the horse when he saw the demon horse Yanhoo.

"Yes, I am Uncle Mangu, do you have anything to do with me???" Mangu asked.

Blood Song laughed, who was Mangu, he could have been immortal.

If it wasn\'t for him to have such big ambitions

In fact, he can rely on the strength of the seven-man team.

Sit on the dominant monarch.

But he still chose.

Take the brothers to do the wandering of killing.

"I\'m looking for you, naturally there is something to do. I want your seven-man team for my use." Bloodsong said.

"Huh?? Are you kidding me??" Hearing the words of the blood song, Mangu snorted involuntarily!

The seven-man team is a hired team, but it will not bow to any force.