My Real-life Dating Sim Game

Chapter 86 - "Dramatic Gas"

Zhao Yang propped his chin and blinked slowly. His eyes were still fixated on Lai Jiayi\'s flushing face.

\'Drinking buddy. Not bad. I shouldn\'t be too sad or engrossed in the past since I have this girl with me now.\'

Zhao Yang\'s eyes dimmed down. He flashed a bitter smile as he turned his body around.

\'This might be good. It\'s time to stop reminiscing about the past.\'

Just like that, the two of them stayed for a while before going their separate ways. Zhao Yang sent Lai Jiayi back to her house while the man went back to his apartment–

All while knowing they would meet each other tomorrow.

The internet cafe.

"Fuh…" Lai Jiayi plopped into the bed after changing into a white t-shirt with cartoon pictures of two large watery eyes on the chest area.

" so exhausting." The girl mumbled as she fixed her pink pants. She rolled on the bed and sighed again. "But, we did good, right, Yaya?" Lai Jiayi glanced sideways at Yaya.

The duck was currently trotting over to the pillow.

"Mm, you did great, quack! With this, you have laid the base for tomorrow\'s brainwashing, quack!" Yaya nodded energetically. He looked at Lai Jiayi with hopeful eyes.

"Ah, right. Tomorrow. I\'m planning to strike big time. But…" Lai Jiayi paused. She rubbed her cheek to the pillow while yawning. "I think I need to make Zhao Yang tell us all about himself."

"Eh, what do you mean, quack–"

"We need to know his past and make him talk about the accident with his lover. Only after that, I can somehow do something." Lai Jiayi flipped over and looked at the ceiling.

The moon was bright tonight, and the moonlight seeped into her room through the glass ceiling above her bed.

"The problem is, how do we make Zhao Yang talk?" Lai Jiayi lifted her arm and covered her eyes. She straightened both of her legs as she continued.

"You know that we just became a drinking buddy tonight, right? Maybe it will be too fast to make him speak up tomorrow."

Yaya paused. The duck slowly laid on the pillow while nodding. "Yes, quack. But we should move faster. I think the ideal time will be next week, quack, but…"

"Yeah, we don\'t know what will happen next week, right? Zhao Yang might get mad at me, or the barometer might drop. Who knows…" Lai Jiayi took a deep breath. The girl closed her eyes.

"Is there an item that can make Zhao Yang spill the bean?" Lai Jiayi turned her head to the left, asking Yaya who was rolling on the pillow.

"Mmm, what I know is the truth serum, quack."

"And that needs to be consumed orally, right? Nah, we can\'t use that." Lai Jiayi shook her head. "I can\'t give Zhao Yang something to drink. So, we can only use gas or something like that."

Yaya nodded in agreement. Yet, the duck didn\'t speak. He focused on rummaging through the game store item lists to see if there\'s anything they needed there.

A few minutes passed by, and Yaya suddenly opened his eyes. "Jia, I found something that you might like, quack!" The duck nudged Lai Jiayi\'s cheek as he spoke in excitement.

"What is it– "

"A dramatic gas, quack!" Yaya interrupted. The duck hurriedly sent the information regarding the gas to Lai Jiayi\'s mind.

Lai Jiayi instantly saw a transparent board in front of her with an image of an item.

"Dramatic Gas" was the name displayed above the item.

"Hmmm? What is this item?" Lai Jiayi tilted her head and looked over at Yaya, demanding an explanation.

"See the description, quack!" Yaya pointed at the item description below the item\'s image.

Lai Jiayi immediately looked over at the board without moving from her place since the board was floating above her eyes.

"Let\'s see…"

Dramatic gas (Drama Queen Effect): A certain gas that will make anyone inhaling it becomes dramatic. They will exaggerate anything they feel, and their actions will also be exaggerated.

Note: the effect only lasts for an hour. The range of the gas is 5 meters from the gas source.

", this gas will make people...overreact?" Lai Jiayi knitted her eyebrows. "What does that gotta do with Zhao Yang? We can\'t make him talk with just being dramatic, ah!"

"Well, we can\'t, quack, but what we need to do is to make Zhao Yang exaggerates his reaction, quack!" Yaya crossed his arms and hopped to Lai Jiayi\'s chest.

He looked down at the girl. "First, you trigger him by telling your own story, quack. Then, Zhao Yang will react to your story dramatically, quack."

"And?" Lai Jiayi blinked. She urged Yaya to continue.

"And this means he might share his story so that you won\'t be the only one telling him things quack!" Yaya spoke as his eyes brightened like the moon outside.

"Remember, quack, Zhao Yang is quite sensitive and sensible. There\'s a high chance he might tell his story so you won\'t sound too pitiful, quack!"

Yaya looked at Lai Jiayi with confidence in his eyes. He looked like he\'s 100% sure that the gas would work so well.

Lai Jiayi fell silent for a while. The girl closed her eyes and imagined the scene she had to create using this dramatic gas.

\'Indeed, Yaya\'s prediction might be correct. Zhao Yang doesn\'t know how to comfort others. This means he will share his story instead– so that the other person feels like they can relate to each other?\'

Lai Jiayi rubbed her chin. She tugged the corner of her lips, forming a sly smile.

"Okay, this can work!"

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