My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 598 - 180: Overwhelmed With Joy

The phone in Brian's office kept ringing, which soon drove him up the wall.

"Diana, you can go home," Brian said, rubbing his sore eyes.

Diana understood she couldn't help Brian here, so she accepted his suggestion.

"Okay, just promise you won't stay too late here."

"Fine." Brian pulled Diana over and kissed her.

Down in the company's design department, Brian's assistant was scolding Fannie to her face, "You were responsible for these designs after Miss William left. What happened?"

Fannie was on the verge of crying. "I don't know!"

"What's the use of crying?" The assistant was angry, but she knew Fannie was not the kind of person to sell the designs.

The assistant was exasperated. She waved a hand to dismiss Fannie.

Fannie turned away immediately. She was already scared silly by this whole event. The assistant's rebuke made her feel horrible.

In the company lobby, Diana met Kyle.

An awful feeling came over Kyle when he saw the hickey on Diana's neck.


However, the disgust was mutual as Diana's face darkened at once on seeing Kyle standing in front of her.

"Could you get out of the way?" Diana asked coldly.

"Diana, do you really hate me that much?"

Diana didn't answer him and went directly to the waiting taxi.

At home, Diana prepared dinner, waiting for Brian to come home.

Around midnight, Brian finally arrived. He saw Diana had already fallen asleep on the table, which made his heart ache. As he carried her to the bedroom, Diana woke up with a start.

After making out the face in front of her, Diana said in a daze, "You're back."

Brian nodded.

"Why didn't you go to bed?"

"I was waiting for you…" Diana m.o.a.n.e.d.

After she woke up a little, she wriggled free from Brian's arms.

"Have you eaten? I can heat the food for you?"

"That's okay. Go to sleep now."

But Diana insisted, "I have already cooked the dishes. They just need a few minutes in the microwave."

Diana's thoughtfulness made Brian's heart swell with love.

After the meal, Brian was so tired that he quickly fell asleep.

Diana helped him take off his shoes and clothes. And then she slept beside him.


"It's still early. You can get up later." Brian said tenderly when he saw Diana wake up.

But Diana shook her head and got out of bed. As she looked out the window, she said, "Why do you get up so early today? You usually go to the company later than this."

After briefly weighing it up in his mind, Brian decided to tell Diana what had happened.

"Diana, so far, I've been unable to solve the current crisis. And as Sybil is on vacation now, we have decided to hire a new designer. Luckily, we've found the right candidate. She studied in Paris and has a great reputation. She arrives back today, and I'm sure other companies want her as well. So we have to win her over early. I think you can help."

Diana was astounded. This was Brian, for the first time ever, asking for help.

"I'll go with you."

"You can keep sleeping," Brian continued patiently.

"No, I'd like to go with you." Diana insisted on going to the airport with Brian. Finally, Brian could see he had no choice in the matter.

On the way to the airport, Diana dozed off.

In her dream, someone was patting her face. She tried to move the handoff and murmured, "Daniel, leave me alone. I'm sleepy."

In their childhood, Daniel had liked to mess with Diana in this way.

"I told you to stay at home. Look how sleepy you are," Brian's voice came to Diana through the haze of her dream. She woke up slowly, looking around to get her bearings.

"Are we here?" she asked.

Diana's look amused Brian.

"Yes, we're here."

At the exit not far from them, a woman came out, escorted by a big crowd. Brian quickly got out of his car, with Diana following closely behind.

Looking at the crowd around her, Jessica felt disgusted. That was until she saw the most perfectly attractive man looking at her from a distance.

It seemed he was walking toward her. Jessica asked her agent with a curious tone, "Calvin, who is that man?"

Jessica's agent followed her line of sight and saw Brian.

"That's Brian William, the president of the William Group. His company is also very interested in talking to you."

"Well." Jessica understood the situation. But she started to get a bit put off by the presence of the woman standing just behind Brian.

Brian came to Jessica and greeted her, politely, "Nice to meet you, Miss Reagan."

Jessica shook hands with him, "Nice to meet you, Mr. William."

Other companies' managers and media members were close by as well. The spotlight was fully on Jessica.

"Miss Reagan, which company do you intend to join now you're back?" One of the reporters offered her a microphone.

Jessica didn't answer the reporter's question. She looked at the other ambitious executives, all of them desperately trying to get her signature. They offered her a series of business cards and compliments.

Jessica listened to them with a smile. After a while, she turned her head and looked at the reporter who had just asked the question.

"I have decided to choose the William Group. I felt their sincerity when Mr. William came personally to meet me. Most of the other companies just sent their managers."

With that, Jessica held Brian's hand up triumphantly, an opportunity that the reporters seized to get a close-up photograph.

Brian didn't see Diana's unhappiness but gave her a warm smile. He was overwhelmed with joy at that moment.

Diana forced out a smile in return, despite her feelings of anxiousness at seeing Brian close with other women.