My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 437 - 19: Take It Away

Diana immediately escaped to the kitchen. God damn it! Couldn't Brian behave nicely to her?

As Diana was preparing the medicine, she wondered if she should add the bitter herb or not. At last, she gave up on that thought. Brian was not in a good mood, so she would forgive him this time. She concentrated on boiling the medicine.

Standing beside the window, Brian looked at the black concoction that Diana offered to him. He frowned at it and gazed at Diana with his dark eyes, "What unnecessary thing did you add to it this time?"

"Just the herbs on the prescription, nothing else."

Thinking of the bitter herbs she had added to Brian's medicine before, Diana felt guilty. But this time, she really hadn't added anything. Diana looked directly into Brian's eyes and said, "It's said that good medicine tastes bitter. It's better to drink it while it's still hot."

"Take it away." Brian seemed to detest it.

Diana had spent two hours boiling it! Feeling angry, Diana said, "You say you want to be cured, and this is your medicine!"

Brian looked at her coldly and said in a sarcastic tone, "Your medicine doesn't work, and it's disgusting. Are you trying to get back at me with this shit?"

Diana was irritated and answered, "I told you over and over again that I can't heal you. You forced me to come here. These medicines are beneficial for your health, but your impotence is all in your head!"

Finally, Diana had had enough of Brian's treatment. She was furious. Without waiting for Brian's reply, Diana grabbed her medical kit and ran out of the villa. If she ever tried to reconcile with Brian again, she must be an idiot!

The next day, when Diana came to Brian's house, she didn't utter a word to him. Brian likewise said nothing. So, it became a battle of silence between them.

But Diana was happy with the situation. At least they stopped quarreling with each other.

The end of the month soon arrived. Diana came to Brian's house and felt quite nervous. Today was the day for her to get her salary.

Brian still wore his same poker face, so Diana felt his pulse in silence.

Over the past weeks, she had learned some basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine from her brother Daniel. Feeling his pulse, Diana knew that Brian was definitely healthy.

After feeling his pulse, Diana wrote down the prescription as usual. Writing down the names of the herbs, Diana raised her head to look at Brian from time to time. Thinking of the coming salary, she felt full of happiness.

Once she got the salary, she would be free and finally rid of this place. She would finally be free from Brian!

She finished the prescription, and Brian still kept silent.

Was he so busy with his work that he would forget Diana's salary? After all, he was a powerful CEO, while she was just a lowly, fake physician. Diana thought maybe she should ask about it first.

Diana hesitated and slowly asked, "When will I…"

But Brian didn't give her the chance to finish. He stood up and walked directly into his study, slamming the door behind him.

Lowering her head, Diana said to herself that she would talk about it later with him.

Boiling the medicine, Diana was delighted, thinking about her salary. The program with Kyle was also going well. The future looked bright!

After boiling the mixture, Diana brought it to the study room. She looked at Brian earnestly and expected he might remember that today he should pay her.

But Brian didn't even look up. Diana uttered, "Today, you should…"

But once again, Brian interrupted her. He turned to Ken and said, "Go get the program file for me."

Feeling that Brian was ignoring her, Diana was furious. She stood before him and said angrily, "Brian, are you planning to skip my salary?"

Brian turned his head and glanced at her. He replied coldly, "I feel no difference after your treatment."

"But, we agreed that this would be the last day of the treatment!" Diana stared at him in disbelief.

She had a classmate whose mother was ill, and she had donated all her money to help them. If she didn't get the salary, she would have no money!

She hadn't expected that Brian would act so shamelessly and not pay her.

"Is this the right attitude to have with your boss?" Brian replied, still with his chillingly blank expression.

"The agreement we signed doesn't say that I should please you every day!" Diana retorted.

Brian stared at her coldly, while Diana also looked at him angrily.

She deserved her salary!

A few seconds later, Brian raised his hand. Seeing his movement, Ken immediately put a checkbook in Brian's hand. After writing some numbers on it, Brian threw the check at Diana.

Diana was overjoyed. Brian was not that shameless!

But wait, why had he only given her one-third of the salary?

Knowing what Diana was thinking, Brian gave the checkbook to Ken and said in his icy cool voice, "Your attitude is awful, and your treatment hasn't worked. You should be happy that I even gave you one-third of the money."

Diana was close to really losing her temper. "You didn't write this in the agreement. This is totally unreasonable!"

"It also didn't say that deduction was not allowed." Brian squinted his eyes and answered.

"But I have tried my best!" Diana didn't give up. She had to get what she deserved.

"Your salary depends on your performance." Brian slowly walked to the couch. He had a sarcastic look on his face. "You didn't cure me. You should have gotten no money. This money is out of mercy. If you don't want it, you can give it back."

After saying that, he reached out to take back the check-in Diana's hand.

Diana grasped the check firmly. This was all the money she had now.

"You can leave now," he said, dismissing her with his hand.

With no other options, Diana grabbed her purse and went back to college, frustrated and angry.

The driver taking her back was a new guy. Ken didn't show up.

This money wasn't enough to support her daily life. What would she do?!

Arriving at the dormitory, Antonette saw Diana and asked worriedly, "What happened today?"

Diana almost cried. She held Antonette's arm and complained, "My boss has totally screwed me! He broke our contract and only gave me a third of my salary!"

Recalling what Diana told her before, Antonette realized that Diana's agreement with Brian was now expired.

Feeling elated, Antonette asked cautiously, "Diana, will you still go to Brian's house?"

Diana replied in a fury, "No! He is a bastard! He wasted my time and didn't even pay me properly!"

Antonette comforted Diana in words. But in her mind, she was already thinking about the next stage of her plan.

Since Diana would not go to Brian's house anymore, this was her chance!