My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 1156

After so many years, even if others can\'t see what the emperor is thinking, general song\'s confidant can see it clearly.

Although the current situation is a mess, such a day should be faced after all.


Halfway through lunch, someone came in a hurry.

It\'s Xiao Zhao who runs the hall of the halogen shop.

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Qi Xingyun knew that something had happened. He put down his chopsticks and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"Back... Back to the master, something\'s wrong!" Xiao Zhao was out of breath after running all the way. "Luwei store... It... Killed people!"


I didn\'t expect that the meal was so hastily concluded. Qi Xingyun didn\'t eat the meal, so he left.

Chi Ziyu stayed to look after general song and others.

However, since something like this happened to the family, general song and Mrs. Xu were a little sorry. They said they would go and have a look.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t want to. After all, the dispute was caused by their own shop and shouldn\'t involve others.

But Si Chen insisted again and again that he must go and have a look.

General song\'s attitude was more firm. He said, "I\'m a general of Jiangcheng. If someone makes trouble deliberately, I, a general, can come forward for you at least."

Chi Ziyu thought that it was true, and then agreed.

Several people then went in general song\'s carriage.

The location of the Luwei store is very good. Usually people come and go, and the passenger flow is very large.

But today, a load of stretcher was stopped at the door, and the relatives of the dead stood in tears at the door of the bittern shop shouting grievances.

This attracted passers-by to stop and watch the excitement.

"Let\'s see! This bittern shop produces poisonous bittern and sells it to our common people!

My father bought the bittern here yesterday. As a result, he died when he got up this morning. The doctor said he took a lot of poison and died!

Heaven and earth conscience! My father came back yesterday and praised his family\'s good stew.

He only ate the stewed food, but he didn\'t even eat a few bites. He wasn\'t poisoned by the stewed food of his family. God doesn\'t believe it... "

The crowd sighed at the speech.

"How could this happen?"

"Yes, I\'ve eaten the bittern of this family for so long. I didn\'t expect that their family was so black hearted that they mixed poison in the bittern!"

"You don\'t know. My husband likes to eat his stewed food. He says it\'s the best in Jiangcheng. He will come here every few days to buy it.

I\'ll persuade my husband not to eat when I go back today. It\'s killing people. Why are businessmen so black hearted in order to make money... "

The steward of the bittern shop didn\'t come out to mediate with the other party. However, the other party couldn\'t calm down and talk at all. The steward was good-natured and scolded bloody.

"I don\'t care! Ask your boss to come out! Your boss must solve this for me today! It\'s a man-made event!

Can your boss hide in peace! I tell you!

If you can\'t give my father justice, I\'ll sue you in the Yamen... "

The steward was helpless, and the owner was not in the store. He sent someone to call him. He didn\'t know how long it would take to come and go, so he had to comfort and say, "wait a minute, our owner is already on his way..."

"What happened?" Unexpectedly, the voice of qixingyun immediately sounded in the public\'s ears.

His voice was as low and steady as ever, as if nothing could hold him back.