Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 379: I miss her

Chapter 379 I miss her very much

   Almost excited to sign another 50 million.

   An accompanying manager saw that something was wrong with Zhou Beicheng, so he immediately followed his line of sight vigilantly.

   Then he quietly took out his phone.

   Without waiting for him to take a picture, he watched Zhou Beicheng turn around and walk over.

   "Manager Yang, what are you doing?"

   Shen also looked at him and asked with a smile.

  Manager Yang immediately raised his phone: "Hahaha, take a selfie, take a selfie."

  Shen Ye still smiled: "Manager Yang is quite girly, how about I take a photo with the client for you?"

   "Okay, come on, come on."

   Boss Meng readily agreed.

   "There are too many people here, let\'s go out and shoot."

  Shen also took a group of people out to take pictures.

  Zhou Beicheng had already walked slowly to Meng Yutang\'s table.

   A group of people who were eating suddenly felt a dark shadow.

  Dou Qiaoan looked up first, she still had a small rib in her mouth, and the instant she saw Zhou Beicheng, the rib fell into the bowl.

   There was freshly served soup in the bowl, Meng Yutang sat beside her, and the soup splashed out onto her face.

  Dou Qiaoan was picked up and thrown out of the seat the next moment.

  ? ? ?

   Turning around, Zhou Beicheng was already sitting in her seat, and quickly wiped off the soup splashed on Meng Yutang\'s face with his hand.

   "Is it hot? Does it hurt?"

  As he asked, he raised his hand to touch her soup bowl, but luckily it was still lukewarm.

  But it\'s still frightening.

  Several people looked at him like a dementia.

  Only Meng Yutang accepted his arrival most calmly.

   "It doesn\'t hurt."

  Zhou Beicheng breathed a sigh of relief.

  Calm down Just looking at her makes my heart beat faster, and I can\'t calm down anymore.

  Suddenly remembered that he hadn\'t told her yet, and Mo had to confirm the relationship first when he heard about it.

  But what if she is shy and overwhelmed by so many people now?

  Forget it, find another chance.

  In fact, it was he himself who didn\'t know what to say when his heart beat faster.

  He raised his hand to wipe off the splashed soup on her body, without hesitation.

  Looking at her gentle opening at last: "Eat well, go back and wait for my message."

   Meng Yutang nodded.

  Zhou Beicheng got up and left.

  Dou Qiaoan stood there dumbfounded throughout the whole process.

   When she sat back weakly, Meng Yutang directly stuffed a small row into her mouth.

  The words she wanted to ask just got stuck in her throat.


   A group of people were looking around when Zhou Beicheng came out.

  The outside of the restaurant is glass-transparent. They were originally curious about who Zhou Beicheng went to see, but they only saw him the whole time. Meng Yutang was sitting in the inner seat, and many things were blocked and they couldn\'t see clearly.

   Boss Meng was more excited after drinking some wine all night, and felt that Zhou Beicheng was not as unkind and scary as the rumors said, he felt that they were already familiar with each other.

  The wine-red face looked at Zhou Beicheng and asked directly.

   "Who is Mr. Zhou going to see?"

  The people around were so frightened that they immediately shut up.

   Zhou Beicheng doesn\'t like people who gossip.

  But his heart was full, and he wanted to tell the whole world that he wanted to marry her.

  Boss Meng looks really curious.

  He hooked the corners of his lips, and answered seriously: "It\'s my fiancee, I miss her very much after seeing her for a few days."

  A group of people:! !

  Boss Meng\'s mouth opened into an O shape in shock.

  Shen Ye: …

   This is the first cut and then the play!

   Does Tangtang know that she has become your fiancée? !

  But he only dared to slander silently, telling him that he was afraid of losing his life.

  (end of this chapter)