My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 428

Both ladies smiled and nodded.

"Stop standing, everyone. I\'ll bring you to sit in front and have tea."

Chi Ziyu took them all to the front room to talk.

At the same time, I moved some chairs into the house and put them in the yard under the lush ginkgo tree.

Shade, cool.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang took care to enjoy the beautiful flowers basking in the sun under the eaves. They were not willing to sit down for a long time.

"These are the flowers you planted?" Mrs. Huang asked.

"Yes, not only these, but also some are in the greenhouse."

"This flowerpot is good." Mrs. Xu said.

It\'s not just the plants that attract people\'s attention. The flowerpots under them are unique.

When the two ladies lamented the couple\'s dexterity, they asked, "where did these flowerpots come from?"

She saw some stumps. In the strange stumps, there were all kinds of plants.

There are also tree sections. The strong tree sections are placed horizontally, covered with soil and planted several rows of meat.

"Some were made by my husband, and some were picked up on the mountain with local materials." Chi Ziyu replied and asked, "Hey, why didn\'t Mrs. Li come today?"

"She happened to have something at home today and couldn\'t come. She asked me to bring her some potted flowers back, but I think the flowers in your family are very beautiful. I don\'t know which one to choose." Xu Fu is humane.

"It\'s a pity that she won\'t come. It\'s the first time I\'ve seen such a beautiful small village." Mrs. Huang agrees.


"I can\'t come this time. I can come next time. Anyway, I\'m at home most of the time. You can come any time." Chi Ziyu said and said, "sit down first and I\'ll pour you some tea."


When Chi Ziyu finished making rose tea and brought it out, there was another habitat outside.

She warmed up with the two ladies.

"Madam, what are you all doing here?" Qi shuipei smiled and said softly.

"We\'re here to see the flowers." Mrs. Xu said.

Chi Ziyu handed the tea to some ladies. "This is my self-made rose tea. Please try it, madam."

She later picked some rose flowers and dried them to make tea.

Today, as soon as the water bubbles, the rose flowers stretch out in the water, and the water color is slightly red.

The tea cup is white and the tea is delicate.

The two servant girls also took tea, but they were flattered.

Probably no one would be so polite to their servant girls.

In a hurry to refuse, Chi Ziyu said, "you must be tired after walking so long. Have a cup of tea to relieve your fatigue."

With the advice of Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang, the servant girls took the flower tea.

"Sister in law, why don\'t you make me a cup of tea?" Qi shuipei asked.

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t refute her face in front of people, so he smiled and said, "I didn\'t see you just now. Wait a minute."

Chi Ziyu sent five cups of rose tea to everyone, went back to the house and made another cup for qishuipei.

In addition to drinking flower tea, Chi Ziyu also brought flower cake and Shengjin black plum.

Black plum is bought.

She made the flower cake last time. She and qixingyun ate it.

Qixingyun doesn\'t eat these all the time. It\'s usually solved by Chi Ziyu himself.

Occasionally she would ask Qiyao to come and eat. She really couldn\'t finish it alone. She sent some to Wang yesterday.

Unexpectedly, Wang refused with great backbone.

Mrs. Xu took a bite of the flower cake and said, "this flower cake is delicious. Did you make it yourself?"