Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 242: go together

Chapter 242 Go Together

   I didn\'t know what to say, and finally Mr. Zhao came in alone.

   "Hey! What\'s the matter with you, Old Zhao, you won\'t really punish Tangtang!"

   "Yes, yes, you are willing to give her a little girl! If you want to punish, punish me, I have rough skin and thick flesh!"

   "Me too, me too!"


   "Okay you guys! Why are you still messing around like this now! If you can solve the problem, solve the problem and invite the teacher back first. You don\'t want to take this class, do you? You can\'t take the university exam!"

   Teacher Zhao also lost his temper, and the excited children also calmed down.

   "Then, where did Tangtang go?"

   "She went to see Teacher Li, and she said that the incident happened because of her, so she went to apologize. It seems that she didn\'t want to drag you down so that you couldn\'t attend class."

   "How can it be done! It was only after we quarreled and went out that this happened! What does it have to do with her! The apology is also for us to go together!"

   "Yes, yes, let\'s go together!"

   After speaking, they all stood up.

Teacher Zhao didn\'t stop him either. He probably understood what was going on. Although Meng Yutang kept taking the responsibility on himself, he knew what kind of people the children in his class were, and he also knew what kind of teacher Li was. people.


  Ms. Li stayed in the office and waited without leaving, drinking tea leisurely.

   After so many years, there really isn\'t a student she can\'t cure.

  The rest of the teachers did not leave even if they were correcting their homework.

   It was too boring and quiet, so we started chatting.

   "Hey, Teacher Li, why did you come back halfway through class today?"

   "Yeah, what\'s the matter? Those kids are having trouble with you again?"

   "Hey, children, it\'s the rebellious period again, young and energetic, don\'t get angry with them."

   "Yes, yes, yes, if you get angry with them, you will die of anger sooner or later. Look at the group of children in our class, and you can\'t wait to get angry and leave the teacher every day so that you don\'t have to go to class."

   "That\'s right, the child is still not at the point of being nervous. He always feels that there is still time. In fact, it\'s only been a few days."

   "Just wait, they are the ones who panic in the end."

   "Yes, hey, by the way, Mr. Li, all the children in your class have good grades. Are you sure how many children Nanqing can go to?"

   They looked at Mr. Li as they spoke.

  Mr. Li pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, took a sip of tea before looking up, with a slightly smug smile on his lips.

   "The children in our class are all obedient. Nanqing has always been their goal. As for how many can get in the exam, it depends on their own efforts, but there are always five."

  After she said this, all the teachers fell silent for a while.

  She said it as if she was playing, and it\'s not like they don\'t know how difficult the Nanqing exam is.

  It is not bad to get five in the whole third year of high school.


   "That\'s what Teacher Li can teach. The children in our classes are all in trouble. They can only work harder."

   "Oh, yes, I heard what happened to the No. 1 Jin Shuyan in Class 9 today. He was taken away by the police? What happened? That kid\'s grades are pretty good, maybe he can pass the exam."

   "I don\'t know, she usually looks quite obedient. I hope it won\'t seriously affect the college entrance examination."

"Heh~ Maybe it was framed by someone. Can a child fight against a group? She is the only one in their class who can take a look. The rest don\'t know who to learn from. The good ones open their mouths instead of learning the bad ones." Just come, I don\'t know how my parents taught me.

  I see a bunch of social scum coming out of their class sooner or later! "

  As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the office was suddenly opened vigorously, and there was a loud bang.

  【This article is serialized in Yunqi Academy, and the mobile APP can be read and watched from QQ. You can search for the pen name Tang Zhou or the book title "Mr. Zhou\'s Little Cutie" to see it. Please support the genuine reading~Thank you~]

   Ask for a recommendation ticket~ Meme~



  (end of this chapter)