My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 548 - 130: Where Is She Now?

Antonette's face had already begun to turn red, and she was gasping for breath.

"Where is she now?" Kyle demanded coldly.

"Kyle, I did this all for you. With Diana kidnapped, Brian will surely get distracted."

"That's enough," Kyle stopped her. "Antonette, you not only took Diana away, but you also kidnapped Sybil!"

Kyle stepped forward and vigorously grasped her shoulder, "Antonette, do you really think you will escape Simon William's punishment after you have kidnapped his precious daughter?"

His words stroke Antonette dumb. If Simon William knew what she had done, nothing good would come of it for her.

"Where is Diana?" Kyle said grimly.

Weighing up the matter carefully, Antonette finally told Kyle the address.

After getting the information, Kyle took one final look of disgust, then rushed away.

Meanwhile, Antonette was left alone, full of hatred, her fingers clenched into fists of anger.

At the William Group head office, Ken had just finished collating a set of doc.u.ments for Brian.

"Mr. William, everything is done."

Brian gave Ken a glance. After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "Ken, do you like Sybil?"

Ken was surprised by Brian's question. He didn't know how to answer him.

Fortunately, a call broke the awkward silence.

Brian picked the phone up.

"Brian, Diana is in danger. You have to go and save her. She is in a warehouse in the east of the city." The voice on the phone was unfamiliar, and Brian couldn't recognize who it was.

Brian stood up in shock, "What?!"

Ken listened in as well.

But before Brian could ask for any more information, the caller hung up.

"What's wrong?" Ken was worried.

"Diana is in trouble!"

Ken instantly entered a state of alertness on hearing Brian's words. The first thing he did was call Sybil.

As his call rang out, Ken's instinct told him something was wrong, so he decided to accompany Brian to find Diana.

In a side street near the William Group offices, Kyle paid the man he'd asked to tell Brian about Diana's kidnap. The man was greatly pleased by his reward and left with a smile on his face.

Kyle lit a cigarette. His face was overcast with gloom. The most important thing for him was not to rescue Diana but to escape Brian's suspicion.

After a short while, Kyle watched Brian drive his car out of the garage. From there, Kyle put out his cigarette and went back into his company.

Antonette was surprised to see Kyle back so soon.

"Kyle, why haven't you gone to save your sweetheart?"

Antonette really made Kyle sick, even if she was pretty on the outside. He grimly warned her, "Antonette, if you lay a finger on Diana again, you will suffer the consequences."

Kyle looked at her meaningfully and turned to his office.

Sybil was feeling utterly hopeless. Carl and his gang were acting increasingly aggressive, and Diana was still unconscious. She was crying so much that she almost passed out.

"Shut up!" Carl shouted.

Just as he was about to give Sybil a slap, his men ran over to him with a pale look on their faces, "Carl, Carl!"

Carl put his hand down impatiently.

"Stop fussing. What's wrong?"

"There's a car coming. And I recognize those plates, they belong to Brian William, President of the William Group!" The guy was so scared he could barely speak.

"Brian William?!" Carl turned pale with fright.

Without even looking back at the two girls, Carl ordered his men to run, and together they fled with great haste.

After parking his car, Brian rushed into the warehouse. The scene that appeared before him was awful. There in front of him was Sybil, bound to a chair. And lying unconscious in Sybil's arms was Diana.

"Diana!" Brian ran over to her, with Ken following closely behind him.

A look of pure relief spread across Sybil's face when she saw who had arrived.

"Ken, Brian, come and save Diana!"

Brian lifted Diana off Sybil's l.a.p.

As soon as he did so, Sybil let out a scream. She hadn't realized until that moment, but her hands were covered in blood.

"Brian…my hands."

Brian lowered his head and saw the blood spilling uncontrollably from Diana's head. He sprinted to his car with Diana in his arms and placed her in the back seat.

Brian didn't have time to check on his sister's condition. Besides, he knew Ken would take care of her. But Diana was badly hurt, and there was no time to delay.

Brian tried, but there was nothing he could do to stop Diana's bleeding. So he sped off to the hospital, going through several red lights in a row.

He screeched to a halt by the hospital entrance, then ran into the emergency department.

It was clear Diana's situation was grave, so she was immediately rushed to the first available doctor. Brian firmly grabbed the doctor's hand and pleaded with him to save Diana's life.

It was quickly decided that Diana needed to be sent urgently to the operating room, such as the severity of her injury. Brian watched in despair as she was wheeled away.

Back at the warehouse, Sybil clasped Ken's hands. She was feeling extremely guilty about Diana.

"Ken, it's my fault. I was the one who put Diana in danger!"

"Everything is OK now. I am here with you," Ken said softly.

However, Sybil's tears kept streaming down.

"You don't understand… In order to protect me, Diana blocked the strike. It should have been me…" Sybil whimpered.

Ken continued comforting her. He was burning with a violent rage. If he ever found out who did this, he would cut them into pieces.

After giving her time to calm down, Ken picked Sybil up and carried her out of the warehouse. She was so tired that she had fallen asleep in Ken's arms.

Fortunately, Diana's operation went smoothly, and she was out of any serious danger. However, the wound on her head was quite large and required several stitches.

Brian let out a sigh of relief when he saw Diana recovering in the hospital bed, although she looked rather worse for wear.

Then he called Ken to check on Sybil's condition.

Ken was relieved to hear Diana was fine. If anything had happened to her, Sybil would have been inconsolable.

Ken guessed Sybil would want to see Diana after she woke up, so he drove her straight to the hospital.

Sybil was still tightly clasping Ken's clothes as she slept fitfully beside him in the car. She had never suffered such an experience, and it had totally wiped her out. Watching Sybil's troubled sleep, Ken let out a sigh.

"Sybil, I will always protect you. One day, the people who hurt you will pay a heavy price." Ken made up his mind and decided to use his actions in the following days to prove his love for Sybil.