My Master Is A Tsundere

Chapter 56 - Does She Like You Too?

The barriers that she had set up slowly glowed a dark red. Then the highly concentrated fire elemental mana in the air slowly reduced. It was like the barriers were sucking the fire element mana in the air. Floriana Sabina had never heard of something like this before.

The barriers took in the impure elemental mana in the air. It resulted in the barriers darkening in color. It was like someone splashed black in a vivid orange painting.

"Oh no!"

Floriana Sabina pushed both of her hands outwards. A huge white transparent dome covered all of the barriers as a loud explosion occurred. The huge dome barrier shook ever so slightly. A huge flame covered all of the grass inside it. It was like someone spilled fuel inside and lit it on fire.

"What just happened, Master?"

Rant Valo jumped back in fright when the barrier suddenly exploded. He didn\'t expect them to do that. Especially since they were all just dissipating since earlier.

"My barriers ran amok! They absorbed the impure fire elemental mana in the air. The impurities must\'ve wreaked havoc inside the barriers causing them to explode."

Floriana Sabina felt like clawing at her hair. It defied all that she has known about mana. She thought that by disconnecting her mana from the barriers they would dissipate, but the opposite happened instead. It was like dropping a coin yesterday is not the same as dropping a coin today. It was like today the coin just fell upwards instead of downwards which should have happened. Logically.

"How did it do that?"

Rant Valo had his mouth opened wide in shock. Even though he was inexperienced when it comes to cultivation he still heard some news about cultivators. He never heard of any magic techniques that could absorb the mana in the surroundings by themselves. It was impossible! It should have been, but that was not the case from the events that transpired today.

"I don\'t know. We should try it again, Disciple!"

Floriana Sabina wasn\'t really sure about it herself. She has to do it one more time to get a good understanding of it. Only then would she be able to explain it with confidence. As his master, she ought to only give him accurate information. It would be leading him astray if she did otherwise.

"Try it again!?"

Rant Valo shouted at her like she was crazy. Well, she was crazy. It was a strong explosion and who knows if it suddenly exploded in front of their faces when the huge dome barrier was still not set up.

"I would like to."

Floriana Sabina responded with a smile. She was curious about how it works. She herself is basically at the summit of cultivation but when she encounters something that she has never heard of before, it triggers her passion for magic. Something like this could lead to her getting stronger, and even reaching a higher cultivation stage!

"What if that exploded on us?"

Rant Valo asked with a troubled expression. He\'s too weak and if that explosion hit him, it would be the end of him. He can\'t take any risks considering that his little brother hasn\'t entered any little sister yet. Plus, he still wanted to marry Zaria-chan.

"You\'ll be okay! I\'m strong after all."

Floriana Sabina puffed her chest confidently. It was true. Any harm that could come to Rant Valo\'s way could be easily taken down by her. Her strength is no joke after all. That explosion was just like someone throwing a snowball at a mortal. It was harmless.

"If I die, I wanna marry Zaria at least."

Rant Valo sighed as he agreed to her. Even in death, he would not let go of the chance of marrying Zaria. Floriana Sabina\'s cheeks twitched after hearing him say that. He was basically saying that some girl should marry a dead man. How cruel could he be? He wouldn\'t even let go of a living person.

"Zaria? The girl I saw in your pendant?"

Floriana Sabina could still remember seeing Rant Valo\'s pendant when he hid in the bush when they first met. Although what he was doing back then was not a pleasant sight to see, Floriana Sabina could still remember some details.

"Yes! I plan to marry her."

Rant Valo nodded his head with a smile that reached his ears. Being reminded of her brought a smile to his face. Veia who was admiring Rant Valo twitched her ears when she heard his words. There was a look of realization and disbelief on her face.

"So that\'s why you wouldn\'t touch me, Master!"

Veia shouted in shock and realization. She finally understood why Rant Valo didn\'t want to accept her advances. It was all because he already had a girl in his heart. She could feel her heart breaking into pieces after realizing that. Her master… is already taken… What a tragedy!

"Why didn\'t you tell me earlier, Master!"

Veia shouted in a grieving voice. If only she knew earlier, she wouldn\'t have gotten her hopes up. It was like dangling a carrot in front of her only to later know that it was already owned by another rabbit.

"You didn\'t ask?"

Rant Valo shrugged his shoulders at her. No one would just randomly say that they already had someone in their heart. It would just be awkward. If she asked, he would have come clean. It was just that he was not used to being proactively approached by a girl so he hadn\'t been able to respond properly.


Veia pouted her cheeks at hearing Rant Valo\'s response. He basically turned it into her fault now. She couldn\'t even rebut it as he was absolutely right.

Veia looked at Rant Valo with a deadpan expression for a while. Rant Valo felt awkward seeing her stare at him with a straight face. It was like he was being scrutinized. But then Veia\'s eyes suddenly glowed brightly. She thought of an idea!

"Does she like you too?"

Veia asked with fervor. If she didn\'t then she would still have a chance!