My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 220

After coming out of the tea restaurant, the three set out towards the store together. Sika sat in the back seat and kept looking at the plan. After reading it for a long time, Sika finally asked Zhang Ping\'an, "what does north, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen mean?" this brief word, Chinese people must understand the meaning they represent, but for sika, this brief word seems to be confused.

Zhang Ping\'an explained to Sika: "These four represent the four most modern international metropolises in China, \'Yanjing, modu, Guangzhou and deep sea.\' aren\'t there two major cities in Korea? Seoul and Busan. China has a large land, so there are four top cities in the front. Of course, there are other cities with good development, but compared with the four earliest developed cities, their GDP is higher It\'s a little inferior, but urban architecture is not bad at all. It\'s just ranked by the city\'s GDP! "

On the way, after reading the plan, Sika closed the folder and said to Zhang Ping\'an, "he took these four cities as the first places to open stores in the plan, and then slowly extended to other first tier cities."

Zhang Ping\'an nodded and said: "It\'s a correct choice. Most people who set up stores in China will certainly choose such a metropolis as long as they have the support of funds. First of all, such urban consumption power is placed there, and your brand should develop quickly with your blessing? It\'s just that it\'s hard for you to run back and forth on the platform for store publicity at that time."

"HMM." Sika also knows that if her brand wants to develop rapidly, she must publicize it.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ping\'an said, "at that time, we will also hold some signature meetings. Anyone who participates in shopping can participate in the lottery."

In Korea, brand merchants often do such activities to stimulate the consumption of fans. Otherwise, it is so easy to get the endorsement fee of stars? Only in China, star endorsement is to shoot a few advertisements for you and then attend the press conference. Don\'t even think about the "brand signature meeting". If you want to do it, you can charge another fee!

Sika smiled, nodded and said, "well, brand activities must be done. It\'s just to spare time for my trip. I have to see and communicate with the company then? Hey..."

When it comes to communication, Sika doesn\'t know how to communicate with the company. S.M\'s virtue is that she has been an artist in the company for seven years. Now that her brand has been invested, she wants to develop her overseas career, which is absolutely not allowed by the company. Because the company thinks Sika represents not only individuals, but also girlhood, and girlhood A brand is owned by the company, so

Zhang Ping\'an smiled and patted Sika\'s thigh: "it\'s okay. Don\'t you still have me with you in the future?"

Soon the three came to the store. Sika followed the owner into the store to see the structure, and Zhang Ping\'an simply took a look at the size of the store. Because the structure of the store can be made by the designer. He can make whatever structure you want. Therefore, there is no need to plan any structure here, as long as there is enough space.

Sika\'s store is in the neighborhood next to the downtown block. Because the store in the downtown area doesn\'t worry about rent at all, she certainly won\'t keep negotiating with them for half a month. After seeing the size of the store, Sika kept talking to the CEO next to her about her thoughts on store decoration, while Li Yu listened to Sika\'s story very carefully and kept talking about it with her pen What\'s on the note.

For the first time, Sika felt that the CEO recruited by Zhang Ping\'an was the one who did things. In the past, he smiled and said what to Quan\'s face. I know, I know, he never took such a serious work attitude as Li Yu. Sika finally felt like a boss. She said here that Li Yu, the CEO, was like a secretary and recorded it next to him.

After Sika finished, Li Yu repeated his records to her again. After visiting the store, Sika nodded and thought it was good here. The rest of the lease signing was left to Li Yu and the boss, and sika and Zhang Ping\'an came to the side of the road and stood.

Sika stood beside Zhang Ping\'an and smiled contentedly, "why don\'t you visit with us?"

Zhang Ping\'an turned to look at Sika\'s happiness with a smile: "I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about, so I won\'t participate at all. Moreover, I\'m not an expert in store planning, and I don\'t go shopping very much. I know the brand stores I\'m familiar with about the decoration style of the store. I only know that the decoration cost is a little high. So I just came out and stood up for a breath."

All the stores familiar to Zhang Ping\'an are luxury flagship stores, so they must work hard on decoration. Although sika is also a flagship store, it still has a long way to go compared with luxury. Therefore, Zhang Ping\'an is not as good as Sika who has been shopping for a long time.

