My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 713

Chi Laifu played a rogue.

He was originally a ruffian, and his mouth slipped. He didn\'t worry about quarreling with a reserved woman like Mei Niang at all.

Indeed, Mei Niang didn\'t go on for Xu Bingbing\'s face.

It was hard to calm down at the beginning. Mei Niang didn\'t dare to provoke it again.

Her daughter will have to talk about marriage in the future. She can\'t ruin her life because of this unforgettable past.

"Forget it, Bingbing. Maybe we recognize the wrong person. Let\'s go somewhere else and don\'t provoke these scoundrels." Mei Niang sighed.

"Make it clear to me, who\'s the scoundrel! Come back! Don\'t go unless you make it clear!" Chi Laifu is coming.

Xu Bingbing burst into tears, "Mom..."

She has a grievance in her heart and needs to be beaten down

Mei Niang stared at Chi Laifu silently and didn\'t want to talk to him again.

Instead, he pulled Xu Bingbing away. "Listen, son, my mother is for you..."

"But if it weren\'t for him..."

Xu Bingbing\'s heart hurts so much that he can\'t say it again.

I can\'t wait to cut Chi Laifu.

When Mei\'s mother and daughter left, Shu Liu grabbed Chi Laifu\'s ear and pleaded guilty.

"Come on, what\'s the matter with that woman?"

"Liu\'er, take it easy. It\'s really none of my business. The dead girl of little fish asked me to do it." Chi Laifu wailed in pain.

Jiang asked, "when did this happen? Why didn\'t you tell us."

"It\'s all about last year, mom. You don\'t know. That woman is as shameless as the GUI family.

At the beginning, he coveted Qi Laosi and almost pushed the little fish out.

As a brother, I can\'t sit idly by, No.

So, I fought with my brother and taught the little bitch a lesson... "

Chi Laifu won\'t say that he used money to help people eliminate disasters.

His heartless third brother has never put himself in the position of Chi Ziyu.

Shu Liu grabbed him and said, "how did you teach him?"

"No lesson." Chi Laifu recalled his original feeling.

He seems to have touched Xu Bingbing for nothing.

However, at that time, he was still a hot-blooded young man without marriage. Even a fish could make him react

What\'s more, it\'s a beauty like Xu Bingbing.

Alas, who has no unspeakable past

Seeing Chi Laifu\'s greedy aftertaste expression, Shu Liu immediately turned green.

You lied to me! You made it clear to me today. What did you do to her

Chi Laifu smiled, "liu\'er, heaven and earth conscience, I really didn\'t do anything.

My brothers did it all. I have you now. How can I still see such a woman? "

Shu Liu\'s face was full of disbelief.

Chi Laifu begged again, "it\'s really liu\'er. If you don\'t believe it, dig out my heart and see if it\'s just hot for you."

Shu Liu was disgusted. "Dig it yourself."

"OK, I\'ll find a knife. Let me go first..."

"Yes, liu\'er, you quickly let go of my son. What do you look like in broad daylight? Don\'t you see that there are people next to you?" Jiang said unhappily.

At home, Shu Liu is not rare to be cruel to his son. I didn\'t expect to dare to do so outside.

Her son doesn\'t want to nod his face?!

How can we get a foothold in the village in the future!

I\'m so angry with her.

I didn\'t expect to marry liu\'er, the tigress, back! What a shame!