My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 438 - 20: A New Job

Antonette was already thinking about her future plans. But she had to keep comforting Diana.

"Don't be too sad. At least you still have your allowance. Although the salary isn't what you thought, it won't affect you that badly."

Thinking of the allowance, Diana felt even sadder. She murmured, "A few days ago, our classmate's mother got cancer. I thought I would get my salary today, so I…"

Antonette was surprised. "Did you donate all your allowance?"

Diana nodded slightly. "Yes, I thought the salary would be much more."

Antonette sighed and said, "You are too kind. Remember to keep some money for yourself next time."

Despite her kind words, Antonette had other things on her mind.

Brian was definitely fond of Diana. He just hadn't realized it yet. Diana was the obstacle between her and Brian.

She had to keep Diana close, so she might have the chance to meet Brian again.

Antonette had thought of a plan.

"Diana. If you want to make some money, why not find a part-time job?"

A part-time job? Diana was cheered by this idea. Many of her classmates had part-time jobs. Though the salary was not very much, it was a great help to have a little extra cash.

Diana had never thought about finding one in the past. For one thing, her parents gave her enough allowance. For another, her family was near the college, and Daniel sometimes asked her to watch the clinic, so she had no free time to do part-time jobs.

But it was different now. It was hard to ask Daniel for help. So, finding a part-time job was a practical option.

But even if she wanted to get a part-time job, Diana had no idea where she should go and what she should do.

Diana revealed her worries to Antonette, who immediately answered, "That's no problem. I could recommend a part-time job for you."

Antonette had been hoping Diana would ask her for help.

She had thought of a special part-time job for Diana, one that would surprise Diana and make Brian hate her.

And then she would seize the chance to take Diana's place and make Brian fall in love with her.

Of course, Diana knew nothing about what Antonette, whom she regarded as her best friend, was thinking about. On the contrary, she was moved by Antonette's offer of help and hugged her. "Thank you. Antonette, if you weren't here, I really don't know what I would do."

Antonette gently tapped Diana's back, happy that the first step of her plan was complete.

At night, with the whole city immersed in an ocean of bright lights, it was almost lighter than it was during the day.

Diana followed Antonette down a narrow street. It was far from the main street, so it was very quiet. Thinking of certain horror movies she had seen before, Diana couldn't help shivering, and her legs felt like jelly.

Diana swallowed her saliva nervously and grasped Antonette's hand. "Antonette, is this the right direction? Would such a remote place really offer part-time jobs?"

Antonette tapped Diana's hand softly and tried to comfort her. "Don't be scared. We are close."

But Diana still felt frightened and wanted to give up.

She whispered, "Why must we come here at night? Couldn't we go there tomorrow?"

Everywhere was dark and damp. Diana was afraid that something would be awakened if they talked too loudly.

"Because it only opens at night," Antonette replied.

They arrived at the end of the street. Hearing the sound of music and people talking, Diana felt quite relieved.

Antonette stopped before a narrow door. She knocked, and someone quickly came to open it.

Behind the door was a dim light. The sound of light jazz music reached Diana's ears. Finally, she felt she was in the right place. It seemed that there were many people here.

The man who greeted them was in his forties and wore a suit with a badge on his c.h.e.s.t that read, Manager - Adam's Bar.

Seeing Antonette, the manager smiled. "Antonette, it's been a long time."

Antonette greeted him and pulled Diana to stand beside her. "This is my classmate, Diana Anderson. She is looking for a part-time job. The bar still has vacancies, right?"

Actually, Antonette had called the manager before and knew about vacant positions in the bar.

This was the first time for Diana to interview for a job. She felt nervous and replied shyly. The manager frowned at her and said, "Your appearance is nice. Come in!"

After stepping inside, Diana found the place was actually well designed.

The manager led the way to the kitchen. Various fruit platters and desserts were being made there and handed over to the counter.

Walking through the kitchen, Diana could hear the sound of loud music and people talking.

She finally realized that this was a bar. Lots of men and women were dancing on the dance floor.

Diana had never visited this kind of bar before. She only went to quiet pubs where people chat with friends. Seeing the lively dance floor, Diana was scared to step back.

Was the part-time work Antonette had mentioned here?

Noticing Diana's hesitation, Antonette grasped Diana's hand and pulled her to follow them.

The manager led them to a vacant room. Diana was told that the door they came in was the back door of this place, Adam's Bar.

The manager briefly introduced what Diana would need to do. Diana was still shocked and only really understood the main idea, she was now a waitress!

A waitress knocked at the door and asked the manager to come outside. The manager excused himself and left Antonette and Diana alone.

Diana held Antonette's hand and whispered, "This is a bar!"

It was extremely noisy. And recalling the mini skirt and low-cut top the waitress wore, Diana was even more unwilling to take the job.

"You just have to do the work a waitress needs to do. It doesn't matter." Having got her here, Antonette would not give Diana a chance to run away. "Diana. You have to trust yourself. Good people will always be decent, no matter where they work."


"The salary is quite high," Antonette looked at Diana and continued, "Aren't you in need of money?"

Diana still thought it was not a good idea to work here and said, "I could go back to ask Daniel to lend me some money. But would just tell me off for being stupid..."

Thinking of Daniel and his angry expression, Diana was quite sacred.

Antonette suddenly wore a serious expression and asked, "Diana, do you not think this is a good job?"

Diana shook her head at once.

"The manager knows me. I have worked here before," Antonette said seriously, "You don't want this job because you think it's not decent. Do you think that little of me?" Antonette's eyes went red and were full of tears.

Diana held Antonette's hand immediately and said, "No. I don't think that. Trust me, Antonette."

Antonette blinked her eyes, and a tear fell from her cheek. She stood still and silent.

Finally, Diana bit her lip and agreed to take the job.

Antonette was right. It was just a job. And decent people would always be decent; it didn't matter where they worked. Besides, she really needed the money. The salary the manager offered was great. She could make money while her parents were traveling. Then when they got home, she could use the money to buy presents for them and prove that she was capable of supporting herself.