Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 376: he's still young

Chapter 376 He is still young

   Meng Ling struggled to push the person away.

   Wu Mo had a question mark on his face.

   "I\'m not your sister! You\'re wrong!"

   Wu Mo turned his head to look around, and there were no suspicious people around.

  She turned her head to look at Xia Tian and Yun Xu.

   The two girls were watched by her, and suddenly they all took a step back.

   Don\'t, don\'t come here!


   Now she sees who is jumping at whom, but she has never fixed her eyes on Meng Yutang.

   Probably subconsciously, Meng Yutang\'s aura kept her from getting close, and she couldn\'t see her face and couldn\'t judge her emotions, so she started to stay away from her subconsciously.

  Meng Yutang couldn\'t help but wanted to help his forehead, afraid of scaring Xia Tian and Yun Xu, he gritted his teeth slightly and said, "Dou Qiaoan!"

  Wu Mo, who was about to rush over, was startled.

kindness? Hmmmm? !

   KNOW MY NAME! who is it!

  She turned her head and finally looked in Meng Yutang\'s direction seriously this time.

  She has never been to Fengcheng, and no one will know her here. Only M who can find out her name in this place can do it!



  Meng Yutang threw back her helmet, raised her hand and pushed the brim of the hat.

"it\'s me."

   Wu Mo rushed over with a groan, and she threw away the helmet casually.

  She rushed over suddenly, Meng Yutang\'s hand was still touching the brim of the hat, when she rushed over to touch it, the hat fell off and fell to the ground.

  A face was instantly exposed to the air.

  Yi Jingnan just faced her like this, the moment her hat slipped off to reveal her face, Yi Jingnan couldn\'t help opening her eyes wide, as if she was suffocating her breath.

how come…

  Wu Mo hugged Meng Yutang happily and circled around, unable to complete his words: "Ahhh! Sisters! They are really sisters! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

  Meng Yutang couldn\'t help chuckling.

   "All right."

   Wu Mo immediately stopped obediently, and then let go of her.

  Looking at the big eyes and delicate face of the girl in front of him, Wu Mo felt that if he killed himself walking on the street, he would not believe that the girl who was as beautiful as a doll in front of him would be the frightening M!

  Ahhhhh! This world is too exciting!

   "Are you going to eat?"

  They are already familiar with each other, but they just haven\'t met each other. After a while, they will become more familiar when they meet their faces.

   Wu Mo is not a polite person, so he nodded in a hurry.

"Go! Go! Go."

   She must stick to her side.

  Meng Yutang nodded and turned to look at Yi Jingnan: "I don\'t mind having one more person."

  Yi Jingnan looked at her face in a daze, unable to recover, the shock in his heart was indescribable.

  He was a little unacceptable.

   Meng Ling looked at his brother in a strange way.

   "It\'s okay, together, my sister\'s friends are my friends."

  He first spoke for Yi Jingnan.

  Wu Mo looked at the handsome little boy and couldn\'t help but smile and came up and blocked his neck.

   "This is your younger brother. Don\'t say it, he\'s quite clever. The key is to look good."

  Meng Ling is still holding Meng Yutang\'s hat.

  Caught off guard, he was grabbed by the neck and bent over to match Wu Mo\'s height.

  Meng Yutang raised his hand to take the hat and glanced at her.

   "He\'s still young, don\'t do it."

  If she can find out Wu Mo\'s true identity, she can find out Wu Mo\'s affairs.

  Although I didn\'t check it deliberately, I took a look at it by the way.

  This elder sister can have three boyfriends at the same time and still keep her body free to come and go. Meng Ling is hardly an opponent. She just hooks her hands and she is probably hooked.

  Meng Yutang simply gave her a blow in the head, it doesn\'t matter who you are if this face control goes crazy.

  (end of this chapter)