My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 277 - The Road To Edgewood

The trip to Edgewood was long and miserable for Delaney.  The cool spring temperatures had jumped to summer heat, making the air thick and humid.  She had fit perfectly into the altered dress Ms. Bird and Ava had finished for her but as the heat made her sweat, even it had begun to chafe against her skin.

Her stomach rolled with the motion of the carriage and she had been forced to bring a bucket along with her for when she was sick or they never would have been able to make the trip.  She clung to its rough wooden sides and prayed for an escape from this torture but it didn\'t come and there was nothing she could do.

Ms. Bird was traveling with her and the maid watched anxiously as her mistress grew pale and sicker.  She stopped the carriage as often as she dared and made the younger woman get out and rest in the shade of a tree.  Once Delaney was recovered as best as they could expect, they would get in the carriage and be on their way again.

On and on they went and the sun passed overhead.  They stopped and ate around midday, letting the horses rest, but Delaney couldn\'t make herself eat anything.  Instead she spent her time trying to cool off and enjoying the feeling of solid ground beneath her.  She sat in the shadiest place she could find and ran her fingers through the cool grass, envying it for being able to stay in one place.

The sun was beginning to set when they made it to the village outside of Edgewood.  Delaney needed to stop but there were few options in their little village.  The inn was surprisingly full and she didn\'t feel like simply sitting in their dining area.  At last, she gave up and had the men drive the carriage to the only place she thought she might be able to rest.


Arriving at the lovely home of Violet Adair, Delaney didn\'t wait for her driver to announce her as was proper.  She climbed down using only the side of the carriage to steady her and walked to the door herself with Ms. Bird right behind her.  The driver hurried to knock for her at least since she wouldn\'t let him do the rest of his job.  He stepped back as soon as he was done or she might have shoved him out of the way.

When her mother-in-law\'s butler opened the door his expression gave away how shocked he was to see the young duchess in such a state.  He quickly stepped back and ushered her into the cool house beyond.

"Lady Violet isn\'t home today but she would want you to rest.  May I ask, are you unwell Lady Adair?"

"I think the heat and travel have made me ill," she sighed, avoiding mentioning the pregnancy she knew wasn\'t noticeable yet.

"Of course," the man nodded, "Come with me.  You can rest in one of the guest rooms and I will have some cool water brought to you and anything else you need.  Lady Violet would offer herself if she was home."

Delaney was so relieved she felt she could kiss this man.  She was thankful Violet wasn\'t there as well.  If anyone could guess her secret it would be her husband\'s mother.

Her child\'s grandmother, Delaney thought with a little smile.

Ms. Bird helped Delaney out of her clothes while they both enjoyed their water.  She sat on the bed and closed her eyes, feeling her stomach begin to settle at last.

Delaney knew it was silly but she had asked Ms. Bird to help her change into fresh undergarments so she might look better when she saw Vincent for the first time in months.  There was only the one gown large enough to fit her yet but Ms. Bird had spent their whole journey so far working on altering another one.  While they were resting she\'d also sent one of their men along to the dressmaker with Delaney\'s new measurements and a note from Ms. Bird explaining the new clothing they would need.

Understanding her mistress\'s nervousness after all that had happened, Ms. Bird helped her change and freshen up before she redid her hair in a simple but lovely way.  Delaney looked in the mirror and felt disappointed.  The trip had made her pale and clammy looking.  She wasn\'t her usual pretty self.  She hoped she wouldn\'t disappoint her husband as well.

When Delaney was finally ready, they thanked Violet\'s servants and asked that they would thank Violet on her behalf.

"No need my Lady you can thank her yourself when you reach Edgewood."

Delaney hadn\'t been surprised to hear her mother-in-law was spending more time at the manor again now that her son\'s wife was gone.

They left, heading over the last stretch of ground before they reached Edgewood.  As they grew closer Delaney felt her heart begin to beat faster and faster and her stomach tie in knots.  She was thankful she hadn\'t eaten anything or she was sure it would have made its way back up again.

It was growing darker by the minute as they drove and she called for her drivers to go faster.  Far off in the distance, she heard the familiar lonely howl of a wolf.  It wasn\'t long before it was joined by others and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.  She wondered if maybe they should have stayed at Violet\'s home but she didn\'t want to do so without her mother-in-law\'s permission and the butler had reacted strangely when she had asked how long the woman would be away.

The wolves were getting louder outside and Ms. Bird was growing very pale herself.  The sun was gone from the sky now, leaving only a bit of moonlight to show them the way.

Delaney felt like her heart was going to burst either from fear of the wolves or fear of seeing her husband again.  She lightly touched the dagger she carried in the folds of her skirts at all times now.  She knew it would be foolish to think she would have any chance against a wolf.

Luckily none of them had to worry about it much longer because soon the warm welcoming torches of Edgewood began to take shape ahead of them.  Delaney swallowed hard, turning her wedding ring around and around on her finger until it began to hurt.  She looked over at Ms. Bird and didn\'t feel good when she saw her maid looked almost as worried as she did.

Catching her looking, Ms. Bird quickly pushed forward her best reassuring smile.

"Everything is going to be alright my Lady," she said, "You are about to give your husband the answer to his prayers.  He never wanted to be without you."

Delaney looked back out the window, "I hope you\'re right."

Edgewood manor began to take shape in front of her and she couldn\'t help but smile.  This was her home, her husband\'s home, and she hoped, one day the home of their child.  The grey stone and glowing torches made her feel safe in a way nothing else could.  The only thing that would make them better was when she was inside with Vincent again.

As the carriage moved into the open where it would be clearly seen from the manor, Delaney noticed there were many windows still lit despite the late hour.  She knew Violet was at Edgewood but she wondered who else was here now.

Knowing there were multiple people inside with her husband made her feel even more nervous than she had thought possible.  What if he was angry or embarrassed that she had come?  What if he made her leave again?  If he was angry enough she may not even get a chance to tell him about their baby before he sent her away.

She swallowed and bit her lip as the carriage came to a stop at last in front of the great stone steps.  Fear kept her from moving forward and she suddenly found a warm hand on hers.  Turning, she saw Ms. Bird looking at her with a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be alright my Lady, I promise.  Lord Adair is going to be so happy when he hears your news."

Delaney nodded and worked to make herself smile but her face wouldn\'t quite do as she asked.  A footman opened the door and there was no way to hide any longer.  She had to be brave, get out, and face whatever was ahead of her.

She took the footman\'s hand as he helped her down from the carriage before helping her maid down as well.  Delaney\'s heart felt as if it was going to either burst from her chest or stop completely.  She turning her ring around and around like the knots tying themselves up in her stomach.

Looking up, she saw shadows pass by the windows beside the doors.  She held her breath and didn\'t move as she stared and waited for the doors to open.  At last, they did.

Delaney inhaled a sharp breath as she looked up at the man who had stepped out.