Sika was very excited at this time because she had the first store of her own brand. She took Zhang Ping\'an and looked at the store. She kept pointing to the place and told him what to do here, what to do there, eye frames here and clothes display there.. Zhang Ping\'an completely felt the joy in her heart, perhaps for Sika This is the dream come true.

After a while, Li Yu came out. He smiled and said, "the signing of the store has been completed, and the account has been transferred to him. Miss Jessica, wait here a little. I have informed the designer here to come. Maybe it will be half an hour. You can tell her what you think at that time."


In this way, Zhang Ping\'an and his party stayed in the store until the afternoon. After the designer arrived, he and Sika kept planning the decoration style of the store, while Zhang Ping\'an and Li Yu sat in the empty store smoking and killing time. Finally, we waited for sika and Zhang Ping\'an to discuss and complete the decoration contract. Only then did sika and Zhang Ping\'an have some time to take a good look at H.K.

Sitting in the taxi, Sika\'s smile never stopped, watching her dream come true step by step. Maybe only the party concerned will understand the difficulty.

Sika was already excited and took Zhang Ping\'an\'s hand: "oppa, you don\'t know, when I was talking to the designer about my ideas, I really felt like a dream come true. If I had time, I could watch my shop finish decoration day by day... That would be great."

Zhang Ping\'an couldn\'t help feeling her joy. He smiled at Sika\'s words: "but aren\'t you very nervous about time? Besides, what\'s the meaning of staring at the decoration?"

"You don\'t understand, and it\'s hard for me to make it clear to you."

Sika and Zhang Ping\'an set out in the car towards the shopping area with joy. Unexpectedly, the taxi they took was followed by a paparazzi. H. K\'s paparazzi is professional, because when Zhang Ping\'an was standing on the roadside, he was photographed by some Chinese young people who came here to shop and put it on his Weibo, saying that he met Zhang Ping\'an in H.K.

In the words of "sister V", he is a popular Internet player in China. Especially for young people who are familiar with "Internet surfing", Zhang Ping\'an, a popular man, is quite familiar. After all, he is a rich second generation who can match the headmaster. Although he is very low-key in China, he doesn\'t bubble on the Internet from time to time like the headmaster. But he was often photographed in South Korea and as a girl and sent back to China, which will naturally attract everyone\'s attention.

In everyone\'s words, as long as Zhang Ping\'an is photographed next to him, he must follow South Korean Aidou. The tourists from China photographed Zhang Ping\'an standing on the roadside. Although there was no star next to him this time, for paparazzi, how can the second generation of China\'s top rich come to H.K. there will be news. Besides, the virtue of H.K\'s paparazzi, even if Zhang Ping\'an really just came to travel, they will always write some \'stories\' for everyone to see.

So when the paparazzi came the first time they got the news, they waited for Zhang Ping\'an all the time. Zhang Ping\'an and others did not leave the store after the paparazzi arrived because Sika was waiting for the designer in the store and then chatted with the designer about design.

So the paparazzi were caught. The paparazzi waited at the door and waited for them to come out of the store. It was amazing. Isn\'t the lady with sunglasses next to Zhang Ping\'an Jessica in her girlhood?

The reporter first recorded several photos of Zhang Ping\'an and Sika leaving by taxi, and then followed them silently. Zhang Ping\'an and Sika didn\'t find themselves being watched by H. K\'s paparazzi.

They are in central, the most prosperous commercial center. After they get off the bus, they don\'t cover up too much. They just appear in the streets of central with sunglasses. In fact, such natural shopping may not be easily found. Often when you wear a mask or something, people will look at you more.

In summer, when the sun is in the sky, many people drive in the streets with sunglasses.

Zhang Ping\'an smiled and said to sika, "look, those who are fast-moving are H.K. people. They are very impatient." Zhang Ping\'an also hid a sentence, \'just like you.\'

While Sika listened to Zhang Ping\'an\'s way of distinguishing H.K. people, she couldn\'t help laughing: "hahaha, do you distinguish like this?"

"This is the experience given on the Internet. You see, tourists like us walk on the streets without doing anything. Even when the sun is in the sky, our steps will not be too fast. On the contrary, those who walk very fast are basically locals or people who work here."