My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 501 - 83: He Couldn’t Bear It Anymore

Diana was shocked by Brian's cunning words. "You are talking nonsense!" she shouted angrily.

"Well, if I am talking nonsense, why don't you reject me?" Brian walked to Diana and pressed her against the wall.

"I…" Diana didn't know what to say now.

Seeing Diana biting her lip, struggling to think of a way out, Brian was very turned on.

Before Diana could escape, Brian lowered his head to try and kiss her.

But Diana quickly reached out her hand and covered her mouth, Brian's kiss landing squarely on Diana's hand.

"Asshole!" Diana scolded Brian.

Brian grabbed Diana's arms and forced her to stand between the wall and his body. "Diana, you turned me on, now you have to handle it."

"What?" Diana lowered her head to look at Brian's groin. He was hard!

God! He got hard so frequently around her. Diana started to think Brian's illness must be more complicated than she had originally thought.

Brian lowered his head again and tried to kiss her, but Diana again rejected him, turning her head to the other side.

"Are you crazy? I am your physician. Won't you feel ashamed of sleeping with your physician?" Diana struggled and shouted at Brian.

"Diana, you are a physician. But you also have another identity. Have you forgotten that?"


"Diana, have you forgotten you are a woman?"

"What does my identity as a woman have to do with this?" Diana asked, confusedly.

Brian could hardly bear his eagerness, and just as he was about to pounce on Diana, the door opened.

"Miss Anderson, I have brought the herbs you requested. What should I…?" Ken stopped mid-sentence, shocked by what he saw. This was too…

"Get out!" Brian released Diana and strode over to the doorway where Ken was standing, then slammed the door shut with his foot.

Ken was no fool and quickly ran away.

Brian turned back to continue his business with Diana. But the moment he turned his head, he saw a large, white shape heading straight for him. Brian reached out his hands to fight, but it was too late, he was instantly caught up.

When Brian had turned his back, Diana had pulled the sheet from the bed and thrown it over his face, then took her chance to run out of the room.

This time, however, Brian didn't try to catch Diana.

He could tell Diana just meant to hide from him, so Brian decided to take it slowly. There was plenty of time, no need to rush; Diana would fall in love with him in the end.

As Brian focused himself on pursuing Diana, Carol Jefferson was busying herself with her own plan.

Carol had accepted that it would be difficult for her to earn Brian's favor. So, she decided it would be a good idea to visit Brian's mother, Kate Grace.

Kate was a brilliant, gorgeous woman. She was also highly intelligent, having completed years of postgraduate study, she was highly respected in her field and recently returned from a fellowship at a European university.

She had chosen to divorce Simon many years ago, after learning of his affairs with other women. Although Simon had exerted himself to make up with Kate, he had been unable to change her mind.

As Simon felt guilty about it, he had always treated Brian very well, and possibly even spoiled him.

When Brian was a little boy, he was educated by his beautiful, genius mother. So, in his mind, Kate was very important and irreplaceable.

And Carol knew all of this. So, whilst she knew that Simon's approval meant the acceptance of the William family, that did not mean Brian would accept her. But Kate was different. Brian respected and honored his mother. So Carol knew that if Kate liked her, everything would be different.

If both Brian's parents supported their marriage, even if he didn't love her, he would at least have to think twice before turning her down.

What's more, Carol was very confident in herself. She was beautiful, and her family was much more powerful and richer than Diana's. It was impossible that Kate would dislike her.

Swelled with confidence, Carol brought the gift she had prepared and went to Kate's house. She knew Kate was interested in jewelry design, so she had bought a limited edition bracelet from Channel as a gift.

Kate lived in a villa located far out in the suburbs of the city. Brian had visited her there before, but Kate liked to enjoy a tranquil life, hence she didn't meet with Brian too frequently.

An old housemaid, Mrs. Logan, greeted Carol at the front door, then swiftly went inside to inform Kate of her arrival.

"Let her in," Kate said coldly.

Carol walked in happily after the woman and was led out to the garden.

Kate was sitting under a maple tree. There were flower biscuits in a small basket on the table, with a mug full of steaming hot coffee beside.

Carol looked at Kate as she walked across the courtyard. Though she was no longer young, Kate still looked fantastic. Carol couldn't tell the brand of the clothes she wore, but they were clearly high-end and customized. Kate was the epitome of elegance.

"Do we have a guest?" Kate looked up at the sound of Carol's footsteps.

Carol carried herself decently and elegantly. Yet Kate didn't show even a hint of happiness at seeing her. "May I ask your name?"

Carol let the butler put her gifts on the table and smiled back at Kate.

"Hello, Ms. Grace, my name is Carol Jefferson, I am Brian's fiancée. I heard that you recently returned from abroad, so I came to pay you a visit."

Kate raised her eyebrows slightly and nodded at the servant beside her. "Put Miss Jefferson's gifts in the room."

Carol smiled with relief, but her hopes of charming Brian's mother were soon dashed, as Kate looked at her and continued, "However, I am sorry to tell you I have a meeting this afternoon, so I can't have any guests today."