My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 444 - 26: Who Is That Girl?

It was the crack of dawn. Diana yawned loudly, looking at the mess all around her, she wanted to cry.

Morning is the start of the day for most people. However, at Adam's Bar, the day was only just ending.

The revelry was over; customers are finally stumbling out of the bar and beginning their journeys back home. Now it was time for the maintenance department to get to work.

The workers tidied the tables and mopped the floors. But this was only the start of the cleaning work in Adam's Bar.

Although the workers in the maintenance department were very diligent, it took them several hours to complete their work.

After a whole night without sleep, Diana was exhausted.

She felt that her brain was not working properly any more.

Getting dressed, taking the bus, she did all these things without thinking, barely conscious.

Adam's Bar was located in the center of the city. It was the morning, so there were only a few people on the bus. Diana found a seat and had a nap.

She was so tired that she fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of her soft queen-size bed back home. It felt so clear in her mind, the soft, warm bed… rolling lazily around in the covers.

Suddenly the bus stopped. It sent Diana flying forward, and she hit her head on the seat in front.

Massaging her head, she felt depressed. She missed her bed so much. Fortunately, she would arrive at school soon so she could finally have a good sleep.

On the way to the dormitory, she ignored all the tutors and lecturers who greeted her. The only thing in her heart now was her bed. All she wanted was to go to sleep under the warm quilt.

When Diana finally arrived at her dormitory, she opened the door, walked towards her bed, and lay down without looking. But the bed was much harder than usual.

She looked at her bed and was dumbfounded. There was no bed mattress or quilt on her bed. There was only a bed board. What had happened?

Diana was totally confused. The shock shook her out of the dream-like state she'd been in before.

When she turned around, she found her roommates all looking worriedly at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Diana, did you offend some powerful person?" One of her roommates looked nervously at the door as she spoke.

Offend somebody? Such words instantly reminded Diana of Brian.

Thinking for a while, she chose to keep silent. She didn't want her roommates to know that she had a part-time bar job or about her experiences there.

Though what she did in Adam's Bar was not bad, the bar was not a good place.

"Of course not. I spend all my time either at my part-time job, or I'm in the college lab. I have no chance to offend somebody." Diana felt guilt hiding from her friends like this.

"But Antonette…" Absolutely her roommate didn't believe her. She pointed at the door and looked at Diana.

Diana looked at where she pointed. She could see several bodyguards in suits, standing straight. Diana recognized them, they were Brian's employees.

She was so tired when she arrived that she hadn't noticed them.

Diana was so angry now, and she rushed out of her room. Of course, she was not sleepy anymore. Her heart was full of anger.

"Bang!" she bumped into somebody as she rushed out of the room.

It was Brian. Surrounded by two rows of bodyguards, he looked like some kind of emperor.

Girls in other rooms had come out to see what was happening. When they saw Brian, they were captivated by his good looks.

"Oh my god! He is so handsome."

"Yes, you are so right."

"Who is that girl?"

"Did she run into that man just now?"

"What do you want?" Diana shouted at Brian, full of anger.

He had humiliated her in the bar and made her do the cleaning work for the whole night. Now he had moved all her bedding so she couldn't even sleep after. "What do I want?" Brian looked at her, emotionless. "Remember what you did last night?"

Though she had already been punished with a hard shift of cleaning, he was still angry with her for what she'd done.

Her brain slowly began to form an answer to Brian's question when it suddenly occurred to Diana that Brian was in the girls' dormitory! "How did you get into the girls' dormitory?"

"I didn't go in there." Brian lifted his eyebrows.

"Neither could your bodyguards. They are also men."

"Nor did they," Brian said sarcastically.

"Then what about my bedding?"

"I threw it out."

"You didn't go in, but you threw out my bedding?"

It was your best friend who helped Brian, though ironically. But he didn't tell Diana about it.

"Mr. William, please, have some tea." Antonette came in with a cup of tea in hand.

Diana was surprised. Antonette had on a blue, floral dress, and she had put her hair up.

Unknown to Diana, Brian had come that morning to her dormitory and asked Antonette to come out. His bodyguard told Antonette to move Diana's bedding out.

Antonette already knew at this time what had happened with Diana from the manager of the bar. The moment she heard the words, she felt so happy. Though Brian had come for Diana, which made her unhappy, it was still a good chance to be closer to him.

So Antonette happily obliged and threw out all of Diana's bedding without hesitation.

As for what Diana should do without her bedding, Antonette didn't care. As long as she could have some kind of relationship with Brian, everyone would have to make way for her. And Diana was her biggest stumbling block.

Diana looked at the tea in Antonette's hand and felt very angry. How could Antonette make tea for him?

When Antonette saw Diana's expression, she trembled and looked away sheepishly.

Diana grabbed the tea from Antonette and threw it against the wall.


The cup cracked into small pieces.